~ chapter 17 ~

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Jackson inserted his finger into my vagina, continuing the pattern of finger, dick, finger, dick.

I let a moan out each time. "Ugh Jackson. Keep going" I moaned repeatedly.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Jackson looked up at me, watching and waiting for my next move. I look down and him, creating eye contact as I felt myself fall in love with him all over again.

"Keep going. I like it." I said

"Whatever the queen says" Soon after, he was sucking, licking, and eating me all over again. It made me feel like a good snack ; I liked that feeling.

The knock on the door got harder as the person on the other side didn't seem like they wanted to move.

"Stop. Stop." I commanded

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No, you are perfect" I said as he smiled from ear to ear, he liked the constant praising from me.  "I just need to get the door"

With that I grabbed two pillows as I tried to cover my naked body ; failing however in the process. I heard a laugh come from the other side of the room as I saw Jackson laughing hysterically at me.

I looked through the peep hole, when I recognized a familiar face. The brunette hair, the fair white skin. It was Jo ; Jo Wilson. I turned back and forth between Jackson and the door debating on an approach.

"Jackson" I whispered a couple of times until I finally got his attention.

"Yes" He replied a little too loudly

"It's Jo"

"Jo who?"

"Wilson, Jo Wilson".

"Oh shit" and with that Jackson grabbed his clothes off the floor, trying to put it on quickly as I held back a laugh. I ushered him into my bathroom. As soon as he was in the bathroom, I quickly put my clothes which were laying all over my living room, before I opened the door for Jo.

"Hi" I exclaimed to Jo

"Hey, how are you" she replied

"I'm good. Just laying back and chilling"

"I could have sworn I heard two voices in here."

"Yeah..Nope just me."

"Hmmm..." Jo walked around the room, looking for a confirmation. "Ok" I took a deep breath."Can I use your bathroom"

"Umm I don't...I don't think you can"

"Why not, Come on there can't be a guy in there"

"Umm... No why did you think that there is a guy"

"Girl come on look at you, your hot and sexy. You probably get a lot of men wishing they were with you"

"Heh...yeah" I smiled awkwardly. I turned around as I went to fluff the pillows. I turned back around facing Jo only to find that she was not in the living room but in my bathroom.

The same bathroom that Jackson was in. I started to panic a bit. She came out of the bathroom minutes later to see to face red.

"Are you ok" she asked

"No..yeah I'm fine"

"Haha well okay, I have to go now but thank you" Jo said as she walked out of my apartment.

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑜𝑤𝑛 Where stories live. Discover now