The Team Returns..

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  "Thank you for tonight Nat.. It's been.. Really nice. Like old times.." You see her grin as she doesn't break eye contact with you. You feel her fingers slowly graze up your arms as she glances down at your tattoos on your arm. "Your more than welcome Y/n.. I've really enjoyed spending time with you.." Your eyes meet again, this time trapped in her emerald gaze as you both smile slightly. You share a moment, not knowing how to snap out of it as her hand met yours and both your fingers intertwined with each others. You both lean in a little before realising what you were doing. You both simultaneously jumped back slightly, breaking the moment as you cleared your throat and Nat walked across to your bed, climbing under your blanket. You got changed into some shorts and a t-shirt before joining her in your bed. As she leant up you stretched out your arm underneath her, letting her lay her head on your shoulder as you lay on your back. You cuddled her in tight, feeling her body relax into your own. "Good night Nat." You feel her smile as she replies. "Good night my weirdo.." You both smile before quickly falling asleep together.

**Time-Jump -- It's been a week since you had spoken to Wanda and went out with Nat. You and Nat had been spending everyday together, neither of you had spoken about the 'moment' you had that night but you have thought about it and you know she has too. You are even closer than you both were at the S.H.I.E.L.D facility, she has slept in your room every night and you've hardly been apart during the day. You have also bonded with Tony, Clint and Bruce over the past week, especially with Clint since he is hardly around, and he is Nat's close friend. You have all been eating meals together and watching movies in the living room, as well as just bonding in general during the day, and even they have teased a little at how close you and Nat are but you both just shrug it off. You and Peter spent some time together over the weekend too, he visited during the day and you both sat with the team having a small games night (which wasn't the same without the rest of the 'boys') but Nat even sat with you as you all played and laughed together. You even took him into town to look for some new trainers, he wanted your opinion as yours was better than anyone's, plus it gave you some Brother-Sister time just the two of you before he had to go back home.**

Avengers POV
Tony was in the lab with Bruce, working on some new tech for the team as a message came over the A.I. "Sir an urgent message." Tony and Bruce both turned their attention to each other as F.R.I.D.A.Y played the message in the lab. "Tony, we need some resources sent too Lagos, something went wrong on the mission. A building has collapsed and there are a lot of people injured. The team are all ready and waiting for a jet to arrive and bring us back to the compound but could you assist in the clean up and aid efforts? Rogers." Tony and Bruce shared glances as they began to panic, wondering what had went wrong. "F.R.I.D.A.Y relay with Nigerian officials and send any resources they need, make sure a jet is on it's way to pick up the team and anything else comes through me from now on until we get a handle on this, also alert Fury and get him to contact me a.s.a.p." Tony jumps up and heads to his office, "Bruce prep the med bay, the team may need treatment." Bruce nods and follows Tony out the lab as they both head off to get prepared for the teams arrival.

You and Nat are in the training room doing some sparring, you had been getting back to full strength again after everything that has happened as you had a lot of spare time and Nat had been there to train with you everyday. You had been laughing and joking around as you both got the better each other in turn, flipping and turning on each other as you exchanged light punches and kicks, trying to pin the other down. You catch your breathe for a second but Nat takes advantage and quickly swipes your legs from underneath you, catching you off-guard. You can't do anything but brace yourself as your back slams against the floor, but as the wind gets knocked out of you again you instantly feel Nat jump on top of you and pin your arms down above your head so you can't move. You try and breath but you can't help but laugh as Nat looks very pleased with herself. "Eventually got you weirdo!" You both laugh as you cough trying to breathe in. Nat lets go off your wrists and sit up, letting your take in some deep breathes but before any of you can say anything you both hear F.R.I.D.A.Y echo in the gym.

"Mr Stark has requested everyone in the living room right away." You look up at Nat as you both look in surprise, "What's that about?" You question out loud before Nat jumps up and pulls you off the floor. You both look at each other before you grab your bottle of water and head towards the living room, sharing it with Nat as you both drink some on your way. You start to hear a lot of voices, you glance at Nat as you both pick up the pace to see what is happening. You walk into the living room and see a group of people, all battered and dirty with tired expressions on their faces.

