Belle - 3

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Chapter 18

If Belle had known that going to Philip and Eric's game night would almost get her kicked off the student council and force her to suffer through the longest night of her life, there was no way Adam could have convinced her to go. But she didn't, so she entered the common room blissfully unaware of what the night had in store for her.

The common rooms in North Mount still had a few improvements that needed to be made, but they were still far better than the ones at the old buildings, so it wasn't a surprise that it was filled to the brim with students. Even with Adam's height advantage, it took 10 minutes to find the tiny corner that his friends had claimed. The sofas, beanbags and cushions were all being used so they sat in a circle on the carpet with their heads bowed.

There was a line of four expectant children still in their red uniform standing in front of Philip, Aurora, Eric and Ariel who each had a Capri Sun in their hands that they were wrestling with. Belle didn't bother asking questions, she just followed Adam's lead and joined the circle.

Aurora managed to get the straw in first and handed the drink back to one of the children with a smug smile, "Do you need my help, Philip?"

Philip ignored her and continued struggling, occasionally looking up to glare at the remaining three children who had started complaining about how long it was taking. After Eric and Ariel finally managed to get the straws in, Philip admitted defeat and handed the Capri Sun to Aurora.

"No manners." Eric commented when the children went on their way without thanking them.

Adam cleared his throat loudly.

"Oh, when did you get here?" Philip nodded at Belle, "Hello again."

"So did you actually bring any games or..."

"Nope. They're by the door in my room still." Philip said.

"Well go and get them then."

"I can't hear myself think." Aurora moaned, resting her head on Ariel's shoulder. "Isn't there anywhere else we could go?"

"Yeah, it is kinda loud." Eric agreed, "Also, I was thinking we could pop out and get food before we started playing anything."

"There's no way you or anyone else is going to be allowed to go out for ages." Belle said. "Look at how much it's snowing."

Aurora stood on her tip-toes to look out of the window and smiled. "It's so pretty."

"That's because you're not out in it." Philip said.

 Eric hung his head. "I really wanted snacks though." 

"Isn't the café open?" Belle asked.

"You know how all the cafeteria staff are on the culinary arts course? Well, they have a super long extended practical lesson today, so it's closed and it's a shame because I really wanted to have some herbal tea before I went to bed." Eric explained.

"HeRbAl TeA." Philip and Adam guffawed.

"Welp. I don't know about you lot but I'm going to go and raid Jasmine's room. She's always got snacks." said Aurora.

"Yeah, and I need to go and get the board games I left in my room." Philip stretched. "Adam, come and help me carry them."

Philip and Aurora stood up and immediately stepped into the puddle of Capri Sun that was waiting for them.

Philip said nothing and stared down at his white trainers in resignation.

"My socks!" Aurora howled. "My lovely fluffy socks!"

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