They Found Us..

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  It's the following day and you watch the sunrise from the bottom of the bed after moving during the night giving Wanda more room to herself. Your in a daydream when you feel movement from the top of the bed which startles you and brings you back to reality. You turn your body round to see a still half asleep Wanda, "Morning you. How did you sleep?" This was an obvious question since you sat with her all night but you ask it anyways. "Good Morning Soldier, I slept well thank you. Did you sleep at all?" You catch yourself smile every time she calls you that even though you weren't in the army anymore, "Good, No I wouldn't like to risk anything happening if I slept, water?" She nods at you as she rubs her eyes to adjust to the bright morning sun. You reach over to her handing her a fresh bottle of water as you stand up and stretch out your whole body from being sat still for so long, as you reach your arms up above your head you catch Wanda staring over at your exposed stomach as you see her confused at another scar you have on your right side just under your ribs, "Same guy who marked my face gave me that, he was very handy with a knife!" She's shocked as she didn't realise she was caught out so she giggles at your response, "I don't know whether it's an occupational hazard with you or just bad luck..?" She laughs at you at your raised eyebrow reaction, "and I don't know whether to be offended or not by that comment Maximoff!" You both laugh before getting ready to start another day together.

As your sorting through your remaining supplies and packing your rucksack you see Wanda watching as a red ball bounces between her fingers, you walk over and become mesmerized by it as you take a seat opposite her. "Do you think anyone heard your message?" She asks not looking away from her hands. "I hope so. If not we will have to move on and try and find a better connection." She nods, looking up at you as the ball disappears, "Who is Natasha?" You look at her, not knowing what to say. It was a long story as you hadn't mention anything about S.H.I.E.L.D or your training yet after hearing her mention Stark. "Well, after my accident I was moved to some sort of special facility to learn how to control my new found powers. After all my testing and some time to recover I was introduced to Natasha who was assigned to help me train so we ended up spending a lot of time together and we literally became best friends." She notices your head drop as you talk about Nat, "You miss her?" You look up and see her half-smiling at you, "I do yeah, but she works for some great people so I know if she hears that message she will be able to help us both because Wanda, I am never leaving you behind! I promise you.." You look over at her making sure she knows you mean what you say, "I know, I trust you Soldier.. So who does she work for?" You know this was a sensitive topic to begin to talk about, but before you answer her your interrupted by a huge explosion across the street. "What was that!?" You jump up to the window and see men storming the normally quiet streets, RPG's in hand, whilst some men start searching for something or someone in the nearby buildings. "We need to move. now!" Wanda jumps up and grabs her jacket off the back of the chair, "Strucker must have heard the message I sent out somehow, we need to head to high ground." She nods and looks at you with fear in her eyes. As you grab the rucksack off the table you turn and extend your hand out infront of her, she grabs your hand, interlocking her fingers with yours as you rush out and head for the stairs up too the roof.

Avengers POV
F.R.I.D.A.Y. - "Sir an emergency message from S.H.I.E.L.D, an attack on a city near the Czech Republic, mass gunfire and heavy armour heading into the streets. No casualties yet boss but not sure on any known targets in the area. At least 50-60 men on foot plus tanks." Tony doesn't hesitate on what has to happen next, "Alert the team to suit up, looks like we have a mission!" Tony's alert sounds through the compound and everyone rushes to get prepared. "Sir, the report is coming from within a mile radius of where the recorded radio message was traced too. Should I inform Miss Romanoff?" Tony thinks for a minute whilst he grabs his essentials, "No let's just get on the Jet first then I will talk to Nat.." "Yes boss, the Jet is on the runway ready to go, Clint is requesting to Pilot but stay out of any action sir." "Thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y, AVENEGERS time to work for a living! Everyone on the Jet in 5, you too Barton!" The team all meet on the runway and head onto the Jet. "Barton your flying the Jet under strict instruction to stay on the Jet at all times understand?" Clint nods and gets set up, Tony sits near Nat, putting his hand on her shoulder, "Hey Romanoff, just a heads up the attack is within a mile radius of the recorded message's last known signal.. Just thought you should know that she might be there, or even involved." Nat sits as Tony heads back to Barton. Nat gets a gut feeling that you are involved in this somehow, "Stay safe my green weirdo, I'm on my way to get you.." she mumbles to herself whilst looking down checking her equipment.