"What happened?" Nat speaks up as you both enter the living room, immediately she runs to Steve as he brings her into a hug. You freeze and scan the room, looking for the one person you wanted to see over everyone but she was no where to be seen. "Sam.. Where is she..?" You shout over to Sam with a shaky voice, automatically thinking the worst. Sam looked over at you but Steve and Nat turned to you before he could answer you. Nat ran back to your side as Steve closely followed her and put his hand on your shoulder. You jumped back away from him as you felt yourself getting upset before he answered you. "Y/n she's okay, she's not harmed she just didn't want to see anyone.." You shake your head, not understanding what he was saying as you thought she would want to see you as soon as she got back. "What.. Why?" You felt Steve let go off you as Nat hugged you tight. You looked at Steve over Nat's shoulder as you hugged her back, he just looked down as he didn't know how to tell you what had happened.

Nat pulled away but kept her hand on the back of your neck for comfort as you walked back towards the team as they gathered around the coffee table and sat down. You stood with Nat slightly away from everyone as Steve stood and explained what had happened in Lagos. You felt Nat gently stroking your neck as you all listened to Steve. "After days of watching the facility they eventually they turned up to look for the bio weapon, we tried to stop them getting away but Rumlow managed to get it out the building. We tracked them a few streets away near a refugee help centre building where I caught up with Rumlow as the rest of the team tracked down his associates. Wanda followed behind me as back-up but kept her distance. As I pinned Rumlow near the building, Sam radioed through to say he had the bio weapon, but Rumlow had his hand on a bomber vest so I couldn't leave. He tried to get information out of me before releasing his thumb on the button, mid explosion I realised Wanda had managed to contain the explosion with her powers, sending him and the vest into the air but she lost control and ended up hitting the side of the building." The whole room went silent as we heard the shock in Steve's voice as he finished what he was saying.

"There were people in the building, but as far as we know, nobody was killed. Just a lot of injuries. Wanda has blamed herself ever since, even though this is on me. I should have spotted the vest. That's why she went straight to her room.." You can feel Nat on your neck as you feel yourself let a tear escape your eye listening to what the team went through, especially Wanda. Steve starts to walk towards the med bay so Bruce can check him over, Sam and Bucky follow to make sure he is okay and to get checked themselves. Tony heads off to keep up to date with what is happening in Lagos, you turn to Nat as she looks right at you. "Go check on her Y/n. She might talk to you." You nod and hug Nat before you leave the living room. You ran towards Wanda's room, your heart racing as you just wanted to make sure she was okay. You had missed her so much, even after what had happened over the phone you still missed her like crazy. You got to her room, catching your breath quickly before opening the door. You tried to turn the handle but it was jammed closed. You knocked gently, "Wanda.. It's just me." You wait for her to answer but you don't get one.

You knock again, pressing your head against the door, trying to see if you can hear her in there. "Wanda.. Please.. I just want to make sure your alright.." You kneel down infront of the door, your head still against it as you suddenly hear her let out a sob as she must be crying. "Wanda please! I'm begging you just let me in.. I'm here for you no matter what. I love you and just want to be there for you.." You hear her crying become louder but still she doesn't open the door for you. You shuffle and sit with your back against her door, banging your head accidently as you lean it back against her door, hoping if you stay long enough she will let you in. You sit for a little while, before you decide to try and talk to her through the door. "Wanda.. I know what happened. Steve told us all.. Nobody blames you. You were doing your job okay.. You saved Steve's life. None of this is your fault. I still love you.. Please just let me in so I know your okay..." You hear her hiding her sobbing again as you try everything you can to see her, "Please I've missed you.. I just want to see you.. If I need to break down this door I will but I don't want to do that. I want you to want me there with you.."

You sit in silence as you no longer hear her crying. You must have been sat there at least an hour now, still leaning against her door. You had said everything over and over but still you heard nothing from her. You had hoped she had maybe fell asleep but her movements said otherwise as she paced and walked around her room. You started to doze off at this point, but you were startled awake by someone walking along the hall. You didn't look but you heard who it was. "Hey you.. No luck I'm guessing?" She spoke so softly as she knelt down next to you. You looked up at her, your eyes puffy from crying. "Nope. I don't know what I can do Nat.." She put her hand on the back of your neck again as you looked down at the floor infront of you. "Just give her time, that's all you can do. She will let you in when she is ready." You nod in agreement as Nat stands up infront of you. "Come on, you need a shower before dinner is ready." You hear her giggle at you as you look up and shake your head at her, "Thanks Nat! Kick me while I'm down.." You laugh as you joke with her, trying to cheer yourself up. You take her hand as she helps you off the floor and comes with you whilst you have a quick shower and changed.

