Is This The End Of The Story..?

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   You were standing a few feet from where Loki had a hold of Wanda, his arm now wrapped her neck as he pointed his sceptre at her chest. The end of the sceptre was glowing a faint blue as he looked right at you, venom in his eyes and a villainous grin on his face. "You see Y/n.. It's not going to be that simple.." You feel a surge of anger flow through your veins as your fists clench, you talk through gritted teeth, trying not too let him see your building anger. "Tell me what you want from me then.. Just don't hurt her.." You see the fear growing in Wanda's eyes as her bright green pupils became glossed over with tears brimming her eyelids. "Your going to come with me. No resistance. No rescue plan. No powers.." The last part of his comment confused you, you can't just switch off your powers so easily. "And how do you expect me to do that..? No powers? I won't use them against you if that's what you mean.."

Loki was watching your every move as you tried to edge closer to where he was stood with Wanda, slowing pushing your feet through the gravel beneath you. "DON'T COME ANY CLOSER..!" You see Loki push the scepter closer to Wanda's chest so you freeze where you are stood, "Okay, Okay.. I won't move.." You careful plant your feet as you are not too far from Wanda now. You can hear the team behind you still fighting as guards keep popping up in the field, but you can't look away from Wanda and Loki. "Now.. About our deal.. " You cut him off before he can go any further. "You let Wanda go safely then I come with you.. That's it. Nothing more!" You snap at him before you can stop yourself, you see him grin as you grip your fists tighter to keep your cool. "That anger of yours really does get the better of you doesn't it Miss Mellark.. I'm surprised they even trust you to be an Avenger..."

Avengers POV
The team is spread out across the training field outside the compound, battling against a relentless group of HYDRA guards as they use any means to get the better of everyone. The team know all they are doing is keeping the team away from each other, as Loki battles with you. Rhodey was hit by a helicopter missile, so Tony and Sam got him straight into the med bay where Bruce is on standby. Steve and Bucky we leading the ground assault as they passed the shield between each other and took out guard after guard. Nat was out of ammo, so she went back to her assassin roots and took out guard's with her bare hands, flipping between bodies as she got the better of everyone that got in her way. As Tony and Sam got back from the med bay, Sam took to the skies again but before Tony could move he seen someone else enter the fight. They swung in and landed infront of him as his helmet lowered. "HEY MR STARK!" Tony was in shock at who was infront of him, "PETER? What are you doing here!?" Tony stood in shock as Peter was full of excitement. "My Spidey-senses went crazy when I was studying, I knew something was happening so I came straight here to help!" He gave Tony a quick hug before he put his mask back over his head, "Okay well keep your distance and web them up Kid." Peter nodded and headed into the heat of the fight as Tony joined Sam in the skies. The team were all dragged further and further away from where Loki had hold of Wanda, but Tony spotted you standing infront of them and informed the team in between blasting guards. "Guys, heads up, Loki has Wanda. Y/n is there but she will need back-up! Anyone who can get there do it! Except the kid, you just keep your distance for now, Loki is not to be messed with!" The team all acknowledged Tony's message as they fought even harder to get to you and Wanda.

You feel your powers pulsing through your body as you watch Wanda's face studying yours, you see a tear escape and roll down her cheek as she never takes her eyes off you. "I am in full control of my powers, I would never hurt anyone.." Loki just laughs at you as you talk. "Yeah.. Of course not. That's why you nearly killed Bucky? Or why you attacked Captain America?" You try not to react but your whole body tenses in anger. "Just admit it Y/n.. You're a danger to everyone. Your going to end up killing someone.." He gripped onto Wanda tighter as you had to restrain yourself from lunging forward at Loki. "Now, now. Keep that temper under control, we don't want to have too hurt witchy here now do we?" You grind your teeth at his comment, "Don't.. You.. Dare.. Loki.." You see him chuckle before he said anything more. "She will see you for who you really are one day, how could she love someone like you.. That's why she kissed the perfect Captain Rogers over there.. At least he deserves her!" You see him point the scepter towards Steve behind you as his words start to tear a hole in your chest.

"Wanda.. Is that true?" You turn your attention to her eyes as she looks right back at you. You see her shake her head before Loki shakes her for an answer. "Go on Witchy, tell her how you kissed Rogers on your last mission!" You don't peel your eyes away from Wanda as the tears fall from her eyes, "It's true Y/n.. But it was a mistake. I was angry and jealous.. I'm so sor.." Loki cuts her off before she can say anything more. "Your not sorry Wanda.. You just wanted someone BETTER!" You jump forward slightly, your emotions taking over for a split second before you had to stop yourself as Loki points his scepter at you. "NOT ONE STEP CLOSER!" You look up at Loki as he gives you a venomous look, tears forming in your eyes as your anger runs wild with jealously and hurt. "I told you what would happen if you came any closer Y/n.." You watch as Loki points his scepter back at Wanda, the glowing blue getting more intense as he points it into the top of her chest. "NO LOKI!"