You reach the doors leading to the roof, "stay here, I'll make sure it's clear." You creep the door open, peeping your head out making sure it was safe to go out into the open. "Clear, come on!" You reach out for Wanda's hand once again. You both stand up as you look over the streets and buildings surrounding you both to try and spot how many guards are surrounding you, then all of a sudden you hear a helicopter in the distance... "SHIT! We need to find cover!" You look at Wanda letting go of her hand whilst you run to the edge of the building to see where you can go from here. You see a car park across the street, it's lower but a fair few feet for where you are. You look at Wanda who's shocked at what she thinks you are thinking, " You trust me?" She nods at you as you both back away ready to make the leap across from the 10 story hotel. You scoop her up off the floor as she grabs around your neck, "Do you trust me Soldier?" You look down at her not knowing what to say all of a sudden, "I do Maximoff.." Your not sure what she means but you quickly turn your attention to the run ahead of you, wondering if your even going to make it, but you have too for the both of you. You dig your feet into the roof and take a deep breathe..

As you sprint to the edge of the roof you know your about to jump, "Hold on!" You shout as you push off the roof edge but as you leave the hard surface you notice a thick red mist surround your feet and legs, you reach the top of the car park and land on your feet softer than you anticipated, "You alright?" You look at Wanda who looks pleased with what she managed to do with her powers, "Yeah I'm good, I didn't think that would work.." You laugh at her lack of confidence, "You did great! Now lets get you to safety." You turn and run down to the floor below, making your way down to the ground floor of the car park with Wanda still in your arms. On your way down the different levels you notice a perfectly good car sitting abandoned with it's keys still in the ignition. You place Wanda down beside you, you take a deep breathe then punch through the car window. It shatters down infront of you both. You reach in and pull the door lock up, opening the door. You gesture for Wanda to jump in and she does so, climbing over to the passenger side seat. You pass her the rucksack and jump in the drivers seat, shutting the door behind you. You turn the key hoping to hear the engine start, it does first time and you put it in gear and reverse out the parking space and pull out looking for the exit. You hear Wanda click her seatbelt in, "You not trust my driving Maximoff?" You laugh as she looks over to you as your attention is on finding your way out the small car park, "Better safe then sorry Soldier.." She mimics back at you, your laugh makes her laugh as you finally see the exit leading to the open street.

**The Quinjet lands in the streets of the city where the attacks are happening. Everyone grabs their gear ready for anything, There is Nat, Tony, Steve, Peter and Sam Wilson as well as Clint staying on board the jet. You have all been informed by Hill on your way that there has been sightings of the man they call the Winter Soldier within the City, this man works with H.Y.D.R.A and is known as a Super-Soldier and a deadly assassin. He has been made accountable for many high-profile deaths but nobody knows his identity as he always wears a mask, the team knows he is to be found on the mission and taken back to S.H.I.E.L.D. **

"Right team, we move out in pairs, stay close and stay safe. Sam take Peter and scan left, Steve your with Nat go Right and I will head up to the rooftops and scan as far as I can and Clint be ready for a swift exit if it comes to that. Okay, Everyone ready? Let's go!" I look over to Steve, knowing we are ready to move. The team leaves and heads off in the small groups, I follow Steve to the right of the jet moving through the streets. We make quick progress and then out of nowhere a group of guards pass at the end of the next street. "Stay low, let them past until we know what they are looking for.." Steve looks at me as we both crouch beside the buildings nearest to us, the one on my left looks like a car park. As Steve signals me to move on I see a car leaving the building, "2 people, both female? They look in a hurry.." Steve looks over as confused as what I am after hearing my description through his ear-piece. The car drives away from us towards where the guards just passed. Before I can react to Steve moving down the street we see the car jump and flip in the air and land on its roof against the building near it, "Shit! Guys we have contact with a car which just left the car park building right of the jet, looks like the guards blew there back tire out! Everyone move on our location now! Two people in the car aren't armed could be civilians!"

