-Questions for my readers-

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Hey guys okay so I have a question for those of you who read this book.

If you can or could answer the following questions that would be great :)

1. Is there anything I can improve on? And or is there something I'm doing really good on?

2. Do you want anything to happen? Anything specific? Like a scene or a scenario?

3. Would it be ok if on some chapters I would go off script/ not like the episode?

- I will still follow the episodes but almost extend the story and add my own.

I was thinking having them go up to Lydias lake house for the weekend, and I know it's not in the season of 3A....

So would that sorta thing be ok?????

Also please Star the chapters and share with your friends of you enjoy this story!!!

Thanks to the people who read this and answered the questions!!

I HATE YOU-Stiles Stilinski Where stories live. Discover now