--Chapter 9--

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I woke to a loud buzzing noise coming from my bedside table. I groggily turned over from lying on my front to smack the alarm that was causing a ruckus. My eyes were slowly adjusting to the little beams of light that peered through the small gap in between the curtains. I felt my eyes slipping closed again a few seconds later when all of a sudden the light from outside beamed in, causing me to throw one of my arms up to defend my eyes from the attack.

"Get up. We've got school." Came a serious and blasé voice. I groaned, rolling over to push my face into the pillow.

"Five minutes, I just need to let my eyes adjust." My voice was muffled by the pillow, but clear enough the aggravated man standing by the window could hear.

"You're not making me late on my first day, move your arse," Levi said walking towards my bed and pulling the sheets covering my body away, chucking them aside.

"Fine," I said sarcastically, lifting myself up to sit on the side of the bed. I sprawled my arms above my head and closed my eyes, letting out a satisfied sigh from the feeling of stretching my limbs. Once my arms returned back down to my sides, I peered around the room for a familiar face. Levi was standing by my desk already up and dressed in clean clothes with his hair still a little damp from probably having a shower. He was wearing a plain grey, short-sleeved shirt, black skinny jeans that were rolled up twice at the bottom. Probably because they seemed a little large for his small stature. Along with his white canvas shoes, he wore the day before, and a black leather jacket over the top.

Wait, isn't that- that's my jacket... And my top. And those are my jeans. No wonder he rolled them up. This bast-

"I know I'm fascinating to look at, but we don't have all day so move your arse because I'll leave you to walk if not." He said sarcastically while looking at me as though nothing was wrong. But it was. He stole my clothes. Asshole.

"You're wearing my clothes," I said in disbelief of this man standing before me.

"And, what else was I supposed to wear? My clothes from the day before?"


"No." He said cutting me off, giving me no time to answer his questions. Although, I kind of liked him wearing my clothes. They suited him. Of course, I wouldn't tell him that, he'd probably attack me.

"I guess we'll have to go shopping for new clothes then, I don't need you stealing mine all the time. I don't exactly have that many, to begin with."

Wait, so is he also wearing my boxers?-

"Whatever, just get dressed." He said turning to look out the wall of windows behind my desk.

I decided Levi was probably right, and I didn't want to make him late for his first day. Also, I didn't really want to walk seven miles to college. So I leapt up from my bed, slightly more energised and waltzed over to my draws, picking out an outfit for the day. I chose to wear a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, a grey hoodie and a blue denim jacket over the top.

I glanced down at the clock sitting on my bedside table, showing 8:23 am. I grabbed a pair of socks and boxers and I quickly ran through to the bathroom for a speedy, ten-minute shower, to brush my teeth and change into my clean clothes. By the time I was done the time was already 8:40 am. I'd just have to have breakfast at college, even if the food did taste like cardboard.

"Hurry up, brat!" Levi said banging on the bathroom door. I scrambled out the door into my bedroom and gathered my belongings I'd need and chucked them into my bag. I then looked over to Levi standing patiently- well as patient as he can get at my bedroom door.

"You aren't taking anything with you?" I asked. At the time it hadn't struck me he didn't really own anything.

"Take what exactly? I don't have anything with me." He said with his usual bland tone, and his face looking bored.

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