Angel gets sick

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A/n: hope you guys enjoy

You woke up hearing someone cough getting up and out of the room going to the room next to yours unlocking the door with your key opening the door "Uncle angel? Are you okay?" Your uncle coughed nodding "I'm fine, it's just a little cold" you heard his phone ring looking at it handing it over to your uncle "Here uncle angel I'll go ask someone to make some soup" you walked out of the room knocking on a door with the name 'charlie' to see if she's awake the door opened with a demon with an X on her eye "Yeah what is it?" You looked at her getting confused replying "My uncle is sick and I was wondering if you know how to make soup" you both stood there she sighed muttering spanish "sure come on" she walked you to the kitchen sitting you on a chair "Now stay there" you nodded sitting there rocking your legs on the chair she asked you a question "So what's a kid doing in hell? And why did you call someone uncle?" You yawned replying as she was stirring vegetables and meat "Cause I was adopted by my dads and Uncle Angel is my uncle" she looked at you "oh, I guess that answers my question then alright the soups ready let's go take to Angel" she got you off the chair while carrying a bowl making sure you don't run ahead you just walked next to her "so what's your name? I never seen you before" she raised an eyebrow smiling "Vaggie or Vagetha and you don't see me is because I'm busy" once you both got to your uncle's room you opened the door while he was walking from the bathroom you helped him to his bed "here uncle Angel" he smiled laying down "aww thanks N/n" he ruffled your hair slightly you heard his phone ring again looking at it again reading the name 'boss' you looked at your uncle answering for him "Hello? Who's this?" The unfamiliar voice replied "who the hell is this? Where is that Angel dust?" You replied copying the words he said "Well he's sick as Hell and He needs his fucking rest" before he can tell you off you hung up on him climbing onto your uncles bed he ruffled your hair again pretty much proud of you "I see you stood your ground like I taught you" you nodded smiling and felt something jump onto his bed and oink looking at the foot of his bed seeing a pig "aww piggy" angel smiled nodding "yep Y/n meet Fat nuggets, Fat Nuggets meet Y/n" the pig oinked sniffing you and rubbed his head on your hand "aww he likes you" you petted the pig smiling "aww fat nuggets" you noticed the woman left the room maybe to get more sleep since you woke her up, angel looked at you "so who was calling?" You shrugged "it spelled B-O-S-S I can't read yet" his face went pale mentally freaking out "N/n when that guy is around stay in your room or at home" you didn't understand why he was telling you this "uncle angel is he a bad man?" He nodded. You hugged him "is that why Alastor said you always come back sad, hurt or having bruises?" Angel nodded rubbing your back "I'll have to talk to Alastor about explaining things to kids" you smiled nodding with a yawn falling asleep he smiled going back to sleep you both slept until you felt a slight shake on your shoulder you yawned waking up looking up "Hi daddy, Hi papa" you rubbed your eyes they smiled "Hey kiddo you ready to head home?" You nodded still tired arackniss picked you up looking at your uncle "get well soon Anthony" sir pentious nodded slithering next to arackniss as he carried a sleepy you "what was she doing in Anthony's room anyway?" Sir pentious shrugged "nightmares maybe or wanted to keep your brother company" you hugged your dad "daddy why does uncle work for a bad man?" Your father looked at your other father trying to think of something "well um I'm not sure we know you worry for your uncle I worry about him too. Now let's you home" as the three of you got out of the hotel you clung onto your dad he smiled "Hey Pen when we get home wanna get coffee" he nodded "sure nissy" you fell asleep while your dad carried you.

Hope you all enjoyed. Have a nice day or night.

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