8 Months Later

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You sat on the couch in the doctor's office reading a magazine "Oh they look nice, right little one?" smiling receiving a tail smack you sighed "only a month to go you know? Maybe we can get grandpas to have a gender reveal party at the hotel huh?" you heard your name being called "Y/n Pentious, Dr.Della is ready to see you" you nodded getting up walking to the office smiling waving to the doctor "Hi Dr.Della, how are you doing?" you sat down as she shrugged "Oh I'm doing fine now we're gonna do an ultrasound to check on the baby and would you like the baby's gender or want a surprise?" you thought about it and smile "The baby's gender please? and uh can you put it in a envelop? I want to surprise my family" she nodded smiling "of course ms.pentious now uh I know this is sudden but will the father be involved in the child's life?" you looked at the ground sighing "No he wasn't present throughout this entire pregnancy." she nodded writing everything down and asked a couple questions "Well I had those weird cravings my fathers help me out and I never realized that I needed to sleep on my back and sides" she nodded putting the clipboard down "Okay let's get this ultrasound done" you squealed as the cold jelly touched your stomach she applied pressure onto your stomach looking at the screen "your baby is looking healthy and it is a girl I'll print out the ultrasound and put it in a envelop" you nodded looking at your stomach smiling "you sweet girl, wait until grandpas see your lovely gender" you got up waving bye as the doctor handed you the envelope "Thanks Dr.Della" you left the doctor's office and went straight home "alright kiddo we're gonna need pink and purple food coloring and cake mix, tail smack me twice if you like the idea or tail smack me once for pink and yellow food coloring for your cake" you received the one tail smack sighing "pink and yellow it is." you grabbed your wallet then left to the store you walked for a few minutes finally reaching the store "finally made it" you grabbed a basket looking for some cake mix and food coloring "hmm let's see" you grabbed some cake mix and found the food coloring "okay now we need a box" you looked at the materials then bumped into someone "oh shit I am so sorry I wasn't paying attention" a familiar voice was heard "No I'm sorry I didn't hear ya' coming and I wa- Lass?" you both stared at each other for a while you snapped out of it and walked away fast "let's just pay for the stuff and leave" you walked up to the counter as a teen tv demon rang you up "plastic or paper or both?" you shrugged picking paper and paying for them "Keep the change" you grabbed the bag and left walking in the direction of the hotel "almost there" you heard Monty call for you "Lass wait!" you sped up on your walking "Lass wait please! Y/n!" you stopped in place looking back at him "what do you want Montgomery?" you put a hand on your stomach he slithered up to you "listen I'm sorry alright, I didn't mean to send that Audio message, I never wanted to leave you or hurt you. I- hang on why is your hand on your stomach?" you frowned looking away from him "you're gonna end up finding out soon." You showed him the ultrasound picture his eyes widened looking up at you "I'm gonna be a father? Why didn't you say anything?" you still looked at the ground not sure on what to say to him "I only found out when I was seeing a human doctor 7 months ago" he looked at your stomach hesitant to ask "Um may I?" you shrugged allowing him but all he receive was a tail smack on the hand "whoa strong one huh?" you nodded smiling at your stomach "Strong as her mother" he smiled then looked around fast "I'll escort you to the hotel, will it be okay if I see her every now and then? Visit her maybe?" you nodded as he slithered next to you carrying the bag for you "look again I'm sorry, maybe we can go visit my mother and tell her or send a letter" you raised an eyebrow shrugging not sure to trust him again "I'm kinda having trouble trusting you after what you've pulled 7 months ago" he nodded understanding "I know and I'm sorry for that though your father packed a punch Shite" you nodded smiling a bit then laughed "You're the one who taught him to fight" he laughed agreeing "ah I know I did but shite I need to remind myself to never make penny mad" you punched his arm making a unamused face "yeah I know you pack a punch too shite I need to remind myself to never make you both mad. Arackniss is still mad about 7 months ago too huh?" You raised an eyebrow at him "well what do you think?" he gulped and continued to slither next to you "I guess you remembered my mother's words huh?" you nodded looking in the direction of the hotel.

