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"Noo Love", Gulf says while holding Love's hand as she tries to leave. "Sorry Gulf'' she says as she breaks free from Gulf's hand and holds Mew's arm who appears out of nowhere,"I love Mew now. He is just so much more handsome than you" Love says as she turns her back on him. "Bye we are gonna go make rabbit babies now" says Mew as he starts walking away with Love leaving Gulf utterly shocked. When all of a sudden Mew turns back and says, "Oh yeah, make sure to keep our twins safe", winking at Gulf which makes him look down, where he sees two adorable white rabbits in his arms staring at him and one of them says, "mama?"

"AHHHHHHH!!!!" screams Gulf as he shoots up from his bed. He frantically checks his hands and sees no sign of the rabbits. He checks his surroundings to find himself in his bedroom. Gulf sighs with a feeling of relief and says, "Fuck. What was that dream? " as his anger returns "that Mew is definitely a playboy. First he flirts with Love then he says he will make me pregnant?" "Nononono he's dangerous, I need to keep Love away from him and Make Her Mine!" says Gulf as he clenches his fists in determination, "and I have the perfect plan for that".


Gulf makes his way to his classroom with a sour face. His mood was not the best because of his dream. After he reached his classroom he quickly eyed his bench only to find Mew already sitting there. 'Great, first the dream and now this? Ignore him Gulf just ignore him' Gulf thought to himself as he paid no attention to the man seated next to him. The teacher soon entered and everyone started paying attention to the lecture.

A while later Gulf noticed the seat next to Love was empty and Love being a little distracted. "Hey Love" Gulf whispered softly but maybe it was too soft as Love did not seem to notice. "Hey Love" he tried again but with no results,"Love" he called a little louder only to receive a kick under his chair. "Stop calling her," Mew said soundly, slightly annoyed.

"Hmph, what's it to u ? "

"It has nothing to do with me but your non stop whispering is disturbing my studies" Mew says with gritted teeth

"Then I will call her more," Gulf says with a bratty attitude, "Love Love lovelovelove"

"Stop it now Gulf!"

"If I don't, what are you gonna do about it?" Gulf asks, raising his eyebrow.

"Oh he is not gonna do anything but I sure will" says a voice next to them.

It was their physics teacher standing next to their desk with arms crossed on her chest. Mew and Gulf immediately sprang up from their seats and said "Sorry Miss Moon".

"It seems you both are very good friends so you shouldn't have any problem working on this group project together right? " asked teacher Moon.

"Huh?" making Mew and Gulf dumbfounded. "There shouldn't be any problems right? "

"NO MISS! " both of them shouted in unison. "Good" satisfied with the answer, Miss Moon started walking back , "I have a problem with this Miss" only to be stopped by Mew.

"What is the problem?"

"Miss, can you please let Love join our group? " shocking Gulf with the question.

"And why should I allow that? "

"Miss I only joined this class yesterday so I don't know many things and Gulf is dumb"


"Keep quiet Mr. Kanawut. Yes carry on Mew"

"So if Love joined, our group would have a higher chance of not failing. As if we fail, your reputation as the best teacher might get thrown into jeopardy" Mew says with a confident attitude "and it seems she has yet to join any group so there should be no problem right? " making the teacher think.

"Ok, Love you are joining their group" Miss Moon commands Love making her nod and say "Yes Miss".

"Make sure these idiots don't fail!"

"You come with me Right Now! " Gulf says as he pulls Mew out of their classroom. Their class had just ended but other classes were still going on so not many people were outside. Gulf drags Mew to the back exit of their campus and slams him against the wall.

"What was that?! " Gulf asked, sounding pissed.

"What was what? " Mew answers acting like doesn't have a clue of what Gulf was talking about.

"Why did you make Love join our group?" Gulf asks growing impatient with every second. "Do u possibly like her? "

"And what if I do? "

"Huh?! "

"Why? Is there anything wrong with me liking her? I didn't hear her dating anyone so there should be no problem in me going after her right?" Mew asks cockily

"YOU CAN'T! I LIKE HER!" making Gulf shout in desperation.

"So what if you like her?" Mew asks as he walks towards Gulf , making Gulf slowly back away.
"Do you think the world revolves around you? "

" " Gulf answers in a tiny voice while not looking towards Mew.

"Then why should I give a damn about who you like? "

"But.. '' Gulf decides to fight back and look at Mew only to see Mew inches away from his face. Gulf turns his face away only to make Mew come near his ear and say,

"I have decided to make her mine and there is nothing you can do about it".

Mew moves away and starts walking back to his class as Gulf slowly loses his strength and slumps to the ground.

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