Wanda POV
I got back from the mission. My head was still a mess after what happened, I didn't think that would happen but I just did what I thought was right. As we got back, I didn't want to face anyone. As much as I wanted to see her, I just didn't want too face anyone right now. I missed her so much, and I know this will hurt her but I just need time. I headed straight to my room, avoiding everyone. I walked through the living room where Tony and Bruce were but I just ran past and up to my room, hoping no one was waiting up there for me. I got to my room and locked the door behind me. I sat on my bed, replaying what had happened over and over again. Thinking how I could have done it differently but there was no other way. I felt my tears brim but before I could react I heard a knock at my bedroom door. Then within seconds I heard her voice and I couldn't hold back my emotions.. "Wanda.. It's just me.." Just the sound of her voice broke my heart into pieces, I just wanted to run to her and feel her arms around me but I knew I couldn't right now. She kept trying to talk to me but I had to try and block her voice, even though it was soothing me already but I couldn't let her in so I just sat listening to her and cried into my hands. It was killing me knowing I was hurting her but I couldn't see her yet and I just hoped she would understand eventually. I light sob escaped my throat as I looked towards the door and answered her softly, so she wouldn't hear me, "I love you too Y/n.."

You join Nat and the rest of the team for dinner, without Wanda coming down. You sit between Nat and Tony, trying to get involved in the conversation but all you can think about is Wanda. You hardly eat anything, Tony notices and turns to talk to you, "Come on kid, you need to keep your strength up. Wanda will be fine.. She will let someone in soon, just give her some space." You nod and try and eat some more as Nat rubs your back in comfort. The conversation goes quiet before you all hear Steve speak up with a plate of food in his hand, "I will go take this for Wanda.." You snap your neck as you watch him leave and head to Wanda's room. Nat notices and talks to you to calm you down, "Y/n, don't worry. At least if she lets someone in, we will know she is okay." You nod slightly but feel your blood boil. Nat tries to get Tony's attention but fails so she starts to stroke the back of your neck again, knowing it will help you calm down, the team give her some looks but she doesn't care as she just wants you to be okay. You see them all watching you both as you give Nat a small smile but before anyone can say anything Steve returns.

"How is she doing Rogers?" Tony speaks up as you keep your eyes fixed on Steve. "She'll be okay. She is going to have something to eat then try and get some rest. I said I will go in and see her tomorrow.." You can't help yourself, you look down at the floor before you stand up and leave the kitchen without saying anything. Nat quickly follows you as well as Tony. "Kid, where you going?" Tony shouts as you head towards the gym. "I'm going to train, I need to calm myself down so I'm gong to beat the sh*t out of a punch bag or 5!" You turn and walk away, leaving them both stood in the hallway. You hear Tony say something to Nat as you walk away, "Give her some space, hopefully no code-green incidents happen, that's the last thing she needs right now.." You burst through the gym doors and start punching a bag that was already hanging up, without even wrapping your hands. You just pound away at the bag over and over, your body going numb as you get trapped in your own thoughts..

'What have I done wrong?'
'Have I hurt her?'
'Should I have ever let myself catch feelings for her?'
'Am I good enough for her?'
'Am I good enough to be an Avenger?'
'Is there something I need to remember which is missing?'
'Why have my flashbacks stopped all of a sudden?'
'Should I leave?'
'Does she still love me?'
'Will I hurt anyone else?
'Will I have a code-green if I don't calm down...?'

You feel your hands bursting open as you see blood splattered all over the punchbag, but you can't seem to stop. You need to calm down and this is the only way you know how to right now. You can't hear anything other than your own thoughts as you suddenly feel the punchbag fly across the gym. You stop and look over at it burst open on the floor, you start to breath again, feeling like you held your breath for hours. As you gasp for air your head goes a little fuzzy. You stumble a little but before you can fall you feel someone hold onto you to help you keep your balance from behind. You rub your eyes to get your vision back before you turn and see who came in to see you. "Easy there tiger, you okay?" You can't help but smile a little as you hear her voice as she scans your face. You nod as you can't find any words to say to her. She gives you a soft smile as she looks down at your knuckles, seeing them dripping with blood on the gym floor.

