Chapter 5: The cabin pt.1

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My alarm went off, reading 6:30.

I get off my bed with a groan and slap my alarm to stop.

Allison had planned to go up to her cabin today, and she invited me.

I'm still really confused about their incident at the school.

They had told me it was a play they were doing, but for what?

I can get them to explain it to me at the cabin.

I'm Hoping that I could sort of get into the group more and get to know them.

This was apparently planned over the summer or end of summer.

I don't really know.

But she decided to let me tag along saying as they are my "only" friends here.

She wanted us to leave after school, it's a 2-3 hour ride.

Depending on traffic and they way you take, hence why we are leaving right after school.

She also mentioned a car pooling situation? So we'll see how that works out.

I just hope whatever car I'm put into, it's not one with Stilinski.

I put on some clothes that consist of sweatpants, a sweatshirt, and some gym shoes.

And doing the essential "get ready" things in the bathroom.

What a beautiful outfit I have created.

I pull my hair up into a pony tail and grab my bag for school, and grab my bag for the cabin.

It's a Friday today, so she said we are staying up there for two nights.

While grabbing my keys I run downstairs and grab an apple.

"Bye!" I yell, knowing I wouldn't get a response.

My beautiful car, named Rocky.

What? The color of it is gray.


I'm sitting at the lunch table with my so called new group.

Still a bit weirded out about the whole dead body situation.

Considering we don't know about Heather still, I'm beginning to think maybe she died too.

"Brielle? Hello! Earth to Brielle!" Allison yells while waving a hand in front of my face.

"Sorry I was just zoning off, what were you saying?" I ask in unison.

"Okay, like I was saying we are doing a car pool situation."

"And who's car is going to have me in it?" Stiles asked sounding irritated.

"I was getting there. So Lydia has to come a little later because she has something to do with her mom, so she will drive up separate." Allison looks at Lydia.

"I won't be that late, but since I'm a single person car I will be bringing up the food." Everyone groans at Lydias response.

If she has the food who knows how long we can last with no food.

"Anyways, so it will be my car and Stiles' Jeep." Allison says.

Stiles nods.

"So I guess I get Scott and you get her" he says it as if it's an insult to say my actual name.

"Actually no, I wanted to have time to to Scott. Alone. So I will have Scott, and you will have Bri." She finished.

She looked between the three of us, Scott looked fine and happy about it.

I HATE YOU-Stiles Stilinski Where stories live. Discover now