Close Call..

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  You turn on your heels towards Wanda, who was still sat on her bed. She was looking right back at you with deep red eyes and a angry expression across her face. You stayed standing where you had stopped, a metre or so from her door as she moved to sit on the edge of her bed. You watched her every move as you seen her eyes squint to try and shift the redness but it didn't disappear. She looked back up at you as you took in deep breathes in and out to control your emotions, she noticed this as you spoke with gritted teeth. "What do you want to say Wanda..?" You see her eyes flicker between yours as you loosen the pressure on your jaw. "You and Natasha.. Are you just friends? I mean you have kissed before? And you were close before you were kidnapped..?" You begin to see a new side to her as her Sokovian accent was piercing your ears as she spoke, her head slightly tilting to one side as she listened to your answer.. "Yes Wanda, she is my best friend! She kissed me drunk before we were even a thing!? And yes we were close because I had no one else there.. I had been moved from my home in the Army! I had these powers that I didn't know how to control and I was in a whole other Country! She was my calm when I needed it the most Wanda.."

You see her eyes flicker from green to red as you spoke, her emotions conflicted with everything you were saying. Hints of jealously and anger were battling with her love and caring nature for you. You stood and waited for her to say something as you felt your skin was on fire. "Is she still your calm..? Even now when you have me?" You see her watching for your reaction as you tried to control your own emotions from spiralling out of control, "Yes she is.." You see her eyes start to brim with tears as you talk. "She knows how to keep me calm, she knows my triggers.." You see her shake her head slightly but she needs to know that you need Nat as much as you need her in your life. "Wanda.. You have to see that she helps me. Especially right now with all these episodes happening.. What if I end up having another code-green incident? If I hurt someone? I would never be able to forgive myself. She helps me keep a lid on things.. My emotions." You see her grip her blanket underneath her as she gets angry again.

"So I don't help you!?" She looks right at with red eyes again, you snap and bite back at her comment. "YES! Of course you do Wanda! I never said you didn't.." You feel your chest tighten and you breathing become difficult, you know this is not going to end well if you stay here. "Wanda.. I love you but I can't do this now. I need to calm down before.." You feel her eyes scan your body as your skin is bubbling almost at your emotions becoming hard to handle. "This is not fair Y/n! I need you.." You snap again, not meaning too but you are scared your going to loose control and hurt her, "And I needed you Wanda! When Peter came back I needed you! When you came back I needed you! But you only let Steve in.. Not me! I feel like you look at me differently since I lost my memories, you've been distant! It wasn't my fault I lost them.. Or maybe it was I don't know? I can't remember!!" You body bursts into a burning type pain as your head begins to screech in agony. You grit your teeth and clench your fists as you ask Wanda to open the door calmly before you completely loose it. "Wanda.. Please.. Open the door.." You hear the lock click open as she stands with red wisps circling her hands. "Y/n.. I.."

You don't wait for her to finish as you turn and rush out the door. You bounce between the walls as you stagger down the hall towards the living room. You know it's late but you need to be away from her. You trip and fall down the stairs, rolling down as you crash against the floor. You quickly find yourself to your feet, finding anything to hold onto as you decide to head into the kitchen. You lean against the wall before tripping over you feet as you enter. You find the bench and rest on it with both arms as you struggle to hold your own body weight up. You try and catch your breathe but it's no use, your chest feels like it is being crushed to the point no air can get in or out of your lungs. Your vision is begin to go blurry as you try and look around the room. You turn your head and loose any balance you had left. You crumble to the floor in a ball, your back smashing against the cupboards as you have no reaction to stop you. Your head bounces of the cupboard door as you manage to hold yourself up on your side on your elbow as it hits the floor beneath you.

You try and push yourself up but you have no energy, your fighting with yourself to stop any type of code-green incident as you know it won't end well for anyone in the compound. Your tears start to burn your eyes as your vision starts to cloud over slowly. You have burst your cuts open on your knuckles from earlier and you can slowly hear the blood drip onto the tile floor as you grip your t-shirt with one hand where it sits on your chest, the other hand leaning against the cupboards next to you so you don't collapse onto the floor. You close your eyes tight, trying to focus on anything but your emotions are running wild through your body. You want to scream out for someone but you can't seem to find any words. You begin to panic, not knowing how to stop yourself loosing control, you had never felt so out of control of your own emotions until now. Your body was weak from the episodes you had been having which meant you had no control over yourself. Then just before you felt the last part of yourself fade away and give in you hear someone's voice..

