'Helping' My Sick Lover {KaiMei}

121 4 2

Pairing- KaitoxMeiko
Genre- Fluff
Summary- Meiko catches a cold and her boyfriend is there to 'cure' her.

Meiko coughs for the umpteenth time that morning.

She was supposed to be in her cubicle thirty minutes ago, but instead she's at home, lying on her bed with a thermometer in her mouth. She glances down and sees her temperature that a normal person should not have: 109 degrees.

She sighs heavily through the object before tilting her head back and staring at the ceiling. She hears footsteps by the door and inwardly sighs, hoping that her boyfriend will cook a meal correctly. I mean, how hard is it to make porridge?

Surprisingly, it was harder than it looks. Well, at least for a certain ice-cream loving pervert.

She stares bewildered at the bowl placed on a wooden tray on her lap, covered with her comforter. It does not look like porridge at all. It looks like someone ate rice, puked it out in a white bowl and sprinkled some seasoning, mostly leeks cut into teensy-weensy pieces. Even though Meiko despised leeks, don't tell Miku, she'd rather eat it than the slob her boyfriend had made with 'love' for her.

She smiles, restrained if you look a bit closer, "Honey, I'm not that hungry at the moment. Is it okay if I just sleep a bit more? I'm too tired and weak to eat...that." Kaito stared at the brunette before smiling, "It's alright. But can you at least try a spoonful of it first? I called my mother for the recipe she always cooked for me when I caught the cold. I wanna see if it tastes the same as my mother had made it. She did say I had a skill in cooking."

Meiko gazed at the so-called-porridge-his-mother-made-for-him-when-he-was-little before gulping thickly. She grabbed the spoon and bring her trembling hands to her mouth. She slowly placed it inside and she had to hold back a gag. The porridge tasted like over-cooked rice placed in rancid sink water.

If you're thinking if rancid sink water has ever existed then ask Kaito to make you some porridge and you'll know.

She spit out the spoonful of 'porridge' and coughed out more remnants of it when Kaito came back with water. He placed the cup in her hands and she quickly drank it. Every single drop. He pat her back, saying sorry over and over again.

She reassured him that it was fine and said that she should really go to sleep if she wants to feel better the next day. He agreed and left the room.

A few minutes later, when Meiko was about to go into dreamland, she felt cold. She clutched onto her blankets and rubbed her hands together but nothing worked. Cold air touched every part of her body and she felt like she was freezing to death. From downstairs, Kaito felt his boyfriend senses tingling and he jumped off the couch and sprinted towards their bedroom.

He looked inside carefully, not wanting to wake his lover up. When he was near the bed, he glanced at Meiko to see if she was okay. When he assumed she was, he began walking out until-


He froze at the name. He turned back around. Putting his ear more closer, he heard it again. He pulled back, nearly cooing because his Meiko was still so shy when it came to asking for something. Despite her tough appearance, she was truly a girl at heart.

He saw her shivering and immediately cursed the winter season for making his lover sick and cold. On one day, too. He got under the blankets and wrapped his arms around her small but built frame. She felt his presence and wrapped her own around his.

Cold air blew against their upper bodies and Meiko squeezed tightly, momentarily cutting off Kaito's air supply. He then brought her closer, if possible and kissed her cheek, forehead and then her cute button nose.

"I love you, MeiMei." He whispered into her ear.

Moments later, when he was about to go into slumber, he head a faint,

"I love you too...KaiKai..."

He smiled at the nickname.

"Love you more, Meimaid."

"Oh, shut up, Kaiwaii."

'Meimaid' stands for Mermaid while 'Kaiwaii' stands for Kawaii.

I honestly don't know how I came up with them. I just typed this up in ten minutes tops.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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