Heartbreak and portal (well to the human world)

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You sat on the couch waiting for Monty to comeback looking at the clock sighing starting the movie and ate popcorn alone your father came down looking you watching a movie and eating popcorn alone "Hey N/n, mind if I join you look lonely" he took a seat you offered some popcorn to him he smiled taking some popcorn munching on it "so what movie are you watching Ragazzo?" you shrugged eating popcorn while watching the movie then looked at the clock sighing again "I'm watching the godfather movie series" he looked at the screen "I kinda guessed it. Well it's nearly midnight Penn and I were wondering why you were up so late, anyway you want anything to drink? I'm sure your father won't mind if I stayed up" you nodded thinking of what to drink "Wild pegasus bourbon" he shrugged getting up walking to the kitchen. You heard the door open looking behind you a familiar snake demon slithered through the door your father came back with the bottle of large wild pegasus bourbon "Hey Y/n I found this large bottle in the cabinets you wanna drink this one" you looked at your father smiling "Yeah that one we can share with cups" Monty got confused a bit you looked at Monty using the name your father told you to use when upset with him "Montgomery. Where have you been? I sat here until midnight waiting for you." Your father stood there holding the large bottle then backed away into the kitchen sitting in a chair then heard you yelling getting up fast running to the living room "N/n calm down" he grabbed you and hugged rubbing your back "Ragazzo calm down now what happened?" you didn't answer and left to your room slamming the door shut resulting to your snake dad waking up slithering out of his room and slithered up to your door knocking "N/n? May I come in?" he heard your door open he slithered in heading to your bed to sit while you laid there with a bottle of whiskey "what do you need dad?" You looked at the ground while your father attempted to grab the whiskey away from you "Y/n you don't need to drink, I understand that you're going through something, now tell me what happened that made you slam your door?" you sighed pulled out your phone playing the audio Monty accidentally sent to you while you waited for him earlier your father's hood sprang out and stood up slithering out of your room and looked at you with a smile "Gets some sleep I need to take care of something" you raised and eyebrow then went to sleep

Next day

You walked down the stairs looking at a wrecked living room sighing heading to your dad's workspace looking at some blueprints "portal to the human world? Hm I'm gonna get started on it." you looked at the paper grabbing the items needed getting to work. A few hours later a couple of egg bois saw you working on the project your father wanted to make they looked at each other "Uh miss Boss lady do you need anything?" you didn't take your eyes off the project handing them a piece of paper and a envelop full of money "yes get the items I written down and maybe some Beelzebub deli fries and cheeseburger and don't forget some (F/D) I haven't had it in so long. Now get going" they nodded running while you continued to work taking your goggles off every now and then you muttered while turning a wrench "play with my feelings huh? We'll see who has the last laugh" you held your stomach not feeling well then held your mouth running to the kitchen puking groaning "what the hell? Maybe I didn't eat and got sick from that" you walked to the fridge looking at what to eat "Dad's Salad looks good" you grabbed it getting a fork as you started to eat the egg bois returned with the things you asked for "Thanks, place the Beelzebub deli items in the fridge." they nodded walking to the kitchen to place the items into the fridge you grabbed the hardware items walking back to your project "Call me when it's 3 o'clock" they nodded and went to do their thing. You went back to work on the project taking notes after a few minutes the door opened up your father looked at you "N/n? How long were you working on this?" you took the goggles off since 7 this morning" his eyes were wide "My goodness and you're almost finish with this?" you stretched nodding "yeah dad, can you build the additional project? I made blueprints while working on this" he nodded looking at the blueprints taking a sip of coffee "so uh N/n I heard you running to the kitchen while I was getting dressed, are you okay?" you nodded still working on the machine not taking your eyes off it "so what happened last night?" he made a thinking motion recalling an event then smiled at you sweetly "don't worry about it, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about" you shrugged then went back to work.

