Naughty Kisses {Lenku}

130 9 1

Pairing- LenxMiku.
Genre- Fluff, Lemony?
Summary- Len pins Miku in a room and kisses her senseless when there is a party going on...^.^
I think I should start labeling the pairing in each Drabble. Is that a good idea? Also, the song in the media is one of my guilty pleasures, if you could call it that. I love it so much I can't describe it with words.

In a few seconds, Len slammed Miku to the nearest wall. She brought her hand towards the knob and closed it. Before she heard the click, her boyfriend's lips already connected with hers. It started out slow and gentle but became more passionate.

He pinned her hands to the wall and intertwined his fingers with hers. She gasped when he licked her bottom lip. Len took the opportunity to push his tongue in and explore every crevice of her mouth. She then relaxed and kissed back with the same force.

After hearing laughter coming from outside, she realized that they had guests over. And more importantly, their friends. They didn't know that they were dating. They didn't even know they had feelings for each other. Even though they suspected it at one point, the topic was never discussed after that.

Then, she heard faint footsteps heading towards them. And it's coming closer.



Crap. Miku thought. If someone finds us-

Luckily, the person knocked. Len unconnected their lip lock and licked his lips. He smirked at the red faced Miku. Cute. He cooed. "Coming. Be there in a sec." He fixed his tie and suit then opened the door. Before he walked out, he gave a wink towards her.

Miku stood dumbfounded and widened her eyes. After a few seconds, she narrowed them. That jerk. She seethed. I'm going to kill him. He kisses me and then leaves.

Len Kagamine, you're officially on my 'Kill-List'.


Did this make any sense? I feel like it didn't because my brother wanted to write some of it. For example, the end it probably didn't. Eh. Oh well. Hope you enjoyed!

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