After arriving to the hotel

Charlie and vaggie helped you whenever they can mostly with the cake and decorating it you sat down clearly tired Monty decided to help out just to make it up to you "you want anything to drink?" you nodded and was about to say the drink but your uncle angel already got it for you "Here N/n some Tea just the way you like it" he used his extra arms to fluff your pillow "stay off your feet for awhile" you nodded while Monty sighed tapping his claws "uh want anything to uh eat, if so then uh what?" you told him the items you were craving for "And don't forget the apples and berries" he nodded and slithered to the kitchen to look for the apples and berries you asked for but ran into your uncle getting the apples and berries "Angel I'm trying to get on Y/n's good side so I'll give her the apples and berries" your uncle raised an eyebrow smiling "well you want these fruits you're gonna have to go through me" while in the lobby Alastor was keeping you company and suggesting songs for your baby "Oh maybe they'll be interested in all our favorite music except angel's not sure if he has a wholesome side for songs" you rubbed your stomach shrugging "I don't know Al, Uncle Anthony does have one wholesome song from the 40s the 'when you wish upon a star' that one is my favorite" Alastor sat there confused perking his ears down you heard a thud and grunting you tried to get up but yelped sitting back down Alastor sighed helping you up "there you go dear, now I will go see what that was so you don't get stressed, stress is never good for the baby" you nodded smiling walking up to Nifty and husk "Hey Nifty, Husk? You two excited about this gender reveal?" Husk shrugged not caring chugging on his booze "Listen kid, gender reveals are pointless if it's a boy big woof if it's a girl death threats to all the boys who look at her." Nifty on the other hand was excited "I can't wait to know what the baby's gender!" you smiled and went to check on vaggie and Charlie "hey aunt Charlie? Aunt Vaggie is the cake almost ready?" You saw the mess on the counter and floor grabbing a mop and bucket full of soap and water "Must clean before party" you started cleaning left and right getting the cake mix and the food coloring stains out of the floor grunting while the two tried to get the mop away from you "Hun you're 8 months pregnant you shouldn't be cleaning intensely" you gave them a glare making them back up "oh shit" you went back to cleaning "There all finished" Alastor walked in noticing the wet floor and stopped "Uh dear weren't you supposed to be resting and not cleaning" you shrugged sitting down "Okay I'm gonna go rest for now" you heard a commotion in the kitchen checking to see what the noise is you looked in standing there as your uncle and Monty was covered in smashed berries they looked at you smiling nervously "Uh heey Y/n we were uhh" you tried to reach for your sandal but couldn't "Dammit hey uh Alastor can you grab my spare sandals I left in my room?" You heard Alastor up the stairs heading to your room "Okay I'm coming back with your sandals" he walked back with your sandals "dear why do you need your sandals?" you pointed raising an eyebrow he looked at the mess slowly handing you the sandals "Um good luck fellows!" he ran while you held a sandal they gulped and ran/slithered fast apologizing over and over "Get back over here!" you threw the sandal hitting Monty in the back of the head he stiffened up falling over "Angel go. go one without I'm done for boyo" your uncle ran back sliding next to him "No I'm not leaving ya' we'll get through this" you snickered at the sight as Monty played dead, your uncle held him yelling dramatically "Why!" he then dropped monty "eh whatever" you let out a laugh "I'm sorry but you guys just made my day ah, okay I won't use the sandal on you two" both of them sighed in relief getting up.

A couple hours later

You sat on a chair balancing some paper cups on your stomach "20...21...22..23! Yes new record!" Charlie and Vaggie came into the lobby with the cake you asked them to bake for you "Alright everyone this cake is done and decorated" your fathers showed up after Charlie said that "sorry we're late we were getting cookies for the occasion" you waved hi and got up "Well at least you guys showed up that's all that matters" Charlie handed you a dull knife "here for you to cut the cake" you thanked her then started to cut the cake in squares everyone leaned in waiting to see the color you pulled out a piece showing the color pink "It's a girl" Monty smiled but your fathers got protective over you "Sorry Monty but as fathers you might need to give her space" you just stood there as they were acting like security guards Monty puts his hands up for defense "I know she already threw a shoe at me it still hurts"  you snickered remembering that.

Another day another chapter finished next is Monty's- wait what? *distant whisper* I'm making a complete what of myself? *whispers jackass* the most embarrassing thing you've ever seen? *whispers* and now it's worse because I'm repeating everything into the studio microphone?

The crew staff: *facepalming and makes the keep rolling motion* 😑😒

You noticed a stranger mainly female slither by looking around for something she might've lost "hey who's that?"

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