2 hours later

"Dad we've done it, I'll test it on this fruit" you turned the portal on tossing the fruit through taking notes "it worked? It worked!" your father smiled proud patting your back "N/n go explore I'll continue working on the additional portal in case you want to come and go as you please" you nodded walking through the portal automatically turning to your human form. You walked around then held your mouth running to a nearby dumpster a couple saw you puking and asked if you were alright unsure you shrugged they looked at each other then suggested "We'll take you to a doctor if that's okay with you we'll drive you" unsure about them you cautiously agreed following them you looked at their car it was a big truck they unlocked the doors opening the doors helping you in the lady sat in back with you to ask where you were from of course you lied on where you were from noticing a cross on her necklace and scooted away slightly. At the Doctor's office you sat on a chair the doctor looked over your paperwork "Alright miss pentious, I'm doctor Richard I hear that you weren't feeling alright, did you eat anything funny that caused you to get sick?" you shook your head he wrote that down nodding "Okay, anything you can remember that results in getting you sick or no?" you sat there uncomfortable shaking your head he nodded writing it down getting up "I'll send Dr.Della in, she'll run further tests with you" you relaxed a bit getting a text from your father reading 'N/n where are you? I'm getting worried' you replied saying you're at the doctor's "a woman Doctor is coming right now can't text now I'll text you back later dad" you sent the message as the doctor came in "Hi miss Pentious, I'm Dr.Della I'll be running tests with you" you nodded looking nervous "now uh did you miss any you know and if so when was your last one?" you sighed looking at the ground "2 months ago, why is there something wrong?" she lightly grabbed your hand taking you to a room "Okay this is where we check to see if everything is okay in your stomach or not. Please lay on this bed here and we'll see what's going on" you nodded laying on the bed feeling nervous shaking a bit then squealed when something cold landed on your stomach she applied a little pressure looking around while staring at the screen "Oh we got something. A heartbeat" you raised an eyebrow looking at the screen too "Is that my heartbeat?" she shook her head "Nope, that's a baby's heart beat, huh you must've not noticed. Anyway come in for a check up in 2 weeks," she wrote on a piece of paper handing it to you "uh okay thanks Dr.Della, see you in 2 weeks." You walked out looking at the time. The same couple checked up on you asking how you were doing "I'm fine I gotta head home my father's are gonna worry if I'm not home in time for dinner" you waved bye to them walking back to the last place where the portal was walking through "Dad, Father we're home" they got confused on what you meant asking what you meant. You showed them the doctor's note "Daily 2 week check up Dr.Della" they looked at you still confused "Uh N/n what happened at this human doctor's office?" You sighed telling them straight up they looked at each other wide eyed "what? When did this happen?" you shrugged explaining what happened at the Hazbin hotel your snake dad's hood sprang up "N/n stay here with your father I need to have a little chat with Montgomery" you walked to the couch and sat down your father joined rubbing your back sighing "hey N/n I'm gonna go hide all the alcohol and I mean all of them even the ones in your room" you nodded understanding your snake dad returned slithering "Y/n, if you want to stay in the human world for awhile you have my permission just don't forget to visit us" you nodded smiling a bit "Thanks Dad" you headed up to your room to rest hugging a pillow sighing looking at the whiskey then turned away from it "this is gonna be hard" you heard a knock on your door "Come in." your father walked in with a box "I came to collect the whiskey and to give you that additional portal Bracelet" you nodded as he placed the bracelet on your night stand and placed each whiskey you hid in your room into a box he slithered up to you giving you a kiss on the forehead "Sleep well N/n" you nodded smiling falling asleep.

Meanwhile with your fathers

Sir pentious slithered down the stairs while Arackniss cleaned up the mess from the night of a fight "I still can't believe Monty did that to her. Y/n deserves better, I know heartbreak is normal to humans and demons but when it comes to our daughter it's different" sir pentious agreed and started helping with the cleaning then fixing some things that got broke in a fight "So Nissy what are we gonna do after Y/n is gone? School and bars are one thing but leaving home for month is different" Arackniss nodded agreeing still cleaning "yeah but she's getting to that age to where she's able to move out" he nodded then sat down on the couch sir pentious joined him sitting on the couch talking for a couple hours.

Another chapter done
Hope you all enjoy now I know most of you would be confused. Well you know in the parent scenarios the demon somehow gets another pregnant? Same thing goes on in this story. Had to be clear on that

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