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Sir pentious found a note on his door step looking at it "School Registrations in the human world??" His hood flared up and slithered into the kitchen you looked at him while eating a plate of (F/F) "Dad you okay? Haven't seen your hood up since the time I had a doctor's appointment" he turned around showing you the school registration "I found this on our door step it says here that dorms will be provided and roommates will be assigned to and and" you looked at the paper still eating then looked at your father who seemed distressed and had his sad eyes "Dad I'll be fine plus I need to learn on how to care for myself plus the school system down here is kinda weird." Your father sat in a chair next to you taking his hat off sighing "You sure Y/n? You know we gotta talk to your father about the school he worries about you too" you sighed leaning on your chair "But dad" you and your father heard the door open "I'm home" your father walked "Hey Pen, N/n. Where's the other 6?" You shrugged "probably at work," Arackniss looked at the table picking up the piece of paper "School registrations? Y/n you sure about going to school? Humans don't really like us demons kiddo" you sighed looking at your hands "But dad I'm human and I love you guys because you're my parents" they smiled and sighed getting up "Alright but we're talking about this alone" you nodded getting up from your chair putting your plate and fork in the sink "Love you dads" you walked up to your room.

Mean while

Arackniss stood next to your father "alright pen remember when we talked about Y/n's education well this is the time, the schools here are the worst well the history part is fine but math and others are the worst. Now as parents we do what's best for our family" your father nodded while listening "But nissy what if she gets bullied? We can sent one or two of our hellhounds to the human world with Y/n for safe measures" your other father facepalmed "Pen, y/n needs to defend herself what do you think Anthony has been teaching her as a child she's a hell of a fighter" both your fathers talked for a couple hours trying to figure out and heard a knock they sighed "Pen I'll get it, probably Anthony" he opened the door with the peacock demon standing there "Hey Mr.Arackniss um did you get a school registration too? And if you did then uh well I'll keep your daughter safe even if she fights I'll defend her still" Arackniss made a thinking motion sighing "Alright Sheldon, but remember she's a natural fighter like me. Don't let her get pushed around" he nodded shaking his hand "Yes Sir you got it" your father looked around "Just come in I got questions for you" Sheldon nodded walking in as the door shut with your father sitting on a chair "Have a Seat." he pointed to the couch Sheldon quickly took a seat "Yes sir" he held his hand up "ah no 'sirs' in this household. Does your dad hurt you?" Sheldon stiffened up avoiding eye contact "No what made you think that? He wouldn't do that" your father obviously knows that lie "Stop lying I know what you're going through. My father is the same. Sure I'm a hitman but I'm a father too. So if you want out of there just leave his grasp and stay elsewhere." Sheldon nodded relaxing a bit "okay so is Y/n going to the same school as me?" Your fathers finally nodded agreeing "Yes she will attend the same school as you" Sheldon smiled shaking both your fathers hands "I will do my best on protecting your daughter, but may she go on a walk with me?" Both your fathers nodded "Of course make sure your father doesn't see her" they agreed.


You and Sheldon walked around talking "Say Y/n what's your favorite flower?" You shrugged "Well I guess (F/Flower) why do you ask?" Sheldon blushed grabbing a flower "Cause I wanted to give you a flower" you took the flower admiring it smiling you heard a familiar voice looking up "Hey it's my uncle Angel and who is that?" Sheldon froze and quickly grabbed your hand running into an alleyway "Shit Shit shit my Dad. Did you think he saw us?" you peeked out from the allyway "You mean the moth Demon that's...hurting my uncle?" Your hands formed into fists and walked to your uncles location yelling "Hey!" The Moth demon looked at you while he held your uncle's jacket "What the hell do you want?" Your uncle looked at you while looking afraid. You looked at the moth demon punching him knocking the glasses off of him "That's for my uncle and this is for a friend of mine" you kicked his knee making him yell your uncle looked taking the chance grabbing you and Sheldon running "Y/N are you crazy?? You could've gotten hurt or worse! But I'm proud of ya!" You smiled at him "Thanks uncle Angel you taught me well" he took you and Sheldon to the hotel he breathed heavily letting go of your hands "Now Y/n I'll call your fathers and Sheldon since I knew ya since you were a toddler I won't tell Val you're here we'll need to lay low for awhile" You sighed heading to Husk "hey uncle husk" he nodded once while cleaning a cup "so what went on that your uncle looks like that?" Angel walked over covering his eye "One word: Valentino" you nodded while Sheldon looked around "I heard the radio demon stays here is it safe?" You knew he talking about Alastor "You mean uncle Al? He's harmless once you get to know him" Sheldon sat down next to you while husk served some strong drinks "go ahead and drink em it'll be all our secrets" you drank the alcoholic beverage setting the cup down sighing "Thanks uncle husk"

19 minutes later

You slept on the couch in the lobby while everyone else stayed in their room Alastor stayed up to check on you getting a blanket "This should be warm enough for her" he put the blanket over you walking away "good night" he walked away heading to his room humming a tune while looking at his shadow smiling.

Hope you all enjoy the page!

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