I could hear raised voices, muffled as if they were far away but loud enough to wake me up. I reached out but quickly realised I was alone, I jumped up in a panic as she was no longer asleep beside me. I rubbed my eyes and quickly scanned her room before listening to the voices again. "It's her and Wanda.." I thought to myself as I listened to the voices again, trying to see if they were arguing or not. I sat up in her bed and woke myself up properly before hearing a very strong Sokovian accent through the wall across from me. 'Sh*t that's never good.. That accent only appears when she is angry..' I shuffled towards the edge of bed, listening as I moved. I looked down and noticed I had to put on some pants just in case I had to go intervene. I jumped and as quietly as I could so they couldn't hear me moving around, I looked in her wardrobe and found some shorts she usually wears for bed or chilling around the compound. I slipped them on, tying the waist tight as they were too big around my waist. I listened in as I heard her voice become sharp and angry. I sat back on her bed, hoping they would calm down. Then the click of Wanda's door unlocking made me jump a little, I heard Y/N leave. I heard her stagger down the hall. Suddenly Wanda's tears and sobbing caught all of my attention, I felt for her but I also felt for Y/n. She needed Wanda to be there for her, not stress her out whilst she is having these episodes. I struggled to figure out what to do for the best, whether to leave them too it or go make sure they are both okay. I cared about both of them, but before I could decide I heard a huge crash coming from downstairs. I waited a few seconds to see if Wanda heard but she must be in her bathroom as she didn't leave so I knew I had to go. I ran out the door and down the stairs. I stopped to hear where she was, then I heard gasps coming from the kitchen. I ran through and was met by Y/n's body in a ball in the corner on the floor of the kitchen. I could see blood on the floor as she clung to her chest, her white t-shirt stained red. I instantly knelt down infront of her, shouting at her as I moved closer. "Y/n! Y/n can you hear me?!" I seen her eyes find me and I grabbed her hand that was holding a handful of t-shirt. My other hand found it's way around the back of her neck to support her head away from the cupboard doors. She was in pain I could feel it, "Y/n talk to me! I need you to breath for me okay..!"

It's Nat's voice you can hear. She's saying your name over and over, trying to get your attention. You opened your eyes, searching for hers. You suddenly felt her grip on your hand which was still holding your chest. It stung as she gripped it tight, blood seeping through from your knuckles as you felt her other hand on the back of your neck, trying to lift your head away from where it was resting on the cupboard door behind you. " to me.." The only words you heard from what she was saying, you looked at her as you tried to force any words that were stuck in your throat. "Nat.. I.. Can't.." You see her scanning your face and body for injuries or any sign of your skin changing colour. She knew you could be heading for a code-green incident. She knew she had to work fast, she found your eyes again as you felt tears begin to trickle down your cheeks as you tried to hang on to any control you had. "Y/n.. You need too breath for me. Deep breathes. In and out. Fill your lungs and you will gain control again okay.." She pulled your hand away from your chest and replaced it with her soft hand, placing her flat palm against your chest to feel for your breathing. "Move my hand with your breathing.. Look at me and concentrate on filling your lungs." You looked right into her eyes as you hand gripped onto her outstretched arm. You begin to close your eyes and fill your lungs with air slowly.

"That's it.. Keep going.. I'm right here with you.." You hear her voice so soft and worried as you begin to feel a sense of calm creeping into your body. "Nat.. I.." You see her shake her head at you, "Don't talk. Just breathe for me." You nod slightly and concentrate back on your breathing again. Big gulps of air begin to fill your lungs as you adjust your body so your back is against the cupboards behind you. You could feel her grip on the back of your neck tighten, her nails digging in slightly as she keeps watches every breath you take. You squint your eyes tight, trying to clear your vision, as you open them again you see her looking down at your chest, you look down and see the huge red stain on your shirt. You suddenly fall into a huge panic as you don't know what has happened. Your breathing stops all together as you feel your chest close on you. You look right into Nat's eyes as she widens her eyes in shock at you not breathing at all. "Y/N BREATH! YOUR OKAY! You hear her but you still can't catch your breath as you feel your throat shrink, "Y/N LOOK AT ME, YOU NEED TO BREATHE!" You hear her voice trembling as you struggle to find any air in the room around you. Your body begins to squirm without any oxygen in your lungs, you grip Nat's wrist above your chest as your other pushes against the floor underneath you as you feel your body collapsing in on itself as you fall victim to a panic attack.

