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"Elissa, wake up" I groaned at the voice trying to wake me up and tried to go back to sleep when a cold hand laid itself on my neck waking me up right away. I groaned again noticing who it was and fell back against the bed.

"Jasooon" I whined, "Can I go back to sleep now!?" I whined again already falling asleep as Jason laughed slightly and whispered goodnight before I fell asleep again.

The next time I woke up wasn't as disturb full or cold as the first time with Jason. This time I wasn't as deep in sleep as before, so I slightly woke up to the bed dipping and the hand caressing my head pushing my hair away from my face.

Slowly I opened my eyes and unknowingly leaned against his hand as I looked at Zane with my half-closed eyes. "Zane" I muttered as my hand slowly found my bedside lamp turning it on. Shutting my eyes for 2 seconds due to the bright light I opened them again now clearly able to see his face.

His eyes wandered down my face to my neck where he removed the quilt and some of my hair a little along with the t-shirt so he could see the bandage probably. I turned my head making it easier for him and I felt his hands trace the bandage slightly.

"We have to change it," he said lowly, and I groaned slightly really tired and not having the energy to change it, but I had to pee anyway, so I guess it was fine.

Removing the quilt with my weak ass arms Zane got up from my bed and held my arm as I slowly put my legs down on the floor. Dizziness overwhelmed me the first few seconds before I slowly made my way to the bathroom where I told Zane to wait outside first so I could pee.

After using the toilet, I opened the door indicating for Zane he could come in now and with difficulty lifted myself up on the table. I pulled down on my shirt after he found everything he would need and nearly fell asleep sitting up while he did it.

"What time is it?" I whispered out since my voice was still hoarse and my throat hurt a little, due to my cold.

"It's 5 a clock" he answered me back just as he finished bandaging my wound up.

"No wonder I was slightly awake when you came in," I absentminded said as he helped me down the table after washing his hands.

"What do you mean?"

"Normally I wake up at 5 a clock to go on a run before school" I yawned "But I haven't for the past 2 weeks" was the last thing I got to say before I fell asleep standing up still in his arms.

The next time I woke up I had momentarily forgotten what had happened a few hours prior. A headache lightly beat my brain as my leg throbbed in pain and I fell back on my bed with a mix between a sigh and a groan. I just looked up at the ceiling not finding the energy to get out of my bed at all today.

"I guess it's a day in the bed" I heard a voice from the door said. I looked and found Jason in its place and while I looked over at him, I noticed the ruffled sheets of my bed like I hadn't been the only one sleeping her.

I definitely remember being alone in here until Zane came after that, omg Zane! I fell asleep in his arms in the bathroom. I groaned in embarrassment and covered my eyes with my hand. I could hear Jason laugh from his position at the door and began walking over to me.

Reaching out his hand I took it and lifted myself with his help out of the bed and we began walking towards the kitchen where I could smell something delicious. Just as Jason and I reached the kitchen Elijah came in behind me and ruffled my hair saying good morning.

"Elijah! You know I hate that" I whined. I seemed to be doing that a lot lately, I better stop that fast! I thought to myself and shook my head at how princess-like I had been acting for the past 2 weeks.

"It smells good, what are you making?" Elijah asked Zane totally ignoring me on purpose.

"Pancakes" Came Zane's short answer and we all sat at the table waiting for Zane to be finished with the pancakes.

And right on the dot 07.30, the pancakes were on the table. It smelled and tasted delicious, but I was only able to get one down before I got nauseous, and besides, I was already full after that one pancake. The boys on the other side ate like their life depended on it or at least my brother and Jason did. Zane sat eating slowly only eating one like me before he pushed his dish aside.

"Jason and Elijah, you are cleaning the table" was the last thing he said before helping me back to my room in silence. He looked shortly at my neck and deemed it looked okay before he asked if it was okay, he looked at my stomach.

I answered yes and lifted up in my shirt so he could see the stitches. Together we looked at them and to say I was shocked was an understatement. A clear handprint of Ashtons could be seen and the wound was swelled and red. I hadn't even noticed it before but now that I did, I felt the pain coming from it along with the pain from my leg and head only intensifying every pain I had in my body.

I took the pill bottle and the glass of water beside my bed and downed the pills as fast as possible wanting to get rid of the pain as fast as possible!

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked Zane after downing my pills.

"What is it?" he answered with his usual short replies.

"What happened after I fell asleep in your arms. I mean the sheets are ruffled and I'm pretty sure it isn't me that did that?" I asked looking him in the eyes to see if I could find any answers there. the only thing I saw was surprise before he answered.

"After you fell asleep in my arms, I carried you to your bed but just as I was about to go you grabbed my arm and mumbled something along the lines that you wanted me to stay. I tried to get u to let go of me, but your hold was too strong, and I was tired, so I just laid down on top of the covers and fell asleep with you still holding my wrist" his long reply came behind me and I looked surprised for a second before answering the question I had seen in his eyes but didn't ask.

"You are not the only one very perceptive Mr. Black" I spoke before walking into my walk-in closet finding some loose clothing, I could wear for the day. I didn't wait around for him to leave my room so when I came out of the closet again, I wasn't surprised to not find him there.

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My outfit of the day consisted of this and not long after getting ready school started online and I sat with Elijah and Jason in my bed for the rest of the day

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My outfit of the day consisted of this and not long after getting ready school started online and I sat with Elijah and Jason in my bed for the rest of the day. 


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