**You open your eyes and you see everything is upside down, your head is pounding and your shoulder feels like it could be dislocated, you look and see Wanda unconscious next to you.**

"What the.. WANDA!" You look across to Wanda leaning forward where she has ended up. "Shit, Wanda wake up! Are you okay?" You pull her over to look at her head, she has a small graze on her forehead, as you check the back of her head and neck for a pulse you hear her take a deep breathe in, "What happened!?" You look down and sigh in relief, "Your okay, don't ever scare me like that again!" She laughs and coughs but then looks at the window and realises the car is upside down against a building, "OMG your shoulder are you okay?" You look over at Wanda who looks really concerned at the sight of your bone sticking out where it shouldn't be, "I'll live, Wanda listen to me, stay here, I'm going to see who is out there.." You turn and kick the door open but as you do you hear gun shots in your direction, "Shit!" You curl up inside the car and search for your pistol. Another round of gunfire starts to hits the car, "Get down!" you shield Wanda, then you hear footsteps approaching your car, but then all of a sudden it goes quiet. "Stay here no matter what!" You crawl out the car and look up and see at least 6 guards sprawled out on the street then you see a figure you seem to recognise further down the street..

"NAT!" you see her freeze and look over at you. 'it can't actually her can it?' You can't believe it. "Y/N! Y/n is that you!?" She ignores all regards for her own safety and runs straight at you. You meet her with open arms as she leaps into you. You hold her so tight as she wraps her legs around your waist. You bury your head into her neck, you can't believe it's her. The moment is quickly interrupted by an unfamiliar voice approaching from behind her, "Nat, we need to move out.." you release your grip and she drops down looking at you still in disbelief, "He's right, y/n are you okay, f**k what happened to your shoulder!? Are you on your own?" You look at the man behind her and notice who it is by his obvious blue uniform and shield in hand, "I'm okay Nat just a dislocated shoulder I will live, No I'm not alone quick help me get her out the car.." You turn and crouch down to the car where Wanda is taking cover and notice she isn't moving, "SHIT Nat quick she's not moving!" You and Nat both grab Wanda and pull her out of the car and lie her on the road, You stand up and put your face in your hands thinking the worst, "Steve help me out here!" Nat kneels down and Steve crouches next to her as they check her vitals. "Y/n she is fine just passed out, what happened?" You look at Nat, "I think she hit her head when the car was hit..." Nat stands up and grabs the tops of your arms and looks right at you, "y/n listen to me, she is going to be okay, come with us we will look after both of you! Is there anyone else with you?" You shake your head no and look over as Steve picks Wanda up in his arms, "Nat Let's get her back to the Jet and move out -- Tony, we have to move out we have a girl down bringing her to the jet now, Clint get the medical bed ready!" Nat looks at you, "y/n trust me we are getting you both out of here, let's go you can trust the team!" You look at her, then Steve and nod your head. "Okay, let's go." You turn and grab your bag off the floor, you both follow Steve as he carries Wanda in his arms. We turn the corner and see a huge jet on the street, "that our ride?" Nat nods and you all keep running in the direction of the jet. You see some people stood waiting on your arrival, some more familiar than others.

You all arrive at the jet, Steve takes Wanda straight towards the man with the arrows you attacked a few days ago, they both get her into the jet and Steve quickly returns with no Wanda, "Where is she?" You look over at Steve, "She's with Clint on the jet, he's looking after her whilst we wait on Tony." You nod then look at Nat, knowing Clint is her close friend so she smiles to calm your nerves. "So who are you..?" Steve asks you but before you can answer Nat replies, "Not now Steve, Tony where are you?" Nat looks at Steve concerned about Stark. Steve then suddenly grabs his shield as he looks down the street spotting someone in the distance.. As they all turn and look down the street you see him, the masked man who dragged you from the S.H.I.E.L.D facility all those months ago, you look at Nat, "That's him Nat, that's the masked man who took me!" She looks at you in shock, "Okay let's get him, we take him back with us!" Steve announces to everyone but before you move you see Tony Stark fly over head in his famous red Iron Man Suit, shooting a small missile in the man's direction. Steve runs down to make sure he isn't dead and you all wait for the smoke to clear. Nat looks over at you worried as your holding your shoulder in place but before she can say anything there is a crash as Tony's suit land on solid ground infront of us all. His face shield lowers as he looks over at Nat, "This y/n?" Nat nods yes in reply but before he can say anything else we all look and see the masked man emerge from the smoke cloud holding Steve by his throat with a metal arm.

