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          okay hear me out, your a framed criminal trapped in a mansion who has a drinking problem. so what're you gonna do? 

          fucking clean you wack ass hoes. 

          Nah I'm just kidding I got absolutely shitfaced. 

          so there I was laying on the floor of my room immersed in this strange scent of cologne and a familiar buzz through my mind. the room spun as I felt the numbing set in. jumbled words of 'A Day In The Life' blurred together playing in the background as my vision began to mix. And yet the only thing I could think of was how disgusting and pathetic I was. I hated this. I hated how weak I was. That I had gotten to this point where I relied so heavily on this intoxication, this numbness to live. I felt sick like I was covered in grime. just absolutely disgusted with myself. So I did the only thing I could think of, I ran to the bathroom thrusting my fingers into the back of my throat, hitting my gag reflex. I threw all of it up, but all that came out was the alcohol it burned like a bitch, the burn returning in reverse mixed with that lovely stomach acid as I grabbed onto the side of the toilet. 

          I rolled over leaning against the tub and felt tears well in my eyes. The buzz and numb was slowly fading but I still felt disgusting. Hoisting myself up, leaning on the counter I turned the tub on and discarded my tattered dirty uniform, throwing it immediately in the bin never wanting to see it again. I sank into the warm water, feeling my body instantly relax. I felt my eyes slowly falling closed and for the first time in twenty years, I was able to rest. 


          When I woke up it was dark outside and I could hear the faint noises of someone rummaging through my room. no one else was in the house. Oh Merlin had they found me? I didn't want to go back, I couldn't go back. 

          I jumped out quickly wrapping a towel around myself. and peeking out the door. 

          "Whoever the fuck you are, I'm armed and I won't fucking hesitate." I most fucking definitely was not and regretted not doing so now, considering I didn't have my wand. The figure stopped, it was tall and masculine but I couldn't make out any features. They let out a low chuckle, it set off some kind of trigger in my mind. I was just wrapped in a towel not caring for my tattoos and scars on display along with........... other things.

           I quickly shut the door moving to actually arm myself. frantically pulling drawers open and I heard the creak of a window. I waited a few seconds to hear a thud and the sound of running slowly fading. I peeked my head out again and the man had disappeared, the only trace was left in a single beige piece of parchment. 

~~~~ ??? POV ~~~~
          I ran fast, faster than I thought I could, dodging between trees and bushes, panting heavily. My legs and arms pumped in sync as I ran and ran and ran. on for endless miles. she wasn't supposed to see me. why did I have to be so damn clumsy? after around an hour, maybe more, maybe less, I stopped. I looked around briefly before grabbing onto a branch and swinging right into a hole in the ground. I fell down the dark tunnel flailing about. No matter how many times I've done this it still terrified me. 

         I landed roughly, rolling to the ground and my knees gave out from the sudden force. stumbling slightly I stood leaning against the wall. I brushed the dirt off my black suit and ran my fingers through my hair. it had been thirteen years and I still froze when I saw her. 

             I walked through the crowded underground civilization, our little hideout. Chock-full of old supporters, old members. Easy targets. And I was the biggest one of them all. Some roamed holding drinks and chatting in little clusters, gossiping like high school girls and catty middle-aged book clubs. I weaved through the crowds of closely packed people until I reached my room. I sat on the edge of the bed tearing up as I looked at the photo on my bedside table. 

          Y/n. My Y/n. 

         I looked up as someone called my room opening the door quickly. 

         "They're here. we need to go." I stood up and grabbed my bag, stocking it as full as I could before running once again, as I had been for thirteen long years. I wondered whether it was really worth it. Sometimes I wished I really had just died in the lake that day. A life of running is only half a life. 

𝕱𝖆𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖘 𝕷𝖆𝖘𝖙 𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘 ~ Sequel to 'I don't love you' Regulus x readerWhere stories live. Discover now