Cinderella - 3

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Chapter 6

"Wow, you're early." Tiana commented, opening her door and ushering Cinderella into her room. It was now Cinderella's second day of being at Northuldra Academy, and today was going to be the day that she met the rest of the girls who were going to be on her floor and the resident hall director.

"Ooh, I like what you've done in here, it's really pretty!" Cinderella exclaimed, slowly sitting down on the edge of Tiana's perfectly made bed.

The theme for the room was an emerald green, matching the olive green hallways outside. Tiana's belongings were tucked away into neatly organised storage boxes and in the grey shelving units, and the whole atmosphere was comforting right down to the scent of vanilla that was being diffused through the room by one of Tiana's candles. On one of the walls, just by the en suite, was a painting of a forest in a golden frame which Cinderella stood up to examine, marvelling at the skill of the artist.

"Thank you, but I can't take all the credit because Rapunzel helped me a lot. I'm sure she won't mind helping you with yours too if you ask. She did that painting!"

"Wow! I feel kind of guilty that I just waltzed in and stole her room. She seems really sweet."

"Yeah, she is. The problem is that she is also very impulsive and does things without thinking about the consequences. She'll be back here soon, but she'll just have to share with somebody which will probably be Anna since they're the closest." Tiana shrugged, fixing a stray curl from her carefully styled afro.

"They're cousins too, so that shouldn't be a problem right?"

"Yep..." Tiana paused as someone knocked on the door. She got up to open it and a woman with long raven-black hair and twinkling, dark brown eyes waved shyly at them both.

"Pocahontas!" Tiana yelled excitedly, "Welcome back!"

Pocahontas stepped into the room a large smile on her face, "It's good to see you again Tiana, and welcome to Northuldra Academy, Cinderella."

"Oh! Uh, hi!" Cinderella stammered, caught aback by the tall, beautiful woman before her. She wondered if Pocahontas would ever be willing to model for her.

Pocahontas went to sit in one of the velvet bean bags over in the corner of the room, and propped her bag up against the wall, sighing contentedly. "I spoke to the resident hall director just now, she seems really nice! Her name is Megara, but she says to just call her Meg. I think she may have been a student here a couple of years ago."

"Ah, that's nice!" Tiana turned to Cinderella, "There are quite a few members of staff who used to be students here, like Elsa Oldenburg and Honeymaren Nattura. They're both lovely! I think they might be the next headmistresses of the school."

"Personally, as soon as I leave this school, I'm going as far away as possible and not coming back here ever again if I can help it." A loud voice called from outside the door.

"That will be Anna." Pocahontas mumbled, taking her laptop out of her bag and settling down more comfortably into the beanbag.

"Doesn't she like it here?" Cinderella whispered.

Pocahontas shrugged, "Sometimes. Most of the time she just talks about how badly she wants to leave."

"Oh?" Cinderella frowned, "I guess it must be difficult when your mum is the head of the school."

"That's not even half of it..." Pocahontas murmured, pausing when Anna opened the door and began to hug everyone, exclaiming how much she had missed them all.

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