"Y/N YOU REALLY NEED TO BREATH FOR ME RIGHT NOW!" You see the terrifying expression in her face as you begin to loose conciousness. Your body kicks into survival mode and starts to gaps for air. Short, sharp breathes begin to give your body little bursts of oxygen. Your lips begin to tingle at the sudden rushes of air hit your lungs. You can't control yourself as you start hyperventilating, your eyes feel like they are bursting out of your head as you try and stop your body going into shock. You feel Nat holding onto you tight as she begins to panic, not wanting to leave you but not knowing how to help you. "Na.. Nat.. I.. I'm.." You struggle and get some noises to leave your throat, you try and tell her your scared as you can't seem to stop your body from reacting like this. "Y/N I'M RIGHT HERE OKAY.. I'm not going anywhere!" You grip her and pull her close. Then in a moment you suddenly feel your body completely take over, you know it's game over. Your still breathing erratically but you look down and see a shade a of green creeping onto your skin slowly. Nat follows your eyeline and sees what is happening. You both look back up at each other before the unexpected hits you out of no where.

You feel Nat's lips crash against yours. Her hand still on her chest as the other grips the back of your neck as you feel your body instantly comes to a halt as you get lost in what is happening. You stay lip-locked, you feel yourself kiss her back for a few seconds, you both close your eyes as you find your arm snake around the back of her waist. You feel all of your anger and stress leave your body, as if she is taking it away from you through her kiss. You feel a tear roll down her cheek before she slowly pulls away from you. Her eyes not open yet as you look at her and wait to see the emerald shimmer meet your gaze. She finally catches you looking right at her, a small smile creeps onto her face as you see her eyes flicker between your eyes and lips as she stays a few inches from you. A silence fills the air as you follow her eyes flickering in a triangle between your eyes and lips, searching for your reaction. Her grip still tight on your t-shirt against your chest, feeling your breathing become deep again as you feel her breathing become quicker than usual as your arm is still wrapped around her waist.

Before either of you could stop yourselves, you lean back in towards each other. Meeting in the middle as your lips connect under the force. Her nails almost piercing the back of your neck as she pulls you in to her rhythm, a surge of passion overtakes anything else as your hold her body in your hand on her waist, her legs straddle over yours as you stretch them across the floor. You both don't break away as she sits on your thighs, pushing you back against the kitchen cupboards behind you by your chest. Your bodies shifting back and fourth as you both get carried away. Then your heart beats through your chest as you feel her tongue graze across your bottom lip, searching for an entrance. You guide her tongue in with yours as they begin to explore the space you both created by your lips separating wider apart. You feel her hips rise and fall as you pull and tug at her body as both your hands begin to explore her curves. Both her hands are now around your neck and jawline as she let's your hands control her movements. Lust and passion takes over you both as you grip her legs and pull her body into yours. Your tongues never breaking apart as hear her moaning lightly with every grip of your hands on her skin, your hands have found their way onto her bare legs, under your shorts she is wearing. Your thumbs now tracing up her inner thighs as you both get lost, allowing your bodies to connect on a whole new level, as you feel her give in to you taking control.

Your mind is running wild as you feel Nat slowly pull away from your lips. You both catch your breathe as you rest your foreheads together, smiling uncontrollably at what just happened. You can feel her breath against you as you hear her start to giggle, her body shaking as she is straddled over you with your hands resting at the top of her thighs. You begin to laugh with her lightly as you see her eyes meet yours. "Well.. That worked.." You say between your gasps for air as she pulls away from you a little, leaving an inch or two between your faces. She nods and smiles as she is still giggling at you, "Yep.. It did something.." You both burst into laughter as she presses her forehead back against yours. You cuddle her in as you wrap your arms around her waist and pulled her close. She nuzzles into your neck as you hold her close to you, "You saved me again.." You say softly into her ear as she smiles against your neck. You share a small moment before she pulls back to look at you. "Come on, let's get you back to bed. You need too rest.." You nod as she stands up off you, she helps you up of the floor and wraps her hand around your back.

