Chapter 4: dead body

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I hear the loudest scream from upstairs, I was currently at Lydias house.

I got bored so I drove over to Lydias, my parents didn't care.

But out of no where she just screamed, like a crazy woman.

She walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Hey Lydia are you alright?" I look at her while grabbing my cup of water from the kitchen.

"We're going somewhere." She spoke and grabbed my hand.

She pulled me outside and we got in her car.

"Where is this somewhere?" I ask the green eyed girl.

"Pharmacy, to get medicine...Ibuprofen. I'm out" she said while looking very determined.

As we were driving it was kinda odd, like there was an off feeling.

Not just because it was a full moon, there was something else going on.

Lydia picked up the speed.

"Lydia if you go any faster you're going to get pulled over."

She kept driving.

"Lydia the turn!" She drove right past the turn for the pharmacy.

"Lydia where on earth are we going?" I ask while looking around to find another turn or exit.

"Here." She looked zoned out as she pulled into the parking lot of the pool.

"The pool? I don't know about you Lydia but we didn't bring our swimsuits, I don't think it's time for a swim." I looked around.

We had gotten out of the car and we were in the entrance.

This is giving me the creeps.

Lydia shook her head, which seemed to shake her daze.

"Where are we?" She asked concerned while looking around.

"Uh Lydia, you drove us here. You missed the turn then you drove us to the pool. I'm just as confused as you are, maybe even more."

This is just insane, utterly insane.

Lydia responded, "it was almost like it was drawing me the pool." In a whispered tone.

Why is she whispering?

She started to walk towards the pool, there was no way in hell I was going to be left alone.

I started to walk next to her in utter confusion.

"Girl where are y-" I couldn't finish my sentence.

"Oh god!" Lydia screamed as she put her hand over her mouth.

There was a literal dead body floating in the water.

"Lydia what the hell!" We walked towards the body.

"Oh my god...oh my god, please don't be dead...please don't be dead." Lydia repeated under her breath.

Lydia bent down and went to turn the body over.

It was just a manikin.

"Haha real nice, whoever was here to play this sick and twisted joke on got us. Real nice!" I yell as I look around.

"Are you kidding me." Lydia huffed under her breath.

As I was looking around me and Lydia both met eyes with a real dead body....


On the life guard stand.

Lydia screamed her blood curling scream.

I HATE YOU-Stiles Stilinski Where stories live. Discover now