Losing The Person You Love The Most (PART ONE) {LenKu & GuLen}

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Pairing- LenxMiku, Slight!LenxGumi
Genre- Angst
Summary- Len and Miku have been together for their four years of high school. Well, three but it still is a pretty long time compared to most relationships. They were halfway through their senior year and Miku wanted to celebrate their third anniversary of the day Len had confessed to her. But before that could happen, Miku caught Len doing something that will ruin their strong relationship forever.

"Miku! It's not what you think!" Len shouted towards the running tealette. She stopped and froze in her place, not looking back at her boyfriend. Her boyfriend that she caught cheating with another girl. He stopped also, staring at his trembling girlfriend that might already be in tears.

Nothing could compare to how much pain she felt when seeing her boyfriend of 3 1/2 years on top of a girl kissing her with his hands up her shirt. And to top it off, it was her friend since middle school. Her name was Gumi and they talked and hung out every day.

Miku was oblivious to all the stares the green-haired girl would give to Len; who was her friend at that time. Moving further and into their freshman year, Len had asked her out. The tealette squealed in happiness and hugged him, nearly cutting off his oxygen supply.

Miku kissed his cheek, which made him blush a rosy pink, and told him that she was going to break the news off to Gumi. She then began racing down the halls in search for her now best friend. What she didn't know was that the girl she was looking for was closer than she thinks.

Gumi saw the whole scene; the single rose that he gave, Miku sniffing it and complimenting on the delightful fragrance, Len confessing his undying love for the tealette, then she squealed and jumped into his arms, kissing him on the cheek and running off.

She didn't expect that Len was the secret admirer that Miku blubbered about. Len Kagamine. The boy she fell in love with when Miku first introduced the two. The boyish smile he gave when he greeted her. The hand that extended outwards for her to shake. She didn't know that'd she'd fall in love that easily.

It was love at first sight if you asked her.

She harbored her feelings and tried to subdue them, but her efforts didn't work. Knowing that there was no use, she planned to confess to him after school. She even put forth an effort to apply makeup and did her hair to perfection after showering for an hour and a half in the morning. No split ends or oily, greasy hair. Soft and silky. Just the way Len liked it. Not that she stalked him of his ideal type or anything. She also persuaded her parents to go shopping and purchase new clothes and accessories to combine. After a three hour mall frenzy, she finally settled down on an outfit to wear.

But she honestly didn't know Len did the same thing that day. He styled himself for the same reason as Gumi; Confessing. He gelled his bangs to make it look more defined and spiky but soft to the touch. He even worked out to become more lean and muscular; not too much muscle and not too little, just the right size. (Ha. GOLDILOCKS REFERENCE, ANYONE? ..No? ..JUST ME GOING BACK TO KINDERGARTEN? ....okay.) He even used the last of his allowance, that he spent most of it on new cologne, a gym membership and a new set of clothes, to buy a fresh and ripe rose from the flower shop a block away from their high school.

When Gumi saw Len, she nearly fainted at his new look. She noticed his styled hair and the new clothes that he wore; dark jeans, dark-grey t-shirt with 'Let it Go' written in blue print and a black beanie that fits on his head without messing up his bangs. Gumi stared a bit longer than usual and he could see the slight opening of her mouth with a tiny trail of drool. He chuckled and greeted her normally like always. He complimented her on her new look and she blushed a tomato red, stuttering a 'thanks'. He chuckled again and Gumi could honestly listen to the sound all day. But before she could compliment him back, he saw Miku over her shoulder. He waved goodbye to Gumi and sprinted towards the smiling tealette.

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