First Mission Didn't Go To Plan..

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  You feel someone grab your jacket, shaking you to wake up. Your vision is blurry but you can hear Steve's voice shouting your name. "Y/n can you hear me, come on are you okay!?" You rub the dust out of your eyes as you see Steve looking right at you, he lifts you off the floor and back on your feet. "I'm good Steve, thanks!" He nods as he turns back to the fight, more trucks loaded with guards pull up. Steve joins Sam as they have the Winter Soldier in their hands, still cuffed, ready to move him out with us. You scan the area and see Nat and Wanda under cover not far infront of you, you catch Wanda's gaze as she studies your body, checking to see if you are okay after the knock you took. You give her a convincing smile as she turns back to covering Nat. You look for Peter but can't find him anywhere, then you hear Tony's voice in your ear above the gunfire and explosions, "Guys you need to get to the jet now. It's not far from the lab, package is secure with Steve, Sam give air support, girls do whatever you can to get through the guards and to safety and Peter like I said to you, keep your distance and web them up! Now get to the jet, all of you!"

You run and join Nat and Wanda behind cover, "You both okay?" They both nod at you as you look back at Steve who is moving with the prisoner, "Right Sam give us a smoke screen, we move through quickly and get to the jet." You nod at Steve and lay down covering fire to let Sam get air-born. "Stay close, keep your heads down and don't stop! We are getting out of here okay?" You wait for Nat and Wanda to respond before clipping your pistol back in it's holster and watch as Sam flies over head. You all drop below cover as the bomb makes contact with the floor, you grab Nat and Wanda and start to move through the smoke. You run into a guard on the other side of the truck, they grab your throat, and they start fighting with you, "Keep moving, I'll be right behind you!" You shout at Nat who grabs Wanda and they move out of sight, you knock the guard out and carry on moving. Gun shots echo around you as you start too pick up the pace. You see the archway of the entrance to the street above the smoke not far in front of you but before you can reach it, two guards grab both your arms and throw you onto the floor. They pin you down and start throwing punches. You brace for each one before using your legs to kick back, you fight the two guards but they are getting the better of you. Your on your feet defending your body from every punch and kick as you start to hear voices in your ear, "Anyone got eyes on y/n! She's not at the jet!? Y/n do you copy?" It's Steve, you can't get a second to reply so you keep fighting as the smoke starts to clear away. Then you hear someone's subtle voice in your ear as you see another guard running towards you, "I found her!" You freeze as you realise it's Peter's voice. You instantly look up for him before the guard hits you in the back with a steel rod. You scream out in pain as you look up and see Peter land down a few feet from you but before you can say anything he webs the guard and sends him flying backwards. Peter starts to run to you but just as he reaches you, you hear a gun shot behind him. "NO!! PETER!"

You look at Peter who freezes where he is stood. You scan his body before seeing his arms reach up and take his mask off his head, trying to catch his breath. He looks straight at you with pure panic in his eyes, he grabs his chest as you run straight to him and he falls into your arms. You drop him down to the floor as you hear more gun shots behind you. You shield Peter with your body before looking up and spot the guard hit the floor face first. You lay Peter down in front of you as you study his body before seeing a pool of blood appear behind him on the floor. "Shit Peter! Look at me, Your fine okay! I'm going to get you out of here, just stay with me!" You see Nat's face appear as she kneels down on the other side of Peter, she helps you roll him on his side and you see the blood gushing out of his back, you look up at Nat terrified as you hold Peter in your arms. "Steve we have a gunshot to the middle of the back, losing a lot of blood." Nat looks right at you, "We need him on that jet now, guards are down and package is secure, let's move!" You nod as you scoop Peter up in your arms and start to follow Nat towards the jet. You look down and see Peter's eyes begin to close, "No don't you dare close your eyes on me Peter! Listen and concentrate on my voice okay! You are getting out of here, I'll make sure of it! So just stay awake!" You reach the street and see Wanda and Sam running back towards you, "Steve we are a minute out get the jet ready to move!" Nat warns Steve we are on our way as Sam heads back to start the jet up but Wanda meets you as she sees Peter in your arms and she fears the worst. She runs beside you with her arm on your back, keeping you moving forward, as you turn the corner and see the jet.

