big Sister & Baby Brothers

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Aranea hung out with her boyfriend in the human world drinking shakes "Say Ivan? Do you think me and my brother will get along?" He looked at her then smiled "I'm sure you two will get along very well" she smiled at him "Thanks Ivan that means a lot" after that she got a text from you "Oh Crap, hey Ivan we'll hang out at your place my mother needs me" she opened a portal and ran through changing into her demon form "Mom, Mom I'm here" she ran to your room and saw you death griping Monty's shirt " I'm doing!" He gulped nodding Vinny tried calming you down "alright I called Dr.Della she'll be here in a few" you breathed heavily calming down, "okay," Aranea slithered towards you "Hi mom hope you're doing okay, I came as fast as I could" you smiled at your daughter hugging here "Thanks Sweet pea" Monty smiled patting your hand "well she's calm now" he sighed in relief after a few minutes Dr.Della walked into your room carrying things she needed "I'm here, how are you feeling Ms.Pentious" you gripped Monty's hand tightly he winced in pain "ow ow lass please loosen up on the grip" you let go of his hand looking at it "oh sorry, the pain is just intense. They said a second child is easier well kinda is but not Now!" Della looked at your condition and grabbed a couple gloves and scissors "Alright Ms.Pentious I'm gonna take a look and see how the baby is doing" she looked then nodded "yup an impatient boy you got here now Mr.Vinny to get the warm water, Aranea get the towels"

After a solid 7 hours

Dr.Della looked over your babies smiling "Congratulations you have healthy twin boys our ultrasound must've misread you" Monty looked then fainted "twins" Vinny looked at Monty and sighed looking at the twins "Aww they look cute" smiling slightly. Aranea held one of her brothers smiling "he's so tiny and boy he looks just like you Mom" you held the other boy smiling "Well who wants to hear the Names?" Monty came to sitting up "uh what names have you picked lass?" you looked at the boy you're holding smiling "I'll name this little man Vince." Aranea smiled slithering towards you "the Name suits him, what about this little man?" You looked at him "Simple, Hickory" Monty smiled looking at the boys "great names so do they count as hell born or humans?" you shrugged smiling Dr.Della cleared her throat "well Ms.Pentious I need to you to sign a couple birth certificates so if the biological father wasn't present during the whole pregnancy you can sign it without the" Monty and Vinny cut her off "wait! we both were present the whole Pregnancy, don't we count?" Dr.Della nodded smiling "Of course it does now sign one and Ms.Pentious will sign the two" Aranea looked while holding her brothers.

Moments later (cause I'm lazy)

"Penn, we need to be quiet the baby might be asleep" your father opened the door to your room "N/n you okay? How did it go?" Arackniss looked in his eyes widened walking up to you "twins?  Did you already name them if so what are their names?" You look at your boys smiling "Vince and Hickory," sir pentious looked at the boys and commented "They look like you and not their father," arackniss looked and nodded "He's right, alright N/n no more dating cause SOME men aren't family men" he looked at Monty who gulped and gave a nervous wave "okay I deserved that one but I'm making some effort for my Daughter spending time with her and teaching her to fight" you smiled at him raising an eyebrow "yep not to mention Aranea forgave about the ahem party needs" Vinny blushed in embarrassment "Oh come on that was a one time thing" Aranea snickered patting Vinny's back "sorry Step spider dad"

and one chapter done sorry if it's short 😅😅

Two Demons and a Human childWhere stories live. Discover now