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I feel like things will never get better, I put up this confidence mask. But inside I feel like I'm drowning, like the only way to cope is by partying until I'm blacked out.

I play these scenarios in my head, different reality's or outcomes that could've happened.

My brother is the popular boy. He never had to leave beacon hills because someone made fun of him, made them feel like he wanted to curl up in a ball and cry himself to sleep at night. Not him but me, that was me. All freshman year.

And the worst part is it wasn't just stiles. Everyone was doing it, like it was the most important thing they could do with their lives. I would walk in a room, down the hallway, literally anywhere! And I would get made fun off, fat shamed, getting called ugly. It didn't feel good.

But everyone stopped, realized I wasn't worth their time. Except for one boy, Stiles Fucking Stilinski. The boy who made my life such a living hell, it made me switch schools.

Now keep in mind I was 5'2 and a really chubby girl. But that doesn't make it an exception.


I ran into someone on my way back from gym, I looked up realizing it was the gift from Satan.

Stiles Stilinski...the boy who made my life a living hell.

"Jesus your out my way Fatass!" He Blurted.

"Sorry, sorry." I mumbled.

"God you smell like shit." He waved a hand in front of his nose.

I didn't say anything out of embarrassment.

"Have you ever tried working out?" He spoke rudely.

"I've tried." I mumbled. It wasn't true though, I never had any motivation to workout.

"Sure doesn't look like it." He rolled his eyes and walked away but stopped.
"Oh and don't get stuck in the door on your way to class." He smirked and earned a few laughs from other people in the hallway.

God I hate him. I ran to the bathroom crying.

<end flashback>

But as I like to say 'karma is a bitch'
And Stiles is going to meet my friend Karma soon.

Let's just say my time away from Beacon Hills was...magical. I had a what you call a glow up, or in other words. I got hot.

I lost a good 150 pounds, I even joined soccer. I got taller which helped me stretch out. My figure became lean and petite with curves. My acne went away and my face somehow had a glow up too.

My mom decided it would be easier to just go to the same school as my brother, of course. He's the favorite child, everything is about him. My parents always focus on him, and honestly forget I'm there.

I can come home drunk af at 2 in the morning, they just don't even notice me. Which is fine with me, I can do whatever I want and dress however I want.

But I can't talk to them about my problems. Now my brother sees past the mask I put up everyday, he's the nicest brother. He talks to me about his problems and I talk to him about mine.

It's perfect.

Now I'm coming back this year, I didn't have to see anyone during my ' time off' because I lived in my best friends house in her town, with her school.

That school was great, nice people no one would judge you. Her dad was even a fitness coach, and the soccer coach. Me and her did soccer together, she will always be my best friend.

This will be different, I don't have any friends like at all. They all remember me as the fat girl you can even run 20 meters without passing out.

But now Karma is a real bitch. And this school is gonna meet the new me. The new Brielle.

And as for Stiles, my new life time goal is to make his life a living hell. Hatred is my defense.

Hello Beacon hills, this is me. I'm new, my name is Brielle Joden and you knew the old me...but I've changed.

I HATE YOU-Stiles Stilinski Where stories live. Discover now