He stops just as you scream at him. He looks right back at you with his black pupils taking over the whites of his eyes. "Fine.. You want her? Come get her!" You lunge forward as you see Loki push Wanda forward towards you. You react quickly, catching her in your arms as she stumbles to you. You look over her shoulder, expecting Loki to disappear but instead you see him step forward, following Wanda's movement in your direction. A sense of panic fills your body as you see his scepter pointed out infront of him as he jabs it towards Wanda's back as she falls into your arms. Your body moves quicker than your mind does and before you can think about anything you are doing, you keep tight a hold of Wanda's body as you spin her around so your body fills the space between her and Loki. You brace yourself for what is coming your way as you expect another blast of energy from the end of the scepter but what happens next sends your body into shock.

You feel all the air in your lungs escape in one huge scream as a sharp, breathtaking pain rips through your back and out through your chest. You glance down as you outstretch your arms, holding Wanda away from your body as you feel something piercing your chest. You see the end of Loki's scepter poking through the middle of the top of your chest, the blue mist still surrounding it as you feel your body loose all of it's energy. It feels like time stands still as you look towards Wanda, her eyes focused on your chest as her eyes instantly turn a shade of red, as her body freezes in shock. You struggle to stop your body from going into shock as you see Wanda's eyes flicker across your body as the scepter still hasn't moved from your back. "NOOO Y/N!" You finally hear Wanda's reaction as her hands shoot up to her face, covering her mouth as she tries to stop herself screaming out in fright.

Wanda POV
I felt so much fear running through my body as Loki had the scepter pointed at my chest. He was blocking my powers somehow, blue flashes kept getting a little more intense whenever I tired to use them. I felt so useless as my focus was on Y/n right now. I stayed quiet as Loki taunted her. I could see her heart pounding in her chest as she tried not to give him what he wanted. She was so strong, she had proven that by being in control of her powers for the first time. I was so proud of her but I needed to get to her, before something bad happened. I felt the scepter point into my body as I seen her lunge forward from Loki's words antagonising her, I knew he wouldn't react well as before either of us could react he pushed me forward. The sudden force sent me off balance, but she was there to catch me, as she always was. I felt her hands grip me tight but before I could look at her I felt her spin my body around. She had put herself between me and Loki, then before we even stopped moving I seen something I will never forget. The blue flash drew my attention to the top of her chest as I seen the end of Loki's scepter force itself through her skin. The green shade instantly faded away from her as Loki must have used some sort of powers to take hers away. She was vulnerable, and instantly in agony. I tried to stop myself from screaming but I couldn't move my hands quick enough to cover my mouth. "NOOO Y/N!" I screamed out as a huge blue cloud of smoke engulfed Loki and his scepter as they both disappeared from view. I didn't even think to look for him as I seen her body infront of me already going weak and falling to the floor slowly. I instantly protected her head as I knelt down and followed her body movement. I seen her eyes flicker with pain and fear as I tried to get her attention, to let her know I was there with her. "Y/n.. Talk to me.. Please.." I could feel my voice trembling as I wanted her to tell me she was okay.

You suddenly feel another agonizing pain as the scepter is ripped back out of your body back the way it entered. You feel a rush of energy behind you before a cloud of blue smoke washes past your body, and you instantly knew Loki had disappeared again. The panic starts to fill your body as you struggle to fill your lungs with any oxygen, your body shaking uncontrollably as you feel your powers slip away. You catch yourself searching for the green in Wanda's eyes as you know your body is already starting to slowly shut down. You reach up and find her arms reaching for you, she grabs your arms tight as you feel your legs beginning to buckle from under your body. You see her eyes already filled with tears as she tries not to worry you anymore. "Y/n.. Talk to me.. Please.." Wanda's voice is trembling as she talks to you softly.

You feel your body become weak as you let yourself fall to the floor, Wanda catching your head before it crashed against the field beneath you. You felt her hands on the back of your head as your body hit the floor, she knelt beside you as you looked up at the sky above you, then you heard her scream for help. "TONY!? BUCKY!? NAT!? ANYONE!?" You heard the desperation in her voice as muffled responses came from different directions as you watched Wanda scanning the field around you both. She looked back down at you, eyes glossed over as you tried to smile at her. "You okay Maximoff..?" You struggled to speak as she just shook her head at your question. "Seriously, your asking me if I am okay?" You gave her a half smile as you began to cough slightly trying to fill your lungs to speak again. "You know me Maximoff.." You see her smile through her tears as she starts to sob, but before she can say anything you hear another voice come from behind her. "NOO! Wanda what happened!?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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