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Ok I had no planned to update today but as it was by 1st anniversary as a waanjai I thought I should upload the last chapter and a little surprise. So enjoy~


Another week had gone by and Gulf slowly recovered from his surgery.
Mew cancelled his plans of changing universities and decided to graduate with Gulf. 
Now Both Mew and Gulf were having a date in Type's restaurant.

"Wow P'Type, I didn't know your bar was also a restaurant"

Gulf said, astonished on how different it looked from that night. 

"We do serve drinks all the time, but we mostly limit it to night"

Type answered as he brought Mew and Gulf's food. 

Mew had already told Gulf about Type and how he helped them. 
Gulf wanted to thank Type for taking him that day and so.. here they are. 

"I had a question P'Type"

Mew said all of a sudden.


Type encouraged Mew to go on.

"Why do you work here? I mean.. you don't seem like the type of person who likes serving customers."


"Oh I don't work here."
Type slightly laughed as he answered which made both Mew and Gulf very confused. 

"I am just taking care of this place temporarily."

"The owners of this bar just had another baby, so they are in the hospital for a few days."


Both Mew and Gulf said in unison as they understood the situation. 


The door chimed as someone entered the restaurant. 

Both Mew and Gulf decided to pay no mind to it as they carried on being romantic. 

Until they heard a familiar voice call out to them. 

"Mew and Gulf?"


Love had just entered the place and noticed two familiar looking boys sitting in the corner together. 

"How have you guys been? I hardly see you both these days." 

Love said in a melancholic voice as she sat with them. 

Both MewGulf started feeling really bad for Love. As it was technically their fault and they kinda roped Love around for their relationship. 

Both of them felt that she had the right to know.

Gulf did like her and Mew did kinda flirt with her but now that they both were together, Love had to know. So to not cause any misunderstandings in the future. 


Mew called out


"There is something we need to tell you"

"Ok.. "

Both Mew and Gulf looked at each other and breathed in before saying

"We are dating" 

They both said in unison as they showed their interlocked fingers to Love as proof. 

Love was silent. Maybe too silent. Mew and Gulf were almost starting to panic that if they said something wrong when

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