You reach the ramp on the jet and rush Peter to the table which is lined with a thin white sheet ready for him getting there, you place him down on his side as Steve is waiting with towels and gauzes to stop the bleeding. The doors shut behind you as you hold Peter up on his side as Steve and Nat try and stop the huge amount of blood coming from your brother. You crouch down on one knee next too the table as you feel the jet take off, look right into your brothers eyes as you feel Wanda take over holding him so you can talk to him. "Hey bro, look at me okay, just concentrate on me." He looks right at you but you can see the pain and tears form in his eyes, "You are going to be fine okay, I just need you to stay awake for me, can you do that?" He nods slightly as you begin to feel your own eyes fill with tears. You place your hand on his cheek as he starts to close his eyes, "No Peter you can't you need to keep your eyes open! Not long now okay just look at me, I promise you I won't let anything bad happen to you! And you know better than anyone, I never break my promises!" He opens his eyes as he winces in pain, "I love you Sis, I'm so happy I got to see you again.." You grip the table as you see him close his eyes and keep them closed. You lean your head on the side of the table as you begin to cry in anger. "Shit, Steve get me him on his back, Sam how long?" Steve grabs a needle and injects it into Peter's arm then helps Nat and Wanda roll him on his back. You stand up and watch Nat check for his pulse, "Pulse is weak, Tony we need Bruce on standby at the med bay right away!" You turn away as you feel Wanda wrap her arms around you, you grab her top as your knees buckle underneath you. She holds you up as you sob into her shoulder before hearing Tony's voice echo through the jet..

"Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on!?" You pull away from Wanda as you press your ear to reply, "Tony.. it's Peter, he got shot from behind. It hit the middle of his back, he's lost a lot of blood. Make sure Bruce is ready." You hear silence before Sam speaks from the pilot seat, "1 minute out." You look at Nat who is looking more and more concerned at your brother who is lying lifeless on the table infront of her. You stand next to him, not knowing what to do. You feel the jet land on the tarmac, Steve runs to open the doors as you scoop Peter off the table and run down towards the ramp. You see Tony waiting at the bottom of the ramp with Bruce holding onto a bed from the med bay. You run down the ramp and place Peter's fragile body down onto it as Bruce and Tony wheel him towards the big glass doors. You follow them as they wheel him straight through to the medical bay where you freeze as you enter through the glass doors you grew to hate being in there yourself.

You watch as Bruce hooks multiple wires up to your brother's body as Tony drags over various tables and machines. You just stand and watch as Tony and Bruce flip his body over and fit a oxygen mask to his face. They unzip his suit and you see where the bullet entered his body, you start to loose control of your breathing as Tony steps away from Peter's side and walks towards you. You make eye contact with Tony as you see his eyes are filling with tears, he just stares at you as you break contact and look back at Peter as Bruce starts to get to work, removing the bullet. Tony puts his hand on shoulder and grips it tight. You look back up at him as he hangs his head down and walks out the doors behind you. You hear the doors again and feel someone grab your arms softly and turn you towards the doors. You see Wanda's face meet you as you don't have the strength to fight her moving you away from your brother, "Come on, he's in the best hands with Bruce, he saved you and he will look after Peter just the same. Let's go get you cleaned up okay?" You look down and see your whole body is covered in Peter's blood. You feel Wanda reach your hand and interlock her fingers in yours, as she leads you towards Nat who is waiting for you with open arms at the doors of the med bay. You look back at your brother once more before you leave him with Bruce and letting both Nat and Wanda lead you back to your room.