"Okay so we need to get you cleaned up. When your ready.." She takes you over to the benches so you can sit and catch your breath. You look down as she kneels infront of you, looking at your hands. "Why him and not me Nat..? What have I done wrong..?" She looks up at you, seeing you upset again. "Y/n, I can't answer that but what I do know is that you have done nothing wrong. Just give her space and let her come to you. I know it's hard but I need to look after you right now, your emotions are all over the place with the memories still hanging over your head and this is not helping you. So please just concentrate on yourself for now.." You nod and agree with what she is telling you. You stand up and follow her to the kitchen, you sit at the table as Nat runs a towel under the water to wipe your hands clean before she can see how bad they are. You watch as she kneels infront of you, she rests your hands on your knees as she carefully wipes them clean. You wince a little as the pain is slowly creeping in. She giggles at you wincing, "The waters cold.." You chuckle as she shakes her head at you. "Yeah whatever you say weirdo."

Once your cleaned up, Nat wraps your knuckles in some bandages so the cuts can heal before you both head to your room. "Want to watch a movie?" You ask Nat as you get to your doorway, she nods as she goes to get changed. She re-joins you after your both changed, you climb in your bed, holding the blanket open for her as you turn on a film. She climbs in next to you, you prop yourself up on your pillows as Nat lays down on your shoulder, you wrap your arm around her and pull her close before you both settle in to watch the TV. You feel relaxed as you just lay in a comfortable silence with her, you feel her stroking your stomach to keep you calm. You smile to yourself, knowing you always have her by your side no matter what. You slowly fall asleep as Nat trances along your stomach with her fingers.

**It's been a couple of days since Wanda and the rest of the team got back from the mission. Wanda has been locked away in her room by herself, Tony has been on and off phone calls trying to keep up to date on the situation in Lagos. Steve, Sam and Bucky have settled back into being in the compound, training and getting on with work as well as joining everyone for meals and chill time in the living room. Clint had headed home after welcoming the team back from the mission and making sure Tony could manage things with Fury. You and Nat were still just as close before Wanda got back, you had tried a few times to knock on Wanda's door but you were only knocking once and asking once before leaving her again. You didn't want to pressure her but you also wanted her to know you were still here for her. Nat had been keeping you smiling and distracted with training and paperwork as well as volunteering you both to cook every night for the past couple of nights, which usually ended up in a mess. You always plated up a meal for Wanda once you had finished cooking, but Steve had taken it for her every time which still annoyed you but Nat helped you stay calm about it.**

You and the team were settling in for a movie night. Tony had decided to get the team together, including Peter, for a chilled out movie night with plenty of popcorn, snacks and a few drinks. Everyone gathered in the living room, getting comfy on the chairs and sofas. You and Nat were still in the kitchen making drinks for everyone. You opened some wine for Tony and Nat, you poured them a glass each as Nat opened some bottles of beer for you, Steve, Sam and Bucky. You poured out some cola for Peter before taking everyone else's drinks in as well. You noticed that the only seat left was the big single chair near the sofa. You looked around and made sure everyone had a drink before turning to Nat as she got your attention, "Go sit, I'll get our drinks and join you." You nodded and smiled as you sat down on the chair. Peter was slightly infront of you on the floor, he looked back and gave you a huge smile as he shuffled back to lean against the chair you were sitting on. You ruffled his hair as he looked back at the screen as Tony pressed play, shouting through to Nat in the kitchen.

"Come on Natasha, film is starting!" You all laughed as Nat ran in with a bag of sweets, her glass of wine and a bottle of beer for you. She walked behind your chair, handing your bottle to you over your shoulder. She stood infront of you, throwing Peter the bag of sweets her asked her for before scanning the room. "You want to sit here Nat?" She looked at you as you went to get up from your seat, she put her hand on your shoulder to stop you from getting up. "No need.. I'll just join you!" You chuckle as you sit back in the chair, holding your arms up out the way as she sat down on your lap, slightly sideways. She tucked her legs across yours as you were resting your arm and drink on top of them. You had your other arm around her back as she rested her head on your shoulder. You felt her body instantly relax as she held her wine glass with one hand, whilst the other was stroking your arm resting on her legs. You could feel a few sets of eyes on your from the team before they turned their attention back to the movie. You could feel everyone chill out as you felt like you had your family back together, but one thing was missing, and that was Wanda. Before you could think to much you heard someone mention her name.

