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3 days later.

"Hey Techno, are you coming with me?" I ask Techno as I just got ready to leave for Lmanburg.
3 days past and so did Tubbos time to decide if he will exile Tommy.

"Oh no, there will be a lot of people there, we don't need more." Techno asnwered me doing something in the chests.

"Mhm right. I will be back by the sunset."

"Okay darlin' stay safe!" He said before I turned aroung walking to the door.

"I will, don't worry, love you!"
I say as I walked to the Lmanburg.

It looked like something changed. They were already talking. And nobody sounded happy.
Oh god...

I walk to the Holy land. There's a guy outside the house looking into it wishepring stuff to himself.

"Oh hey Jack, what are you doing here?" I say to the boy that now shocked turned around to face me.

"Nothing, just making sure everything goes good."

"Right. Okay." I say as I walk past him opening big doors revealing everyone sitting at the table.

"Sorry I'm late," I say as I walk to my spot.

"Oh no worries. Anyways," Tubbo says to me turning back around to everyone else.

Dream smiles at me. Why? Did he know what Tubbo choose? I try to ignore it, concetrate on the theme.

"Okay no listen Dream. I have one thing. One thing that you don't have. I have. Dream do you remember your hourse?" Tommy started speaking

"I do." Dreams respond was a little off.

"Tommy. What are you doing Tommy?" Tubbos speaks up.

"Tubbo trust me."

"No Tommy. Don't do anything wrong. Don't be selfish." Fundy now got into the conversetion as well.

"I'm not being selfish. I am trying to not get exiled or anyone hurt."

"As I was saying. Dream. Your horse Spirit. I have Spirit. You remember? It's in my ender chest."

Dream didn't respond to that. He was thinking. I was a part of his plan. He looked at me every 1 minute or so. If I wouldn't escape back then. It would be bad. Dream would use me against Tommy, Techno and many others.

"So Dream I say. You don't exile me. You don't do anything to anyone. Or I burn Spirit. You also take down the walls." Tommy spoke. He was confident about himself.
Was it meant to be?

Dream doesn't know how to respond to that so he just agrees.
We walk to the walls and Dream starts to take them down while everyone else are laughing.

But something isn't right. And it looks like I'm the only one that notice. He stops working. Nononono.

"Okay Tommy you know what? You fucked up this time."

"Dream. Please don't swear what the fuck?"

"Nonono Tommy you don't understand. You fucked up. And I want you exiled. Tubbo?"

"But Dream you are forgeting that I have Spirit. And I will burn her."

"I don't give a fuck Tommy okay? I don't give a fuck. Spirit was my horse that died a while ago."

"Dream I'll burn it."

"Burn it. Right now. In front of me. I do not care. Tubbo. What did you choose? I gave you guys 3 days."

"I- can you give us a minute Dream?"

Dream only nodded and we went away from him to talk about this.

"So what do we do?" Tubbo spoke as soon as we got there.

"Tommy. We told you to be careful. To not be selfish." Fundy said to Tommy.

"Fundy don't start with this. You agreed. You could say anything but you didn't."

"Y/N why are you even here? I mean. You just dissapieared with Techno after the war. Why are you here again?" Fundy now spoke to me. God when did he become so annoying.

"Don't talk to Y/N like that, Fundy," Tubbo said to Fundy and it was clear he didn't want to fight about it.

"What do you mean Fundy? Why did I dissapieared? Why did I? Let's take a look at what Quackity did. Or are you gonna look past that?"


"Enough Fundy. We aren't here for this," Tubbo now spoke slightly angry.

"Let's say we don't exile him and fight on."

"I mean are we all for that?" Tubbo asked looking at us.

Nobody said anything so we went back.

"What did you decide Tubbo?" Dream said to us when we came back.

"I-" Tubbo started and turned to us.

"Guys I'm sorry,' he added before turning back around to Dream.

Faces were now worried. Nobody knew what he meant by that.

"Tommy you are becoming Wilbur.
Tommy I'm sorry but I decide to exile Tommy."

"What do you mean Tubbo? We agreed!" Fundy was sick of everything.

"Tubbo... What- why-" Tommy started but Tubbo started speaking again.

"Dream. Take him away." Tubbo said looking at Dream.

He nodded and grabbed Tommys hand. But he smiled at me.

"Come on Tommy."

They walked away leaving us alone.

"Tubbo he was your friend. Tubbo he would do anything for you. To protect you."


"Tubbo, no. What he ddi was not right. But that doesn't mean you betray him."

"You don't understand-"

"I understand Tubbo. I clearly do understand. Tubbo you are too young to be a president. People will use you. And some already do. But you are blind. Tubbo you are a kid."
I say walking away from them back to the house.

He was his friend. And he betrayed him. Just to keep his power.

I was lost in my thoughts as I came back to the house.
I see Techno sitting in the living room doing something.

"Oh hey dar-"
I go to my room and slam the door.

I hear footsteps coming to the doors.

"Techno. He did it. He exiled him. His own bestfriend." I said to him.

972 words.
Sorry it took so long i kinda got sick.
Its not corona tho.
Stay safe.
Eat and drink.
Also please consider voting it really helps me out a lot and u can always change ur mind.

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