Relaxation and Arguments

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(This takes 8 months later cause I'm lazy)

"Here have some tea and don't think about that Constantine You're a strong lady who's strong in her own way" you looked at your dad smiling sighing "Thanks dad, but the tiny voice in my head says otherwise" your father sighed hugging you "just don't listen to that tiny voice, you are a strong woman and don't let anyone tell you otherwise" you nodded taking a sip of the tea sighing relaxing as your father got up and left "Now I'll be in town getting the baby clothes" you nodded smiling looking at your stomach "Dammit I'm hungry now. Egg boi 662 can you bring me uhh" you looked at your cravings chart "Ice cream? Mint chip or cookies and cream are good" he nodded heading to the kitchen meanwhile you laid on the couch then got a text from Monty 'hey lass you doing alright after uhh what happened 8 months ago?' You texted back a thumbs up smiling as the egg boi returned with a bowl of ice cream "Thanks 662 you guys have the rest of the day off I have to see Dr.Della in an hour to see how the baby is doing after I finish this bowl of ice cream" you took a couple spoonfuls of ice cream then got full from it (What? That happens to anyone alright?) You texted your fathers letting them know where you'll be then texted Monty and Vinny to go to the doctors with you they texted back a thumbs up.

1 hour later

Monty and Vinny sat in the waiting room reading a magazine "oh hey Vinny look take a look at this" he looked then raised an eyebrow "Hm interesting. So you're not worried that Y/n's Ex might come around?" Monty shook his head "No boyo he emotionally hurt her 8 months ago, plus I want to be in her pregnancy life since I wasn't in it when my daughter was born" Vinny nodded and sat there as Dr.Della walked out reading your papers "Alright you two Miss.Pentious is expecting a boy congratulations um which one of you is the father?" They held their hands up in defense "uh none of us, her ex boyfriend Constantine is the father." Dr.Della made a understanding face "Oh the poor dear, well since you both are here and waiting for Miss.Pentious we have classes for new fathers in case they are with the mother, follow me" they got up and followed Dr.Della as she took them to the classes of swaddling, burping a baby, changing diapers and of course bottle feeding. Monty and Vinny looked around not sure on what to do "Um so what first Della?" She smiled "Simple! Swaddling, then burping, then feeding and then the diaper change" they gulped while a teacher walked in "hello new parents today we're gonna learn how to feed then burp a baby, we have practice baby dolls" Monty looked at the practice doll and gulped picking it up like a normal baby "okay Vinny this is how you pick up and hold a baby" he nodded and paid attention to the class

A few minutes later

You stood by the entrance of the hospital "Where are they? I'm ready to go home" both Monty and Vinny came out of the room talking about the lessons they learned "you looked like a natural with the baby doll" they smiled you sighed smiling walking them back to the portal "come on you two don't make me work" they nodded walking to the portal "yes ma'am," you rubbed your stomach "when we get home I'm gonna rest. Kid's making me tired" They nodded. After returning to hell Monty sat next to you while Vinny made you some tea "So have you two heard from Aranea? She missed over 17 of my calls"  Monty patted your back "she's probably doing Overlord stuff or on her date, she's a teenager, they're rebellious" you looked at the ground sighing "you're probably right, I just miss spending time with her" he rubbed your back "I know lass, I know" vinny came back with a cup of tea sitting next to you "I brought you some raspberry tea" you took the cup taking a sip "thank you Vinny"

12 A.M

Aranea snuck in with her boyfriend "Shh my family's asleep" the lamp turned on they both froze and looked in your direction "Aranea Amare Pentious/Dust where have you been it's past midnight I know you're a Teenage overlord but your father told me there are responsibilities with being an overlord." Aranea rolled her eyes "Mom I'll be fine I'm partially an adult now. I just came here to get my sweatshirt and duffel bag." you got confused "wait where are you going?" Aranea didn't answer and slithered up the stairs "young lady you turn right back around!" her boyfriend watched not wanting to get involved scratching the back of his head while you walked up the stairs "Aranea!" she slammed her door shut slithering down the stairs "bye mom see you around." you stood there sighing then sat down hugging a pillow you thought that habit went away but it didn't. Meanwhile outside Aranea looked in the window seeing you in a state she knew so well "do you think I was a bit too harsh on my mother? What if I'm acting like my father?" Her boyfriend rubbed her back "Hey it's okay I'm sure she'll forget about this evening" he looked to the side 'Right?' she looked at the ground "Shite I'm acting just like my father... We're going back I can't abandon my mother like how my father did with me and her." They walked back opening the door "Momma I'm sorry, I acted like dad I" she cried on your shoulder hugging you saying sorry over and over again. You sighed smiling rubbing her back shushing her comforting her "it's okay, you're okay sweet pea" your fathers walked/Slithered down the stairs "N/n you alright? We heard the doors slamming" you looked at them nodding "Yeah we're fine, Aranea just had a bad day but we talked it out."

And one chapter finished finally

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