"Is Wanda not joining us?" It was Peter, he scanned around and noticed she wasn't here. You noticed him look up at you and Nat but Steve was the one who answered him. "She still wants some space after the mission kid, she's doing better though so hopefully she will be here for the next time we do this together." As he finishes his comment you and Nat both look towards him as he sends you both a look of disgust. Your body instantly tenses but you feel Nat grip your arm and look right at you before whispering in your ear. "Don't rise to it. Just ignore him. For me.." You nod and see her still watching you as you relax your body back into the chair. She continues to stroke your arm to keep you calm as you turn back to the movie. You feel Peter jump a little as the film gets intense, you and Nat both giggle at him as he lies on your legs for comfort. Nat looks down and notices him, "Aww that is adorable.." She whispers to you as she looks back up from watching Peter lean into your legs. You look right at Nat, "He's always been like that, hates jumpy movies." You see Nat flickering between your eyes as you spoke to her. She then turns back to the movie as you finish your bottle before putting it down on the floor and stroke Peter's temple to let you now he is safe.

"You are so sweet with him.." Nat notices what you are doing with Peter and looks at you with glossed-over eyes. You chuckle as she watches you comfort your little Brother. But since your arm is now out of her reach she reaches up and starts stroking the side of your neck to keep your nerves calm whilst with the team. You catch Steve watching you and Nat, she notices your eye line change from the TV and follows it seeing what you have. You see her shake her head at him, he rolls his eyes and looks back at the TV. The only thing keeping you calm right now is Nat and Peter. You breathe slowly and deeply, trying to stay calm, but Nat notices. "Are you okay.. Do you want to go for a walk?" You shake your head a look across at her, "I'll be okay. I won't argue when Peter is here. So he can try all he wants but I won't infront of him. Plus I have you keeping me calm.." You smirk and wink at her as she nuzzles into your neck, cuddling in to you. You instantly hear someone move, you look over and see Steve get up and walk out the living room. You shake your head as you feel Nat look over and watch him leave.

"What's up with him?" Tony speaks up to the team after Steve leaves the room, "No idea.." Nat's muffled voice comes from being still nuzzled into your neck. You chuckle as she tickles your neck with her breathing. She giggles realising what happened so she purposely starts blowing your neck every now and then, making you flinch. "Stop it Romanoff!" You softly tell her stop but this makes her do it more, "Want another beer Y/n?" You nod and just as you reply she does it again, "Yes pl.. Please Sam. Thanks!" You turn and give her a stern look, which just makes her giggle at you. "Thin ice Natasha!" She nuzzles into your neck and gets comfy again as Sam hands you another bottle. "Thanks Sam." He clinks your bottle with his and smiles at you before sitting back down in his chair. You smile back as he sits down, as he's letting you know he is good with you no matter what Steve is angry at. Just as the movie ends you see Tony scan the room to see if anyone is asleep.

"Well guys, this has been good to have you all back but I'm heading to bed. It's been a long day so good night and see you all tomorrow." You all say good night to Tony as Sam and Bucky begin to clear up since you and Nat got everything ready. You feel Peter yawn next to you as he gets up off the floor. "Why don't you head to bed Peter.. You look tired." He nods and smiles at you and Nat before he leans down and cuddles you both still sat on the chair together. "Good night Bro, see you in the morning okay?" He nods and yawns again. "Good night Sis, see you in the morning. Good night Nat!" He smiles as he heads off to his room, "Good night kid!" Nat shouts as he leaves before looking at you, her face only inches from yours as it is now just you and her in the living room. "So, you okay? After Steve and everything?" You nod in reply before saying anything, "I just don't know why I'm the bad guy Nat.." You see her put her glass down and cup your face. "Your not the bad buy here Y/n! Trust me, I would be the first to tell you if you were in the wrong here.." You nod and smile in agreement. "Now let's go get some sleep." You smile as Nat goes to get up but before she can you scoop her up and stand up with her in your arms.

