Inner Fangirl {LenKuRin}

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Pairing- RinxMikuxLen.
Genre- Fluff
Summary- Miku ships RinxLen and keeps it a secret from her two best friends, but the Kagamine Twins soon find out about it.
Before you think this is RinxLen by the media picture, you are wrong. That picture is just a visual reference to the Drabble that I've written that leads to RinxMikuxLen. Man I love these three so much. :P

"Hehehe," Miku softly giggled to herself as she put the finishing touches to her artwork. You would probably think she's painting on a canvas with extravagant colors in her grasp, but instead, she's on her computer in the 'Paint' icon.

She was working on one of her guilty pleasures of becoming a fangirl. A RinLen one at that. The tealette has been shipping her two buddies together ever since they became close friends. She would always see a loving aura when Rin would tackle his brother. When the blonde punished him, it triggered dirty fantasies to form in her mind.

She has thought that she's crazy for thinking these things, but it's what a fangirl does: forever shipping their OTP.

"Just a little bit of purple..." Miku mumbled, carefully gliding the mouse across the bad to create a darker shade to the background. She was almost finished when a figure, who opened the door without her noticing came behind her.

The stranger peeked over her shoulder and saw what it was and smirked. The person began creeping their hands and tapped her on the cheek. Miku jumped and immediately blocked her screen. She turned back and saw one of the characters from her drawing, Rin.

"Hi hi~!" Rin kept a grin on her face as she stared at Miku with 'innocent' orbs. "Watcha doin there, Miku?" The tealette's eyes were dilated to a spherical shape that would probably be mistaken as little plates. Before she could respond, Len poked his head through the door, which was opened widely.

"N-nothing! I w-was just f-finishing s-something." Miku stuttered, mentally choking herself with a leek for not talking right. "Really? Then can I see your computer for a sec? I really need to check my mail." Len walked towards her and tried to take a peek through to see her screen.

"Why can't y-you use yours?" Miku questioned.
"Exactly. That's why I came to use yours."
"B-but...what about Rin's. Couldn't you check on hers?"
"No way, Jose. She'll body slam me and crush my manly jewels(xD if you get the hint, comment it in the comment section)if I even put a single piece of hair on it." Len scoffed.

"Yeah, Miku. Wouldn't want to be mean now would ya?" Rin asked, a mischievous glint deep in her irises. Miku bit her bottom lip, thinking of more excuses to not let the devilish duo see her master piece that she has worked on for a while now.

She thought of multiple excuses, but she doubts it'll put up a fight. Arguing with her inner self, she let the twins see the screen. Rin rushed to see it, but then deeply frowned.

"...Miku. What is this?" The blonde tomboy kept rubbing her eyes to see if they were deceiving her, but sadly, they weren't. Len repeated the same action, increasing the 'Moe' level inside Miku at the twin's synchronized state.

"Is" Len asks incredulously. Miku nods and blushes, adverting her eyes. "It's you and Rin."
"Eeeeeehhhhhhh?! I don't like Len! I'd rather date Nero than this stupid shota!"
"Hey! I am not a shota! I'm manly compared to you!"
"Sure. Like that's saying anything. I'm still a girl y'know."
"Yeah. About .000000001%!!"

Do they not like it? Miku thought "Is it that bad to make you both react this way? I was working all week on this to post it on the RinxLen fan site."

The Kagamines stopped strangling each other to look at her. Miku squealed inside. The positions they were in made her fangirl senses tingle. Rin was sitting on Len's stomach gripping his collar and he was palming her thighs.

She fished out her phone and snapped a picture- give or take a few -to add on her post.

"It was you?!" Rin and Len yelled in unison.
"Eh? What do you mean?"
"I mean, you're the one posting pictures on that website?" Rin stood up and walked towards her. Len trailed behind.
"Umm. Yes? Well, more like I'm in charge of it, " they glared but Miku gave a cheeky grin that made their hearts melt, but that wasn't the important thing right now.
"I've been trying to shut down that damn website for a while now and you've been in control of it?!" Rin snapped. In all honesty, the RinxLen fan site proved to be hell for the tomboy. There were more of LenxMiku sites than there are RinxMiku.

It was no fair.

Now people are shipping them together as a COUPLE. Yuck. Hearing about it made her want to puke her insides out.

"Delete it." That shocked Rin and Miku.
"Delete that right now because I would rather die in a torturously slow death than be considered as a 'lover' to this person." Ouch. That hit both the girl's hearts, but Rin agreed, "Yeah. He's my twin. What're people thinking these days?"

"Well. It's called shipping. People kind of do it to people they think look good together. And you both do." Miku responded, fidgeting in her spot.

"No we don't." Len began approaching the flustered tealette and wrapped in arm around her waist, "But the two of us do." That hit the spot. A crimson tint spread to her cheeks and then the tips of her ears.

"No fair! There's already enough LenxMiku! Let there be RinxMiku for once!" She tackled Miku, causing the three to plummet downwards.

Let's just say a steamy threesome happened. Let your [sexy] imaginations run wild. *wink* *wink*

|~In the Next Day~|

Y'know the picture Miku took on her phone? Well, she pressed 'send' before the twins attacked her.



Hehehe. I'm evil aren't I? Yay! Two updates.

Also, I started this a week ago and forgot to finish the ending.

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