Chapter 1: Hot boys

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The night before my first day blah blah blah, it's cliché but it's honestly true. And even though I've been to the school before, I'm different so technically it's my first day.

Plus I haven't even been in beacon hills for a whole year and a summer, I just got back today. And it's like nothing has changed, everything is the same.

With means Stiles Stilinski is gonna be the same.

I had the honors of over hearing what his first name was Mieczyslaw Stilinski, and I also over heard that he didn't like being called that. So you can guess what I'm using from now on.

Now I have nothing to do, I got the chance to come home and redo my bedroom for a week. Which thank the lords, because freshman is in the past. I don't need reminders.

Anyways, the room is now awesome. Picture this, dark modern with hidden LED lights, because all the wires annoy me. And lots of plants, lots.

But that's besides the point, I'm going to Beacon hills. I already got my schedule for the year and homeroom.

I hear a phone ring across the room, I get up off my bed and walk towards the sound. My phone was the one making the absolutely annoying noise.

I answered, "Hey Aurora!"

"You won't believe what just happened!" She yelled into the phone.

I laughed before responding, "and what would that be?"

"I GET TO GO TO YOUR SCHOOL!" I was beyond exited.


"Just kidding! I wish though. My dad won't let me, you could always come back here if you wanted."

"You are evil. I have no friends here."

"Well Ms. Brielle Joden, looks like you need to make some. And besides don't you already have friends from freshman year, besides the ones who bullied you?"

I thought about it, I realized I never really had any friends. I remember Lydia Martin, made fun of me for my weight. She always thought she was Queen B. Then there was Jackson Whittmore, he was on the lacrosse team. Besides that I didn't know him, I knew him and Lydia dated. And Scott and Stiles. Scott was nice but always followed Stiles so that was out of the picture.

"I don't have any friends here Aurora, they all bullied me."

I heard a long sigh, "well maybe you'll make friends this year! And people change, besides maybe there are some hot boys waiting for you."

I laughed, "no way, they all remember me as Fatty Maddie. But that wasn't even my name, no one cared enough to learn it."

I heard noises from her phone, "well good night Bri, I gotta go."

She hung up before I could respond.

I walk over to my brothers room to see him tying his lacrosse stick. He is on a Group FaceTime with his boys, I roll my eyes. He hasn't even said hi to me since I got hear, none the less talk to me.

I walked down the stairs of our way to big house, I went to the kitchen to open the fridge and get food. I grabbed an apple and a protein bar.

The real reason my parents don't like me is because I was fat. I didn't do any sports, and I didn't have good grades. Now I'm skinny, I lost weight everywhere even my chest, I play soccer and do cross country, and I'm a straight A student.

But they choose to ignore my existence as usual.

I walked back up stairs to my room, I go into my bathroom and stare at myself in the mirror. I look at my dirty blonde hair, my blue/green eyes. I sighed and walked over to my bed.

I laid on my back, I stared at the ceiling. Thinking about what was next to come. I heard buzz after buzz on my phone, I tried to ignore it but it kept buzzing.

Annoyed, I grabbed my phone to look. My eyes widened, everyone knew I was back.
There was tweets and posts about me.
'Brielle Joden is back in town!'
'Brielle Joden is going back to our school!'
'I bet she is still fat.'
'No way she is coming back, she can't be.'
'I heard she got hot'
'I heard she dated a guy at the other school.' That one was true, but it turned into a summer fling since he only wanted sex.

I looked back to see what other people our saying.
'Should we pull a prank on her'
'I bet she got uglier'
'No way, I saw her Instagram. She got hot'
Unbelievable. I turn off my phone, trying to think about the positives. I had to get some sleep, but first I need to plan my outfit.

I walked over to my dresser and closet. I pulled out a pair of mom jeans, a white top, and I black sweatshirt. I grabbed my white shoes and put them on my dresser for tomorrow.

After getting ready for bed I walked over to my bed and laid down. I let sleep overcome me.

(This is what the outfit looks like)

(This is what the outfit looks like)

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