Part 4

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Leo: Ok I know we don't always see things eye to eye on things
Frank: That's because your to short!!


Deaths We Care About A/N Guys I know this is sad the joke part is at the end bare with me

This also may or may not be trying to stop you guys from dying of laughter

Before The Series

Maria di Angelo: explosion by Zeus
Beryl Grace: drunk driving
Esperanza Valdez: killed in a fire that Gaea caused by making young Leo mad
Marie Levesque: killed when Alcyoneus almost rose
Hazel Levesque: killed when Alcyoneus almost rose but was brought back to life by Nico
Sammy Valdez: being cursed by the gem given to him by Hazel when they were young
Phillip McCaffrey: Killed by Nero so he could take his daughter, Meg, as his own.

The Titan's Curse

Bianca di Angelo: the malfunctioning Talos(prototype) fell
Zoe Nightshade: Ladon's poison and Atlas's final blow

The Battle of The Labyrinth

Pan: faded cuz the nature and wild is dying
Lee Fletcher: squashed by a giant
Castor: Brought down by an enemy demigod

The Last Olympian

Charles Beckendorf: explosion of the Princess Andromeda
Michael Yew: swept away when Percy stabbed with Riptide the Williamsburg bridge
Leneus: Killed in the Battle of Manhattan, reincarnates into a Laurel tree
Silena Beaugaurd: died while fighting a drakon
Ethan Nakamura: died when a shard of his own sword hit him in the stomach after he slashed at Kronos. He was later sucked into a fissure on Olympus, and fell to his death
Luke Castellan: stabbed himself in his weak spot to stop Kronos from evolving into his true form

The Lost Hero

Festus: shot down by lasers
Jason Grace: seeing Hera's true form (revived because Thanatos was chained)

The Son Of Neptune

Gwen: speared through the back, presumably by Octavian (resurrected because Thanatos was chained)
Grandma Zhang: (possibly) - Died of old age after meeting Frank, Hazel, and Percy 

The House Of Hades

Bob & Small Bob: Possibly killed by Tartarus; suggested in The Tower of Nero that he may have survived
Damasen: Killed by Tartarus

The Blood Of Olympus

Phoebe: Shot by Orion
Niomi: Shot by Orion
Celyn: Shot by Orion
Kinzie: Presumably killed by Orion or the lycanthrope
Leo Valdez: Disintegrated by his fire and Octavian's onager. Resurrected with the Physician's Cure by Festus

The Dark Prophecy

Heloise: Killed during the attack on the Waystation

The Burning Maze

Money Maker: Died from burns after scouting the labyrinth with Agave
Jason Grace (RIP): Sacrificed himself to save his friends, arrow wounds to his limbs and stabbed in the back twice by Caligula
Crest: Killed by Medea

The Tyrant's Tomb

Dakota: Injured by zombies in the Battle of San Fransisco Bay, later died of injuries
Jacob: acid burn from a myrmekes
Don: Sacrificed himself blowing up the Triumvirate fleet, died from Greek Fire burns

The Tower Of Nero

The Arrow Of Dodona: It's consciousness faded when Apollo stabbed it into Python's eye.
Apollo: Dissolved by the River Styx and fell into the Sea of Chaos. Later revived and restored to godhood

Fandom: Died of too many deaths

Rick Riordan(speaking after the books): I have absolutely no chill whatsoever. I killed 38 important people and millions of people in the fandom. What's wrong with me?



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Leo while taking a test
Leo: *takes test*
Leo: *circles yes*
Test: if yes please explain
Leo: *erases answer*
Leo; *circles no*


Someone: Hey what is a good PJO joke
Another Someone who has read and seen pjo: the movies 


Percy: *talking to an angry, pregnant Annabeth* Look i know how miserable you are. I wish there was something i could do.... I wish I were a seahorse
Percy: because male seahorses carry the babies
Percy: and umm also I would... be far away..... at sea



-River C:

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