You look to your left at Nat, Tony, a guy with wings and the guy you remember fighting who is still in a all red suit standing waiting on Tony's orders. Nat is reaching for her pistols ready to go. Tony looks at everyone around him, "right team we can't kill either of them so we distract the winter soldier until he releases Steve and then we capture him, got it?" Everyone nods and Tony blasts off to get a better angle, you run alongside Nat as she starts firing rounds near enough too spook the masked man, you reach for your combat pistol and join her. You look as Steve is struggling to break the grip wrapped around his neck but he suddenly swings his shield up and breaks free, as he does he jumps off to the right. This opens up Nat and you in the middle of the street. You see the masked man adjust his goggles as he looks up and aims straight at Nat, you see her looking for Steve too see if he is harmed and he gets ready to fire in Nat's direction so you jump over and push her to safety and that's when it hits you. You get blown backwards and hit the floor back first and feel the instant searing pain in your stomach..

"AAHHHH!!" A scream leaves your body as you look down and see your stomach covered in blood. You look up at the sky and feel body going into shock with the pain. You hold your stomach as tight as you can then you hear that familiar voice you have missed so much, "NO y/n!!" Nat appears above you as she kneels down next to you. She props you up enough to get the rucksack of your back then lowers your head on top of it for support and she looks down at your stomach, "Y/n stay awake, look at me okay! Concentrate on my voice and keep your eyes open.." You see her expression and you can tell she starts too panic. "Steve I need you to carry her to the jet!" You hear heavy footsteps and feel a pair of arms position themselves under your body, you brace yourself as her lifts you up off the street, "It's okay kid, I've got you." You look to your left and see Tony dragging the masked man, who is now covered in some sort of webbing, onto the jet and to your relief he looks unconscious. You close your eyes until you feel your back hit a cold, metal surface. You look up and see Nat looking over you, your head on her knees. "Hey Romanoff, never seen you from this angle before, looks good.." She looks down and laughs at your sarcasm, "there it is.." She looks down confused at your comment, "That smile I have missed so much.." She can't contain her smile, "I've missed you too you green weirdo!" She looks down as you drift in and out of consciousness as you feel the jet take off, you look to your left and see Wanda on the medical bed in the middle of the jet, "She's going to be fine, just concentrate on my voice okay, stay awake please.." You hear Nat but the pain takes over and you pass out.

Nat's POV
I hold her the whole way back, her head in my hands, there's nothing I can do but hold her and look at her now fragile body. I have been hoping to see her again since that day she was taken away but not like this. As I hold her head Tony is knelt down next to her trying to stop the bleeding in her stomach but he's struggling. "F.R.I.D.A.Y inform Banner we have 2 injured, one with a 2 gunshot wounds in the stomach the other with possible concussion after a car accident please" "Yes Sir." I look at Tony as he looks concerned. "Don't worry Nat, Banner will take care of her.." I look over to him, "Thanks Tony.." After a little while he leaves me alone with her as he goes too look for more towels for the blood, I look over at the red haired girl who y/n was with, wondering what happened and what her story is, I then draw my attention back down to the unconscious girl in my arms, "hey y/n, I know you probably can't hear me right now but I need you to be okay and I need you to come back to me, you promised me you would never leave me and you can't break that promise. I've missed you so much, I know we didn't know each other long but that time we spend together was so special to me. So we will get you to Bruce, he will patch you up and I will be there when you wake up I promise you.." I feel my eyes start to fill, but before a tear falls I feel the jet slow down, we are back. I hope Bruce is ready because I can't loose her

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