~ chapter 1 ~

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     The alarm goes off ringing over and over again in my head, till I finally wake up. I shut off the alarm, still half awake, as I trug out of my bed. I look at the clock to see that the time reads 4:28 am. I feel even more tired as I look at the time. I walk down to the kitchen and pour the coffee out, spilling some of it on my old worn out robe.
      I was about to wipe it off when I saw an ambulance heading toward WestView hospital, before I could think, I saw two more following shortly behind. Suddenly I am awake, the energy courses through me as I speed to my room, the light dims, as I try to find my scrubs in the pile near my closet. I rummaged through the pile, throwing socks, old shirts, and sweatpants all over until I finally found the baby blue scrubs, stains of dried up blood were all over it. I quickly threw off my pajamas, throwing them onto the floor as I quickly changed into my scrubs. My hair, clearly unbrushed in days flows down my back as I run to my car trying to get there as fast as possible.   
     After seeing all those ambulances I knew that there was a big trauma coming in and I wanted to be there, who knows what cool surgeries I can scrub in on, as a second year resident you always have to be there first to get all the surgeries. It's like as if you're a shark, you have to strike first. The patients are your prey you have to get to them before anyone else, if you aren't the first your left there starving, talentless.
     I pull up to the hospital, and rush out of my car to see that the ambulances have yet to arrive. I rush to get into the hospital before the ambulance comes, it's still dark outside and I can barely see anything but the bright light of the hospital guides me. The rain is coming down heavy, I almost slip as I run as fast as possible, I cannot let anyone steal this incoming trauma from me. I am in the building now and I page the trauma attending, Dr. Wilson. She comes down to the ER where I am waiting for her. ''Dr. Miller, what can I do for you?"
''I saw an incoming trauma, any status or information I need to know before it comes in?'' I replied feeling nervous, but I kept that instead I did not want any of the other residents to see me as anything less than intimidating.
''A car slipped on the intercontinental highway between exit 23N and 24B. The car was found turned over, after hitting two other cars. The paramedics were able to rescue everyone from the scene. As of now we don't know what kind of injuries we are dealing with but let's prepare for the worse.''
''Oh wow that's a lot''
''Are you sure you can handle it, Dr. Miller.''
''Y- Yes of course I can.''
''Great'' Dr. Wilson starts ''now throw on your trauma gown, they're almost here.''
    I walk outside awaiting the arrival of the incoming patients. It's quiet, the gentle breeze blows through my trauma gown as the rain pours down, pout, patter, pout, patter it rains down so lightly. I stop to think for a moment, I take in this moment, I close my eyes then I hear it, the sound of the ambulance rings in my ear. Before I can open my eyes, I hear the voice of the paramedic. ''Jane Willis, female, obvious head trauma unconscious in the field.''
''Patrick Willis, male, leg trauma, stable in the field.'' The rush fills me as I open my eyes. I see the couple lying in the beds, I rush them inside as fast as possible, Dr. Wilson and I take Patrick to trauma room 1, as Jane heads over to truma room 3. I see Dr. Avery, another 2nd year resident, and my biggest competition. I quickly fill him in, advising him to help Mr. Willis as I rush over to help Mrs.Willis. As I am closing the door behind me, I see someone in the glimpse of my eye.
     He's an old man, with gray hair and a bald spot too. He looks at me as if he remembers me. I look at his face trying to figure out what's so familiar about it. I stare at him for a while just staring but I can't quite picture where I know him from. I start daydreaming trying to figure it out but I can't. I just can't remember his face. The nose rounded is at the end, the lips have an upper curve, the eyes big, brown almost like mine. His skin tone is white, with a hint of olive. I start coming up with ideas in my head as to who he is patient? Homeless person I said I would give care to? Just an old guy? My head takes me for a bit of a whirlwind. I keep trying to figure out who he is, my head starts to hurt thinking about where I know him from. A voice drains the thoughts out of my head, and my mind goes blank. I forget about the man.            ''Hurry up and get over here" a voice drowns  out my thoughts. I turn to look in the direction the voice had came from but the voice was already gone.
     "damn she moves fast" I thought, I turn back to Mr.Willis but Mr.Willis is gone his face replaced by another. The wrinkles, and curved nose, his big brown eyes all of which had faded only to be replaced with another face. But this certainly wasn't a face at all, it was red with silver. I stood frozen in fear. "What?" it said
"Who are you" I was terrified but i couldn't go for help i couldn't move
"Mr.Willis "
"no-no th..thi..this isn't Mr.Willis y..you are something else" I trembled with fear. It was hard to hide my emotions he looked almost like an alien robot. The mysterious figure looked at his body and screamed. Screams cried throughout the room. The figure knows something of its existence but something was off. Mrs.Willis screamed in the other room over. Her wrinkles, and oily skin was replaced by a young woman about my age with red scarlet hair and a black top with a red jacket something was off I just couldn't tell what it was. I tried to get my head on something but I couldn't think my mind was struck with a red light. I fell asleep only to wake up again with someone controlling my brain.

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