Wanda and Nat get you up to your room, they sit you down on your bed. Wanda looks for some fresh clothes as Nat kneels down infront of you and takes your hands in hers. "Y/n look at me, Peter is going to be fine. You got him back to Bruce and he will do exactly what he did with you. But I need you to go get a shower, you can't stay in those clothes. Can you do that for me?" You can hardly focus on what Nat is saying, your whole body has gone numb. You hear the word shower so you stand up off the bed and head towards the bathroom, you shut the door behind you and turn the shower on full. You look down at the clothes you take off and see them dripping in Peter's blood and you start to get images flooding your thoughts, of his face when the bullet hit his back, you feel him fall in your arms again. You see him lying lifeless on the table and you feel the tears roll down your face again, stinging your eyes with every blink of your eyelids. You get in the shower and just let the water run down your body, it's too hot but you just stand and let the water burn your skin until it's red raw. You half-heartedly wash the blood and dust of your body and out of your hair before turning off the water and getting out to dry yourself. You catch yourself in the mirror and see your scar, you run your fingers over it then you notice your ribs are a deep purple colour on both sides of your body. You look up and see your right eye starting to go the same deep purple colour. You don't even feel any pain, just guilt and anger fill your body as you wrap the towel around your body and head out to put some fresh clothes on. You see a pile of clothes on your bed, Wanda must have got them for you, you get dressed and just sit on your bed staring at the wall infront of you. You have no sense of anything other than the huge overwhelming feeling of guilt you feel as more tears fall from your eyes and you watch them hit your bedroom floor.

Wanda POV
I get changed in my room, having a quick shower as I can feel Peter's blood on me, but I know I need to be back with y/n. I hate seeing her like this, I know how she feels right now and I can't leave her alone. She needs me and after everything she has done for me since the day I met her, now this is my turn to be her rock and look after her. I put some clothes on and head back to her room, I can't hear anything as I knock. I get worried as I still hear nothing so I open the door slowly and see her sitting on her bed with her head hanging down. I let myself in and shut the door behind me. She doesn't flicker at the noise of the door shutting. I sit down next to her, not saying a word. I reach for her hand and hold it tight. She grips it back as I just watch her body move in time with her breathing. We sit in silence for a little while before I hear her speak so softly, "It was my fault Wanda. He came back looking for me. I'm the reason he's in that med bay right now.." I quickly kneel down in front of her, I can't let her do this to herself. "Hey look at me!" I grab her face with both of my hands and lift her head so our eyes meet, I notice straight away she has a black eye appearing but I need her to listen to me before I can sort it out, "Listen to me right now Y/n, this is not your fault okay. We all tried to stop him but he was gone before we could reach him. He's your brother he is always going to want to protect you, that could have been any of us that got shot! But I promise you, he is going to be fine." I see her eyes flicker at those words, she always told me she never broke her promises no matter what so I knew she would listen if I said the same. "Stealing my lines again Maximoff.." I smile slightly at her as she makes one of her sarcastic comments at me, I wipe her tears away and look deep into her mesmerizing eyes. I pull her into my shoulder and she wraps her arms around me and I just hold her tight but as I squeeze her around her stomach she winces in pain. I quickly let go of my grip, worried it's from her scar but as look up I notice she reaches for her ribs. I need to get her checked over or at least have a look myself before getting something to treat her eye before the swelling gets any worse.

As Wanda breaks away from you all you can feel is a sharp pain shooting through both your sides, you finally start to feel the pain from your bruised ribs. You see the concern in Wanda's face as you grip your sides. "I'm fine, honestly, stop worrying!" You look right at Wanda knowing she won't stop worrying about you no matter what you say but her stare is interupted by a knock at the door, "Come in.." you shout at the door. Nat enters and looks straight at you, "Hey how you holding up in here." You look up at her before looking back at Wanda, "I'm good but looks like a black eye and some bruised ribs for this one.." Wanda nods in your direction as she turns to speaks to Nat, "I can see that, we need to get an ice pack on that eye.." You shake your head and you look down at the floor, "Going to let me have a look at those ribs, please?" Wanda looks up pleading with you, your exhausted so you give in and lay back on the bed, pulling your t-shirt up above your ribs and both Wanda and Nat gasp at the sight of the deep purple bruising surrounding both your sides, wrapping around your ribs and your back. "Shit that looks like more than just bruised ribs y/n.. You need them checked out." You sit back up, struggling but you manage. You pull your t-shirt back down before answering Nat, "I would but unfortunately Bruce is busy pulling a bullet out of my little brother's body.." A silence fills the room before you speak up again, in a softer tone of voice, "Sorry Nat it's just, I need to know he is okay. I can't bare loosing him.." You look down and Nat sits next to you and puts her arm over your shoulders, "It's okay, I know your worried but he is in the best hands okay. Let's get you down to the kitchen and get some ice packs yeah? We can all sit in the living room and wait for Bruce, Together." You nod as they both help you off your bed and head down to the kitchen.

