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After the whole fiasco with Lucas blowing into a million smithereens, the group split up into three pairs as they scope the area again. Mike and El are together, Dustin and Lucas, and then Will and [Name]. El wanted to go with the girl, but Mike pulled her away with a look of mischief. Dustin and Lucas were quick to leave the two to build their budding romance, as Lucas would put it.

The two were silent at first, but when the girl asked him about how long he's knows The Party--as they would call it--the two easily got comfortable with the conversation.

"So, Lucas wasn't fond of El at first like how El wasn't fond at Max the first time? Because she thought her and Mike were flirting?" She managed to know more about Max Mayfield, Lucas' girlfriend who's apparently also a video game genius. Somehow, she's envious that these kids have such a large group of friends that have each other's back. Back at home, she only has two bestfriends, and now she's lost that too upon moving.

Will chuckles, "yes, but it's all behind us now. How about you?"

"Oh well, I have two friends back at [country/state], I send them letters every now and then--it's like tradition. Auggy and Sumaya. I managed to become the third wheel right before I left," she giggles at her friends' oblivious romance, "I just miss them, most importantly. I know the move is for the better--for my mom's main business. I really can't hold it against them because I know at the end of the day, they are doing this for me and because it's their passion."

Will nods in understanding, smiling at how kind the girl beside her is, "everything will work out well, that's for sure. I guess we'd have to thank your parents because we managed to meet you due to the move." I managed to meet you.

The girl releases a laugh, a pink hue blossoming on her cheeks as she looks away from him in a flustered manner, "ah, yes. I'd also have to thank them for that. Meeting you guys is the best thing this move had done for me yet."

A comfortable silence hangs in the air, and [Name] debates on whether to ask him about what happened. But realizing they've just met, she deflates. She doesn't want to force it out of him, but curiosity is slowly clawing at her gut, itching to get to know more about the boy beside her.

Will notices her somber expression, and he purses his lips. Is this about what happened earlier? Taking a deep breath, he he turns to her with a smile, " must be wondering about what happened earlier. ..?"

When she turns to him, she looked like a deer caught in headlights, and she pales instantly, "oh! No, no, it's not like that...I don't wanna intrude on that. I was just...thinking." she trails off as Will gazes at her with a soft expression. She looks away. She notices they're in the same area they came in--the market.

Will sighs, troubled but ready, "I happened five years ago, it's really no big deal." He mumbled the last pat, lying through his teeth.

[Name] narrows her eyes at him, "no way that's 'no big deal', I know it bothered you a whole lot, Will. There's no need to act tough about it." She scolds him lightly but sympathetic all the same. Will blinks in surprise before releasing a light chuckle. He's thankful. So, so, thankful. He gives her an embarrassed smile.

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