-13- new friends

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The Lesson is finally done I didn't even payed any attention, no wonder most of the lesson was just sadies screaming at the boys.
Anyways my next lesson is pe *sarcastically saying* yayyyy.
I just got up and walked towards the exit while walked out the same light brown headed boy tapped my shoulder and spoke up „Hey, so you're the new student"
No I'm the caretaker, what kind of question is this anyway.
„Yeah ig im the New Student haha.." AWKWARD
„Well uh...welcome" he scratched the back of his neck
„Thanks uhhh"
„Oh my name is jean Kirschtein"
„Well thanks jean"
I smiled at him, seemed like the awkward tension is luckily gone
Me and jean talked a little more until we were at the gymnasium.

After I put my sport clothes on and spoke with some girls specially with a girl named historia we went down to the rest of the class.
Sadies told us to play around with some balls for today. I went up to a garage thing and took an volleyball out and searched for any potential rival but I didn't know who to choose historia seemed to notice and asked me if something was wrong so I told her that I need an Volleyball rival.
„Y/nnn i can play"
She excitedly squealed out
„Ok fine but I will beat you"
I told her as I laughed at her reaction
„Oh keep dreaming y/n"
We decided to play only one set cause we had not enough time.

We both started to play and our „little" game got a little out of control cause we both played like our life was depending on it. It got even more heated when we got surrounded by our classmates.
We were still playing it was 24:22 for me. It was my last shoot and I won. yayyyy
I excitedly bounced up and down.
Historia laugh out loud
„Woohhhoooo" Jean was cheering I just smiled at him, how cute
„Wow you really beat me" historia nudged me
„Yeah but only bc I had the ball before you, I must admit you were fucking awesome" I looked at her still amazed at how good she was, I mean I was one of the best at my old school.
„Thanks but I can only return everything you've said" she blushed and smiled at me, she's a very sweet girl.

„Uhh y/n" I turned around and saw jean staring at me.
„ yes?" i asked him he looked at me but then looked unsure to speak up again.
„Uhm if you want uh I mean we want uhhh sorry...I wanted to ask you if you wanted to sit with me and my friends at lunch" he screeched the back of his neck.
"Of course if they're ok with it"
I smiled at his nervousness
"They're all completely fine with it" he loosened up a little and smiled at me.
I was gonna thank him but like the 10th time today sadies had to interrupt us.

I was in my clothes again and headed towards the door but historia was quick to stop me.
„Wait if its ok with you me and Ymir will take you to the cafeteria with us despite the fact you're new to the school and don't even know where it is" she smiled at me warmly.
I looked at Ymir to see if its ok and she just nodded and grabbed historias bag.
„Ok, oh and thanks by the way"
„No need to thank me"
She answered me calmly.

We got to the cafeteria and I instantly looked for jean and found him he was chatting with some friends but somehow spottet me at the entrance and gestured us to come. We walked up to them and sat down and everyone stopped their conversations and looked at me.
„Guys this is y/n as y'all already know our new classmate"
Jean spoke up.
„Hi" I shyly said
„Well you already know my name so who's gonna start" jean asked them
„Me me me me meeeee"
A girl with brown hair squealed out
„Ok Potato girl you begin"
„Hi y/n my name is sasha and I love food, so let me know if you ever feel the need to not eat your food" she smiled at me with wide eyes
„Ok noted hahah"
„Im connie springer and i also Love Food so don't give it to sasha, you can give me all of it" the small boy with yellow eyes spoke up.
Ig connie and sasha are best friends.
„Uh im Reiner Braun and yours pretty" he grinned at me
"I- Uhhh" I didn't know what to say
"Reiner shut up" a girl with blond hair spoke up
"I'm Annie Leonhart" she gave me little nod
I smiled at her
"My name is Marco Bodt nice to meet you" he calmly smiled at me
Wowww Hes so caring and his freckles. I looked at him and awe
"Hello Bertholdt Hoover"
The one with black hair introduce himself.
"Im Ymir" oh ok she didn't even smile
"And im historia as you already know" the blond girl looked at me with her mesmerising Blue eyes
„Thats all" Jean looked at me
„Yeah thanks for letting me sit here" o smiled at them they returned me a smile and everyone started a convo i spoke with everyone and they're really nice
„Guyyyyssss can we please Go to our hotspot I want pizaaaaaaaa"
Sasha cried out and begged us all.
„Ok let's just go right after school end" Jean gave in
„Y/n you will come too" Marco spoke up but only for me to hear, such an sweetheart
„Ok I'll come too" I grinned at him.



Me, Marco, Annie, Ymir, historia, Annie, Reiner, Bertholdt and jean were trying to stay behind connie and sasha they were almost sprinting and yelling things about food Their obsession is scary I have to admit. With that fast pace we were already at the restaurant.
„Sashaaa waittt" connie yelled after Saha already run into the building. We went in and we all got settled on an boot and waited for our food but noticed 3 people with the same uniform as ours in a boot staring at us, who are they?
"Uhm who Is that" everyone looked into the direction I was looking at and they all groaned
"They're just the "cool" trio although eren isn't anything near cool" jean frowned
But who are they
Annie saw me still being confused so she spoke up "the one blond boy is armin arlert" am I dumb or did I see a light blush appearing on her cheeks
"The girl is mikasa Ackerman" she's besutiful wow "and the other boy is eren jäger" he is really an dickhead and rude I don't like him at all" she rolled her eyes at that eren boy.
Ok the so called "cool" Trio hmm they look like every other one wtf. Ugh don't think so much and eat more, enjoy the time y/n.

After finishing and chatting along a really long time we finally decided to go home it was pretty late tbh.
We all stood up and slowly went to the exit I felt someone staring at so i turned around only to see that eren boy staring at me but idc if they really gonna think that they're something better just bc- I don't even know why uggghhh.
Anyways I called dirk to pick me up and he soon arrived. I got in and he drove me back home.

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