Lake Vacation

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"alright nissy you got your wallet, bag, phone and most of all snacks" arackniss looked at the items and nodded smiling a bit "yes penn got everything, do you?" he looked too nodding while smiling "Why would I forget nissy?" your dad named times where he forgot his things "and the time you lost your Voxco membership card, we both know how that went" sir pentious laughed nervously scratching the back of his head while you stood in their doorway looking at a different direction "Um dads? You two ready? I already packed some of my things already plus I'm looking forward to our trip and Monty went to his house" they nodded grabbing their things and walked/slithered out with you following them "so which vehicle are we taking?" they did not think about that "Uh penn which one are we taking the air ship or my car?" Your father looked at the choices "oh to hell with it we're taking my ship" you nodded walking to your dad's ship "this vacation is gonna be fun!" they agreed following as you walked onto the craft heading straight to a seat "I got this seat" your father smiled shaking his head "N/n you know you can walk around the ship during take off" you made a straight face not actually knowing that.

10 hours later

You looked out the window taking in the view "Wow never seen this part of hell before it's nice" your father shrugged still driving then looked at the sky "it's getting dark, we'll be at the lake early if we get up in the morning Y/n your room is two doors down" you nodded walking to the room opening the door "Wow this room looks nice," heading to the bed sitting on it "so comfy" you yawned stretching falling asleep. Your fathers stayed up a bit talking and drinking "so Penn what do you want to do? Since Y/n is asleep" your dad shrugged moving his wine glass around "well we could do the 'thing' you like so much" your father blushed at his remarks "Penn you know we gotta be quiet on this one we aren't at home," meanwhile you opened one eye hearing everything "Oh for fucks sakes why? it's 11 o'clock at night" groaning putting your head under the pillow to try to drown out the noise then decided to play your music loud enough to not hear them "Ah finally" then you jumped after hearing your phone ring "Hello? Oh hey Monty, how's is going?" you stared at your door getting annoyed with your dads and their 'fun times' while continuing the conversation "Yeah sorry I sound annoyed my dads are having one of their fun times anyway I'll see ya in a week Monty" you both hung up then you played your music again.

10 in the morning

You yawned walking out of the room and straight into a room to look out the window "Oh wow look at that far away view of the lake" you looked for your fathers then sighed going to look for them "Dad? Father? Where are you two? We're almost at the lake" you heard some snoring heading to the location knocking on the door "Dad? You awake?" you heard a thud then your fathers scrambling to get on their feet/Tail "Hang on! Y/n don't open the door!" you rolled your eyes heading back to the room you were in two minutes ago "back to the window room then" the door opened with your spider dad trying to get his shoes on and fixing his bow tie "hey N/n sleep well?" you raised an eyebrow "Is that a serious question? So you two done with your little fun time for today?" he had a blush across his face "Uh uhh oh look at that view nice huh?" You nodded smiling looking out the window while your snake dad tried to get his coat and hat on in the background "Nissy who woke up first?" you raised your hand "I woke up first dad," he slithered over yawning "I feel like the sheets are stuck to my back" you looked behind him then held in a laugh "Uh dad? You have a sheet stuck on your back what on earth happened to you two last night?" They scratched the back of their heads "Uh well um we had uh" you smiled finishing their sentence for them "Had Sex?" they both got flustered then groaned while you shrugged "Dads I'm already a teen so I know you guys had sex," you mumbled something else your dads heard that then facepalmed "Y/n we're having a talk when we get home"

At the lake

You walked around the lake standing in the water sighing "Oh this feels nice on my feet" your fathers kept look out making sure no one else was around while you swam around the lake enjoying the nice weather you heard a twig snap curious you swam over to where the sound came from getting out of the lake looking around "Hello? Who's there?" you looked into the forest trying to see signs of movement shrugging after finding none heading back to your fathers as you got out of the water they quickly handed you a towel "here N/n. Penn said he saw a couple of perverts staring at you, keep yourself covered, no daughter of mine is gonna deal with perverts out here" you sighed wrapping yourself in the towel then sat on a bench table looking at your phone texting monty "this trip has gotten crazy" you waited for a reply getting a notification 'What happened lass?' You smiled texting him back "Dad told me there were perverts out here so I'm wearing a towel at the moment" he texted back with a flustered emoji 'Lass that was a bit too much information, but stay safe out there' you sent him a smiley face emoji and stopped texting after hearing water splash looking in that direction two heads popped up you yelled "Oh my Lucifer!" you saw them getting up from the water raising an eyebrow smiling "Oh my lucifer" (only camp camp fans would recognize that quote lol) the two men wiped water off themselves you looked at them up and down. Your fathers heard your yell looking at each other running/Slithering back to the campsite in a hurry meanwhile the said perverts were talking with you about the area "Oh and uh sorry for scaring you and your uh cousins?" you laughed at their remarks "It's fine and they're my fathers in a adopted term" they nodded smiling at you while your father shot a warning shot in the air scaring the two away back into the water "Dad! They're not perverts just boys camping out here" he walked up with your dad making sure you're okay "Ragazzo be careful on who you trust never know if they're here to hurt you. We're just trying to keep you safe" you sighed putting a hand on your chin looking at the water while your father continued talking.

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