You get to the kitchen and no one is around, you sit down at the table and watch as Nat and Wanda head to the freezer. You stare as you watch them grab some ice packs and a bag of frozen peas, Wanda gets some tea towels and warps the 2 ice packs and the bag of peas then brings them over to the table where Nat is kneeling next to you. "Peas on your eye! Ice packs on you ribs." You grab the peas and place them over your eye, wincing at the pain and temperature before looking down at Nat, "And you do realise I only have 2 arms right?" You smirk as you see Wanda laugh behind Nat's back as Nat looks up at you, very unimpressed with a slight smile, "Alright smart arse, Wanda we need a bandage to wrap these ice packs onto her ribs, first aid kit is in the second draw." You watch as Wanda brings over the med kit and starts to unwrap it, you lift your t-shirt with your spare hand as Nat holds the ice packs for Wanda to wrap the bandage around. She tapes up the end of the bandage as Nat lowers your top back down, "All set, now let's get you to the sofa so you can rest." Nat helps you up as you walk towards the living room, you sit down gently as Wanda follows you in with a bottle of water and some pain medication. You all sit on the sofa in silence before you see Steve coming from down the hall, he stops at the door to the living room as he notices the 3 of you sitting, "Everyone okay in here, how's the eye y/n?" You look over to him and nod, he looks almost guilty trying to make general conversation with you as he knows you will be worrying about Peter. "Any news?" He directs his question to Nat and she just shakes her head, he turns to leave before you speak up. "Thanks for what you did out there Steve, after I hit the wall.." He nods and leaves you back in silence again. Nat gets up and turns the TV on before sitting back down next to you, she puts a film on as she checks your eye. Wanda reaches for your hand as you all sit and wait for Bruce or Tony with news on Peter.

It's been a couple of hours, you have ended up lying flat on the sofa as sitting up was too uncomfortable, you have your legs over Nat's legs and your head on Wanda's lap. You are all watching the TV, trying to occupy yourselves but it's not working. You start to drift in and out of sleep from the medication Wanda gave you, you took the frozen peas off your face as it started to defrost. You feel her gently stroke your temple as you fall asleep. You aren't fully asleep as you hear Nat and Wanda talking, "I wish Bruce would hurry up, I hate seeing her like this. We need to know if he is okay or she will go in herself to find out." You hear Nat's voice with a hint of worry for you, "He's going to be fine Nat. He's her brother, they are both made of strong stuff." Your smile at what Wanda just said before drifting off again,. You hear the TV for a little while before hearing footsteps and the doors open, you spring up which causes you to wince in pain but your met with Bruce and Tony at the doors so you don't care. Bruce looks stressed and Tony has a very similar look so you know there isn't good news.

"So Bruce got the bullet out and stitched him up. Small amount of tissue damage but nothing to repair." Tony looks right at you, you knew there was more to come by the expression on his face but Bruce takes over. "He is still unconscious as there is some complications with his kidneys. We aren't 100% sure what is causing it but Dr Cho is on her way to have a look at him. For now, he is stable but we need to keep a close eye on him until she arrives." Bruce nods and leaves the room, Tony stands and watches you as you stare blankly at door where Bruce was just stood. "Y/n, you can go see him whenever you are ready." Tony walks away as Nat and Wanda both look at you waiting for you to say something but you stay silent. "Do you want to go see him?" You hear Nat as she holds your arm for comfort, "We can go with you if you want.." You hear Wanda's voice crack as she tries to force the words out. You nod and begin to stand, they both help you up and make your way to the med bay doors. You freeze as you see Peter lying so still, Nat and Wanda stand either side of you as you place a flat hand on the doors but hesitate to push them open.