You both walk slowly back to your room, trying not to wake anyone as you stumble a little from total lack of energy. You finally arrive at your room, your door still wide open after Nat rushed out of there to get to you. She pushes you slightly towards your bed as she closes your door. You find your bed and sit on the edge of it, you fall back and lie there before you hear Nat whispering across from your wardrobe. "You need to change that T-shirt weirdo!" You chuckle as you sit back up and take off your blood stained top. She throws a clean one at you and you slip it over your head. You feel Nat pulling it down over your body as you wince a little at your knuckles. She goes into the bathroom, bringing back a damp hand towel as you climb into your bed. She sits next to you and cleans the blood from your hands. You smile up at her as she is gentle with you, she sees you start to doze as your eyes flicker closed then shoot back open to see her looking down at your hands. "Right I will bandage them tomorrow, you need sleep.." You nod and pull back the blanket for her to join you. "Do you really think.." You cut her off, nodding and smiling at her half asleep. "I don't care what your going to say, I want you to stay. End of. Now get in." You see her smile and shake her head as she gets into your bed and lies on your chest as you wrap her in your arms. You are pretty much asleep at this point as she snuggles into you. "Good night Romanoff.." you feel her smile as you drift straight of too sleep.

Wanda POV
I didn't want her to leave, I wish I could have stopped her but I could sense she was becoming angry. I didn't want to be the reason she lost control but I also wanted to try and fix what was going on between us. I knew I had something to tell her but I knew it was going to hurt her. I wanted to tell her so I could stop feeling all this guilt built up inside me, it would explain to her so much. Why I didn't want to see anyone when I got back from the mission, why I didn't want to face her straight away, why I feel so upset that she is getting close to Nat again. I knew what I did was wrong, but I knew we could work past it together as long as I told her soon. I got lost in my thoughts about what happened when I was on the mission, I was upset after my phone call with Y/n, Steve came in to check on me before we had dinner. I was crying a little, thinking about her and Nat together. I hadn't told her that I read her mind one night, to see how close she was with Nat before she got kidnapped and I seen too much, they were so close. Closer than friends.. But I couldn't be mad at that. Then when she told me that she was spending so much time with Nat, falling asleep with her I let my jealousy take over and became angry with her. My mind ran crazy before Steve came in, he distracted me and talked to me. Trying to make me smile again, but we got caught in a moment and we kissed for a second before I pulled away from him. I knew instantly, I felt the guilt build in my body as Steve apologised. We knew we had done wrong, but we couldn't take it back. I knew I had to tell Y/n but it was going to kill her. But without realising I have pushed her away when she needs me most.. I felt my heart sink as she left my room, stumbling along the hall. I wanted to follow her but I knew I would just make things worse. So I turned away and tried to fall asleep as I cried into my pillow, angry and upset at myself for acting this way with the one person I care about the most in this world.

It was the following day, you flickered your eyes open as a message from F.R.I.D.A.Y echoed in your room. You felt Nat jump a little before she felt herself still lying on your chest which put her at ease. She glanced up at me before we both listened to the message. "Mr Stark would like everyone in the meeting room in 20 minutes. No excuses." Tony's A.I then went silent as you let out a loud sigh, knowing you had to get out of bed. "Urgh.. Why.. I'm so tireddd.." You feel Nat giggle as you talk out loud in your disgust at being made to get out of bed. You watched as Nat got up off your chest and sat up in your bed, looking down at you after she stretched. "Come on weirdo.. Get up! Let me quickly check your hands before I go get changed.." You hold out your hands as Nat holds them infront of her, running her thumbs across the dried blood on each knuckle. "They aren't too bad, I will check them properly after the meeting okay?" You nod and smile as she leans down and kisses your forehead before getting out of your bed. "I'm going to go get changed, I'll come back for you and we'll head downstairs. GET DRESSED!" She points at you before she rushes to her room to get changed. You groan as you reluctantly climb out of bed and get changed into some jeans and a white long-sleeved top.

Just as you finish putting some socks on your feet, you hear Nat knock before walking in your room. You look up and see her smiling as she walks straight over to you. She passes you your favourite white trainers as she sits next to you on your bed. You put them on and tie the laces before sitting up, seeing her watching you. "How you feeling now your awake properly?" You give her a soft smile as you walk into the bathroom, spraying some cologne on your neck and wrists. "I'm okay, very drained but I'll be alright." You watch her in your mirror as you sort your hair out, she is looking down at the floor of your bedroom, fidgeting a little as if she is nervous? "You okay Romanoff..?" You see her cheeks flush a little as you walk back into your bedroom. "Yep. Now come on, we have a meeting to attend."

She jumps up off your bed, shaking off her slight nervousness before she grabs another one of your hoodies off the back of your door and puts it on over her head. You shake your head and laugh as you follow her out of your door. "What? You hoodies are WAY more comfy than mine!" You chuckle as she waits for you to close your door. You walk beside her down the hall towards the meeting room, everyone is there but you two so you rush a little as you reach the doors. You push the door open for her, letting her through first before following close behind. You sit together directly opposite Wanda, Steve and Sam. You notice Nat pulls in her chair and moves it a little closer to you before Tony enters the room, pulling everyone's attention on him as he pulls a screen across from his desk and faces it towards us all at big conference table where everyone is sat around together.

