Valentine's Day {LenKu & RinKuo}

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Pairing- LenxMiku, MikuxRin
Genre- Fluff
Summary- Miku and Rin get ready for work, along with their boyfriends, and spread the Valentine's Day Love.


Miku sprang up from her covers frightened. She rapidly flicked her head around to see who it was. A laughter broke out and she immediately knew who it was.


She narrowed her eyes at the blonde, glaring at her furiously. A few seconds passed and Rin stopped laughing, holding her stomach from the rounds of giggles she just had. The blonde glanced at her sister and slapped a palm to her mouth.

Miku's expression was priceless. Since she woke up, there were bags under her eyes, making her look ugly. Also, adding her glare, of course, made her face look even worse.

Rin snickered with a hand still covering her mouth, "Sis," she started, "no offense, but you look hideous. You should look at yourself in the mirror. Seriously."

Her glare gone as she looked at the blonde with confusion. She slipped out of her comfortable bed, walked to her vanity table and gazed into the mirror. Her eyes widened and she shrieked, earning herself some barking from the neighborhood dogs.

Rin cringed at the horrific sound and went over to her sister. She placed her hands on her shoulder and rubbed them, slowly soothing Miku. "Shh. It's okay. You could wash up before Len gets here to bring you your Valentine's Day gift."

At that, the tealette's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Another shriek and the elders from across the street scolded from their door. Something along the lines of, 'hooligans,' 'teenagers and their mornings,' or words that should not be mentioned, especially coming from a senior citizen.

The two sisters brung themselves to the bathroom to rinse their faces and take small showers. They chose their outfits for the day and went down to cook breakfast. Miku's mental breakdown forgotten completely.

Rin wearing some jean shorts with a red long sleeved shirt that shows her belly with a transparent tank on top. Miku wore a light pink dress with a red ribbon tied around her petite waist. A red heart design with a tint of glitter to spark things up.

The blonde's hair was tied in twintails (pfft. That's Miku's hairstyle) along with a red bow to finish it off. Miku had her hair in a side braid with a heart clip on her bangs. Light make-up was added, making them both prettier.

Their parents were in Hawaii for their 12th anniversary. Also staying for a few more days because of Valentine's Day.

A/N : Rin and Miku are 21 and finishing college. Len and Mikuo are brothers and 22 years old. All four have jobs and are waiters/waitress's, maybe even chefs, I don't know. Len and Mikuo's parents own a café and it pays well. Same with Rin and Miku's, but both of their families joined together to create an even larger shop because their children are dating. Is that all? case I have any thing more to tell you, continue reading until then. :)

Rin snatched the eggs and flour from their respected places and put them on the counter. Miku searched for the bowls and whisks to stir the ingredients for pancakes. Luckily, they bought fresh strawberries from grocery shopping yesterday. They checked in the cabinets to find their great-great grandmother's recipe book.

They sliced the berries evenly and sneakily stealing a few bites to settle their hungry stomachs. It was 7 when they woke up and it was 8:17am. The batter sizzled on the pan as they cooked the pancakes. Rin grabbed four plates, forks, and knives along with napkins and aligned them in their proper positions on the dinner table.

Miku took out a large plate from the dish washer and placed the first pancake on it. About twenty-three minutes later, they had enough for four people to eat. The plate weighed a lot with a dozen pancakes stacked on top of it. The task was a struggle and Rin noticed. She rushed to her sister and helped carry them. When they placed it on the dining table, Miku searched around the cupboards for the syrup.


The bell rung and that indicated their boyfriends were here.

Rin rushed to the door and fixed herself up before opening it. She was met with red and pink balloons and a dozen roses. She tried looking over it but she could already see her tall lover. Len was there too with his equal amount of gifts. They both had on boyish grins and Rin ushered them to come in. They obliged and took off their shoes.

Len and Mikuo were wearing a light pink dress shirt untucked with jeans and a single suspender connected to the belt loop. The shoes they wore were Adidas (Do Vocaloids even wear this? I just chose it because a lot of kids in my school wear them) or dark-colored converses. Len's hair in a ponytail of course.

The trio walked to the dining room where Miku was placing three pancakes on each plate. They sat down, but Rin quickly walked into the kitchen, grabbing four cups and orange juice. She poured the liquid evenly into each cup and they ate.

They chatted with one another and had a few laughs here and then. They had work soon at 9:15am and the time was 8:47am. Rin, being a 'creative' person, dragged all the balloons and used tape to stick them separately on the walls, decorating the house. Miku placed the roses in clear vases and placed them around their home. Len and Mikuo walked home and to change into their uniforms after exchanging passionate kisses from their girlfriends.

A/N : Oh yeah. Their houses are also next to each other's. Also before they even dated. Coincidence, huh? ;)

Once the two sisters were done, they went into their bedroom to fish out their uniform for work. Miku and Rin wearing white button-up shirts tucked in with a navy skirt. White knee socks and flats were added too. They clipped their name tags on their uniform and walked downstairs, finishing just in time as the boys parked their car outside.

They grabbed their aprons from the clothing rack, (What? Don't judge how Vocaloids live, okay. Their life is like heaven and they're gods/goddesses.) raced down the patio, also locking the door, and climbed into the mobile.

The four drove to work in time and opened the shop. Since it was Valentine's Day, couples were a majority of the customers. They cooked the food if they ran out to avoid complaints about food shortages. Free cookies were given to pairs who come into their café. Hugs and pecks were given throughout the day between Miku with Len and Rin with Mikuo.

So far, this was the best Valentine's Day they could ever wish for...

Even without their happy, down-to-Earth, lovey-dovey parents.


Whoo! First oneshot done! I'm happy about this and I hope you like this, too.

Happy Valentine's Day!! :D

Even if you don't have a girlfriend/boyfriend, give chocolates or gifts to the people you love and care for. Valentine's Day isn't just about couples, it's about love, remember that! :)

Love you! <3

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