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Hana hurriedly coped with the discussion they're having today, having her mind wandered to random things for a minute or two.

She was suddenly like this after lunch, where the news of her and Mark being soulmates spread like fire—from their extended friend group to the neighboring tables until it was all over the campus.

It's a huge headline for the students who fully know the male; the words thrown at him are scary and arrogant. Some say he was some sort of gang member or even in a deadly cult where they plan to kill someone at midnight. There was one who once spread rumors of him being seen in a gay bar, and that received two reactions from opposite sexes.

Either way, they have just known Mark Lee as a bossy and bad influence, yet they still dream of being fucked raw by him.

Kids these days, she mentally grumbled and speedily wrote notes of whatever their teacher has been rambling about.

A material was discreetly slid under her pinned elbow by the desk, looking aside to see her soulmate quietly writing and flickered to the small folded paper, which she cautiously opened.

Come with me after class.

We need to talk.

Her brows raised in fraction and she scribbled a reply, sliding back to the owner.

Mark immediately placed it on top of his notebook and meekly glanced at the small writing, a smile tugging afterwards.

Whatever you say, soulmate

As if the universe were on their side, the loud bell resonated through the wall speakers, signaling the end of their class loads and the others' next schedules.

The bunch of students let out sounds of relief—grints, yawns, and bone cracks bounced through the elevated classroom as the teacher merely sighed.

"Okay, for your assignment, research SAP modules and how they work with cloud computing. We'll be having a Q&A about it."

With that, the students' excitement immediately crashed, and dissatisfied reactions soared through. Yet behind this displeasure are the newfound couple racing to the back door.

The decision to settle in a place took a longer time than they thought.

In the end, they finally agreed to dine in a cozy café, where preferred drinks and plates of pastries decorated the square table.

Mark started the conversation with basic questions—age, birthday, birth place, hobbies—until it escalated to a topic that they knew would clear things up.

"Why did you leave?"

Mark paused for a moment before gathering his memories from two years before, sending a small smile that held many emotions.

"I was shot, unresponsive for a week.. by one of the boys during an attack. It was an accident, really no hard feelings." he started.

"That member suffered from depression afterwards, blaming and blaming himself until it was hard for him to keep up his mental status. He was gone through therapies, hiatus from the group until it lessened months later. But it was so different when he came back.

Fear laced through him whenever he'd see me, begging for my forgiveness even if I hadn't blamed him from the start. He was so off duty that Taeyong couldn't put him in the field.

One time, I overheard him talking in his room, saying that he wanted to stop. If I ignored him that time, he would be dead by now." sadness laced his tone as he shot to look at his soulmate, who's growing worried about what comes next.

"He, uh, he's aiming himself at a gun point."

Hana gasped and reached for his hand, rubbing it in a soothing manner as it started to visibly shake.

"Mark, you don't have to tell me everything right now."

"N-no, I think it's now or never. I can't possibly bring this up again next time," he sadly chuckled. "I panicked, of course. He was yelling at me to back away and leave him to die. At first, I was mad at him for taking the wrong course, but I managed to calm him down and let him understand that I'm safe and alive, and it's not his fault.

Right then, he explained that he really wanted to quit, not wanting to harm anyone again, but he couldn't because he was tied to the group. As long as the team stands, no one will be left behind. It was a dumb agreement, totally messed up.

So I came up with the decision to leave. I was the underboss and the very first person to file for leave. My own team, the Dream, followed through. Says that if one leaves, the rest will do. I admit that it was an ideal brotherhood. But whenever I remember the real cause, I can't help but be disappointed.

If I'm slick enough to dodge the bullet, maybe... Maybe we're still on the team? Or maybe it was by God's grace that he wanted me and us to live our lives more responsibly? I mean, we're still young and freaky, and we totally have years ahead of us.

Looking back at it, I can say that we're really strong. got stronger as days passed. I can't be more proud than that."

A genuine smile tugged at the male's face, truly and sincerely embracing his past, which became his strength right now.

By those words spoken, Hana can't help but admire the boy in front of him, thinking how dependable he is as a man.

So she responded with a proud smile and intertwined their fingers. Her warmth and comfort laced through it, sending it to Mark, whose eyes also threw a thankful look.

They stayed like that longer than they could count, sharing funny childhood stories that they could remember as they continued to finish their food.

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DREAMLINQUENT TRILOGY #1: RENEWWhere stories live. Discover now