"Can you guys give me 5 minutes alone with him..?" You put your head down as they both agree, "We will be right here waiting for you to give us the nod." You look at Wanda as she looks right at you, with worry filling her eyes. You nod and push the doors open, you walk in slowly. You reach Peter's side and just stand over him, scanning his whole body. You walk around to the other side of him and pull the chair close to his bed. You sit and hold his hand in both of yours as you feel your stomach do flips, "Hey bro. I'm so sorry, I should have looked after you better out there. I should have seen that guard before he had chance to.. Shoot.. You.." You put your head down on his arm as your body is starting to feel tired. "I'm not going anywhere okay, I'm staying right here until you wake up and I see that smile I love so much." You raise your head back up and see Wanda watching you from the doors, you nod at her and she comes in and sits next to you. She comes to sit next to and puts her arm over your shoulders and grips your arm. You sit in silence as all you can hear is the machines beeping, "Is this how it felt, when you were sitting with me?" You look at Wanda who has heavy eyes, "Yeah.. I just wanted you to wake up more than anything else in the world." You stare at Wanda who pulls you in to her. "He is going to be okay. It will just take time." You nod as Wanda rubs your back and rests her head on yours.

It's been a while since you came into the med bay, you have sat with Wanda, talking about Peter and what you had planned for next weekend. "We were going to drive to the arcades near the beach where we went, Peter wanted to ask you and Nat to come with us. He wanted us to win you and Nat one of those huge teddies each and go on all the rides. He was so excited." You see Wanda's eyes start to drift as you notice it's late, "Wanda, go get some sleep. I will be fine, I promise." She nods and stands up, pulling you up with her, "Do you need anything before I go? I can stay if you need me to?" You pull her into a cuddle before telling her to go to bed, "No I can manage, now please go rest." She kisses you on the cheek before leaving you to sit with Peter. You get comfortable as you start to talk to him again now it's just the two of you. After an hour or so your interupted by someone coming in the med bay, you look up and see Tony stood on the other side of the bed. "How you holding up? I can stay with him if you want to go get some sleep?" You shake your head as he looks too tired to even stand, "I'm good Tony. Thank you though. Go get some sleep yourself, it's been a long day for everyone." He nods as he looks down at Peter, "You know Tony, he really does love you so much. I'm so thankful you took him under your wing and looked after him when I couldn't.." He looks at you, a little emotional. "You would have been here a lot sooner if you had known Y/n, don't do that to yourself. He's a good kid, he deserves the world. He's lucky to have you as his Sister, you have a good heart." You smile at Tony as he turns to leave you. You sit back in the chair and manage to fall in and out of sleep between your talks with Peter, hoping he can hear you.

You wake up to the familiar bright lights of the med bay, you rub your eyes as your vision adjusts, you look down and see a blanket over you. You hear someone come in the med bay so you stand up and see Bruce heading towards you. "Morning y/n. I'm just here to check on Peter before Dr Cho arrives later today, is that okay?" You nod at Bruce as you stretch out, "Sure Bruce do what you need to do. I'm going to get out of your way and grab a coffee, want one?" He shakes his head no as you leave to walk to the kitchen. You get to the coffee machine and you yawn as you pour yourself a cup before re-filling the jar for who ever else needs one today. You notice that Tony is using the coffee beans Wanda bought him from your day out, you start to think about the beach and the plans you had made with Peter. You slam your fist down on the kitchen bench before hearing some behind you, "Hey easy there tiger, you okay?" You turn and look at Nat walking towards you. Before you say anything she wraps her arms around you and just hugs you. You hug her back but as you squeeze her you end up hurting your ribs in the process so you let go. "Still hurting you?" You nod as Nat lifts your top up and checks your sides. "You should really get Bruce to check you over when Dr Cho gets here." You watch as Nat presses your sides before lowering your top back down and looking up at you. "I will Nat, don't you start worrying, I hate it enough that Wanda constantly worries about me, I can't cope with you as well." She laughs as strokes down your arm before making herself a coffee. "Right well thanks for the prodding and poking this early in the morning, I'm going to get back to Peter. Catch you later Romanoff." You walk out as Nat laughs at your sarcasm. You see Bruce finishing up as you walk back in and sit next to Peter's bed, "How's he doing Bruce?" You look up at Bruce who is making notes, "Stable. Still unusual kidney behaviour, so we just have to wait for Dr Cho to do her tests." You nod as he leaves the room. You sit and drink your coffee and wait for Dr Cho to get there.  

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