Chapter 2: First day

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I groan while slapping my hand on the stop button. I look at the alarm clock, it reads 6:00. Perfect. I get up and walk to my bathroom, I sigh and look at my bed head.

"Brielle be ready by 7:30." We were 15 minutes away from the school, by car.

I don't respond, partly because I don't want to. I walk back to my bathroom and get ready for the morning. I straighten my hair, put on my makeup but not too much, only mascara and do my eyebrows. I brushed my teeth, and put on some deodorant.

I check myself one more time before walking over to my dresser, I pick up the outfit I planned the night before and get dressed. I put on my shoes before walking over to my mirror to check the outfit one last time, I sprayed my signature perfume, vanilla!

New year, new me. Let's show everyone who is boss, make friends. Walk into the school with confidence.

I repeat this over and over in my head, all I need to do is make some friends and live my life.

"Brielle let's go!" I heard Noah yell from down stairs.

"I'm coming!" I grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs.

"What took you so long?"

"I woke up at 6:00, and it's not even 7:30 yet. It's 7:15." I rolled my eyes before grabbing an apple for breakfast.

"Yeah yeah let's go, I need to pick up someone."

"Fine." I groan as he was already dragging me out the door.

"Bye Noah!" Again only saying goodbye to Noah and not me.

Gotta love toxic parents.


We pulled into the parking lot of the high school. Who would have guessed that i was going to end up here again, definitely not me. I opened the door but looked at Noah.

"Can you ask mom to get me a car? so i don't have to wake up so early." i gave him a sarcastic smile and got out of the car.

I looked over to see a lime green dirt bike, it had the number 32 on it. The boy took his helmet off at was looking around at everyone and smiled a little. It took me only a few more seconds to realize that it was Scott. No way! he looks different, in a good way. He cut his shaggy mop hair, he grew a bit taller. He looked older that was for sure, he looked like he gained more muscle too. Scotts smile faded when he saw the two big black motorcycles next to him. It made me laugh a little.

I saw a pale blue jeep pull up next to him, the jeep looked old but still in pristine shape. But what i saw next was horrible, the boy that got out of the car was a boy i'd never thought i would see again, who made my life a living hell. Stiles Stilinski. He grew out his hair, thank god because the buzzcut wasn't doing justice for him. I hate to say it but he definitely got hotter since freshman year, but i am still going to keep my policy to make his life a living hell. The worst part was about freshman year is at first before the bullying i actually had a crush on him, then it went away, fast.

I watched them walk into the school fastly while taking about something. I look over to see twins who were boys walking in, i walked in behind them but all attention was on them. They must be new too. Everyone was drooling over them, i was a little too, they were hot.

Two girls caught my attention though, one had brown hair, and the other...was Lydia. Here's the backstory of Lydia, i was always jealous of her. i mean how could you not be, Stiles had a HUGE crush on her, she was the most popular girl in school, had all the guys pining over her, the list can go on and on. I never hated her because she didn't bully me, most of that was because she didn't even know who i was. Occasionally she would join a remark contest, yes they had contest on who could make me cry first. but she never looked at me while doing it, so part of me thinks she didn't mean it.

I HATE YOU-Stiles Stilinski Where stories live. Discover now