Avengers POV
The team has all gathered in the meeting room, Tony enters last, carrying a coffee and some paperwork in with him. He walked straight to the top of the table, scanning everyone in the room as they were all sat in silence. He hadn't asked Peter to join, as he was busy with studying. He had also informed Clint of what was happening and they decided he would stay away until he was needed. He pulled a computer screen towards the top of the table so everyone could see what he would put on the screen, he took one last look around to see everyone. Sam, Steve, Wanda, Bucky, Bruce, Rhodey, Y/n and Nat all looked back at him as he cleared his throat. "Okay so sorry for the last minute meeting but I wanted you all to hear this news from me rather than anywhere else. There is going to be a meeting with the members of the UN in the next couple of weeks to discuss a new matter which has brought forward as a result of what happened in Lagos, as well as other incidents." Tony tried to gage everyone's reactions but everyone just sat and listened. "They are going to discuss, what they are calling, The Sokovia Accords." A few highlighted statements appeared on the screen as he spoke to the team. "So this is to put the likes of us, The Avengers, in check. There will be a lot more to this but basically we will have a panel of experts and officials which will decide where we are needed in the world, and if we are necessary on certain missions or events which might occur. This was going to happen eventually, so we are being asked to sign willingly before it is made a legal document." Tony felt the room go tense as everyone had their own opinions which would be shared at any moment. Before he could say anything more, Steve spoke up from where he was sitting. "So this just shifts the blame, we need to be accountable for our own actions." His statement was followed by Rhodey and Tony disagreeing with him. It became clear very quickly the team was divided in opinions, as if the table had been split down the middle as Steve spoke up again, "This takes away our control over what we do to help and what missions we can help with. What if we need to go somewhere and they don't let us or what if we are sent somewhere we don't agree with." Steve stands his ground along with Sam and Bucky as Tony and Rhodey argue against them.

You sat silent as a lot of the group argued against one another. You didn't feel like getting involved at this point, knowing your emotions were unstable and you were still feeling weak from what happened a few hours ago. You just sat and listened as different arguments were made across the table. You looked to see Wanda becoming uncomfortable as she sat next to Steve, who was being very vocal. You caught her gaze for a few seconds as she looked right at you with glossed over eyes. You looked down at the table before glancing across at Nat who was keeping an eye on you as well as keeping up with the discussions at the table. Before long you heard yours and Wand's names being brought up, making the point that you are both not officially US citizens yet, but because you are with The Avengers the government seen it unfit to question your loyalties to the Country. You turned your attention to Tony as he defended you both to an extent.

"Yes I am aware of this, but as long as they agree to sign they will be protected and eventually granted full US Visa's from the government, they won't come to any harm. Powers or not." You hear a stern tone in Tony's voice as his arguement with Steve becomes a little heated, you begin to feel stressed, your body tensing as the voices in the room became louder and louder. "And what if they don't sign, will they be arrested?" Steve started to question everything, as if he was defending Wanda, which was irritating you even more. You clenched your fist under the table but before you can try to calm yourself down you felt Nat's hand on your arm. She rolled your sleeve back before stroking your arm gently with her fingertips. You looked over at her as she gave you a subtle smile, your body starting to relax instantly as you focused on her touch. You looked back up and seen Wanda watching Nat as she tried to keep you calm, her eyes flickering red as she glanced between you both. You felt the anger build again, your fist clenching again but this time one of your cuts burst open and blood started seeping from it.

You looked down as Nat followed your eyeline to see the blood dripping down your hand and onto your jeans. "Come on.." You hear Nat whisper as she takes your other hand in hers and leads you out of your chair and towards the doors of the meeting room. Most of the team is too busy arguing to question you both but as you glance back you see Wanda following you both as Nat's hand held yours tight. You just shake your head and follow Nat as you walk out of the room which was now filled with angry voices and tempers rising. You followed Nat to the living room where she stopped you both, she turned to face you before saying anything. "Should we go for a walk to calm you down before I clean that up?" You nod as you both walk towards the main doors which lead to the training field outside the compound. Your fingers interlocked with Nat's as you headed towards the doors together. As you get closer you both freeze, you glance at each other as you both hear scattered noises coming from outside the compound. You turn Nat to face you before you move any further. "Go get the others.."   

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