You carry her to your room, she opens your door and you carry her into your room. "This is not my room Y/n!" You laugh as you drop her on your bed. "Well it might as well be! You have slept in here for the past 2 weeks!" You both burst into laughter as you head to your wardrobe. You throw over a t-shirt as she is already getting changed. You change into some shorts before joining her in your bed. You cuddle up as usual before settling down. You turn on your TV but turn the volume right down, knowing your quite tired. The room goes really quiet and you start to hear people talking nearby. You turn and see that Nat can hear it too, "Is that who I think it is?" She doesn't reply as you think to yourself 'That is Wanda and Steve next door.. In her room!' You feel your blood start to boil before Nat grips onto you, "Y/n.. Chill. Please.. There is no point getting angry.. Let them talk. Talk to her about it when she comes to you." You don't respond as you feel her cuddle right into you to try and calm your anger down. You grip her tight as you keep her close to you. "What would I do without you Natasha Romanoff.." You feel her smile massively as you stare up at the ceiling. You can't help but listen to the muffled voices coming through the wall as you feel Nat fall asleep on you.

After a little while you start to doze off but your woken up by Steve finally leaving Wanda's room. You hear her start to pace her floors after he leaves and your mind starts to spiral wondering what had happened between them. You couldn't settle so you decided to go and try to speak to her. You slowly get out of bed, not to disturb Nat as she is sound asleep. You grab your hoodie and put it on as you open your door slowly, slipping out and into the hallway, closing it behind you. You stand at her door, hearing her pacing still. You take a deep breathe before knocking gently on her door, you hear her stop pacing so you speak up to let her know it's you. "It's me.." You hear her catch her breath in surprise before the door unlocks. You take another deep breathe before opening her door and walking in slowly. Your heart is racing like it never has before, not knowing what is going to happen. You walk in and turn to close her door. As you do you take your time to turn and face her, your nerves are through the roof as you finally lay your eyes on her. You see her eyes are red and puffy, you instantly feel your heart sink as she is sitting on her bed looking at you.

"Wanda.." Before you can find any more words she jumps off her bed, running into your arms. You meet her half way, lifting her into the air as you hug her tight. She nuzzles into your neck as you bury your head into her. You hold her as her legs are wrapped around your waist. You slowly carry her to her bed, she lowers her legs as you break apart reluctantly before sitting on her bed next to her. She crosses her legs and you hold her hands, looking up at her before you find any words. "How are you?" You see her eyes filling with tears as you speak to her. "I just feel so guilty Y/n.. It was my fault.." You shake your head as you grip her hands tight. "It wasn't your fault Wanda! I promise you it was not your fault.. I know it's hard but you are not to blame. You did your job. That's it." You see her flicker between your eyes as you speak, you give her a soft smile as she pulls you a little closer to where she is sitting. "I've missed you Soldier.." You smile as you see her smile a little. "I've missed you so much Maximoff.. I.." Before you can finish she leans over and kisses you passionately, catching you off guard but you kiss her back instantly.

You kiss for what seems like hours before she pulls away from you. "I've missed that.." You feel your hands tremble as you talk.. "As I was saying thought Wanda, I was devastated when I noticed you let Steve in to see you before me.." You see her instantly loose her smile as you say Steve's name. "Well.. He understands what happened over there, you weren't there. Plus I was still angry.." You quickly look up at her as she finally admits she was angry at you. "Why what did I do wrong?" She looks down as you have a stern tone to your voice. "Wanda what is it? I need to know so we can fix it." she looks up at you, seeing you getting aggitated. "I was upset that you were spending so much time with Nat.." Before she can finish you snap at her, "You were the one who told her to look after me!" You quickly lower your tone as her eyes are fixed on you with a flicker of red in them. "I know but the fact you were watching movies and falling asleep next to each other, Then whatever else you were doing together.. it upset me." You shake your head as you stand up from her bed, trying to stay calm as you began to pace around her room. "I don't need this extra stress Wanda!" You go to leave but she locks her door with her powers, you turn your head and see her eyes flicker red as she looks at you. "We are talking about this, now!"

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