Chapter 5

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"For once in my life, I want to be selfish."


Season 2 Episode 20

"The Last Day"

Holly Salvatore hated her name.

She wished it was something she could easily change and forget, but even such a small thing left such a deep scar etched on her skin. One filled with dark and painful memories she wished to keep locked away but all they seemed to do was surface at times they were not appreciated.

Holly was the name her father had given her.

With so much thought and care, as her mother had told her when she had taken another beating from her oh so loving father's hand.

Mother would always comfort her in such a way, saying how the beating was for her own good and that she needed to keep her mouth tightly sealed at times when she wasn't asked nor being spoken to.

Holly was known to be a troublemaker, she always spoke her mind without a care for the consequences. The men of that age did not like her fire and spite, seeing that she was pushing against the barriers that they had made for their wives and daughters, which would eventually cause a riot and how were they to control them if a little girl no older than thirteen summers was challenging their authority.

They had to prove they were the alpha males.

They were the leaders, they were to be obeyed and would not tolerate disobedience. And Holly suffered the consequences of her so called mistakes. But even to this day, she does not regret a single word she had thrown in their face.

Holly wanted to remain pure for marriage.

But even that was taken away from her at a young age.

Holly Salvatore still came back, every single time. She could run as far as she'd like, but the door of her home haunted her dreams at night.

Even so, she still pushed it open and entered the utterly cold house. Holly let a breath fall from her parted lips as she could hear Stefan, Elena and Elijah in the library talking. The girl had already decided that no matter what happens, she would never betray her family.

Even though it had poisoned her to a fault.

Throwing the door open, Holly caused their gazes to move to her arriving form. Stefan and Elena rose from their seats as they took in the bags under her eyes and the tired spark in her eye. "Holly,"Elena breathed out first, as the girl sent her a small smile in return.

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