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~~~~Sirius POV~~~~

         they had seen me. I knew they had seen me. I was running across the vast countryside away from the small town by the castle. I had fucked it up. I fucked it all up now. all I wanted was to see him! just so I could explain! He is my godson after all but the bastards wouldn't let me in. I had to find another way in. Soon, but I needed to let things die down first. 

~~~~Y/n POV~~~~ 

         I woke up in my room, the shades were drawn open letting the mid-afternoon light stream in. Remus walked around tidying things up. Everything had been organized and dusted. There was a mostly cold plate of eggs and hashbrowns on the bedside table which I simply pushed away. He looked over and smiled a little then went back to cleaning.

          He was wearing a jacket I knew for a fact was not his, it was slightly small and well... leather. Sirius's. He was cleaning like a mad man. I got up and walked over.  

          "hey hey rem calm down, your stress cleaning again" he sighed and stood up. 

          "I talked to dumbledor" I blinked 

          "he's still alive?" he smacked my arm 

          "Y/n! yes of course he is!" I rolled my eyes and he sighed in response. 

          "he's trying to set you up with another trial, a fair one this time. I couldn't get him to do one for Siri because I haven't seen him but I'm sure we'll figure that out later" I literally did not know how to react. I was completely frozen, glued to the spot so it's not like I could react if I wanted to. on one hand, I could be free. on the other, I could get sent back there. I really couldn't go back. 

          "Dumbledor even said he would defend you and so did oh you'll laugh at this, Severus. He's a bloody professor now, teaches potions" I just absentmindedly nodded, entirely lost in thought. it took me a few moments to respond 

          "I don't want anything to do with Sev" 

          "I thought you two were friends?" at this point he was picking out clothes for me from my dresser. 

          "We were. until he started talking shit about me to all my friends. called me a drunk and a blood-traitor. that I didn't deserve to be in Slytherin, or my name and that my parents disowned me for a reason. yknow they all did. sure yeah there were good days where we got along and had fun but every other day they loathed me." he looked taken aback. 

          "Y/n your literally the definition of ambitious. I've seen you fly ten laps around the quidditch pitch, STANDING on your broom. write a whole nineteen-page essay and drink twenty beers. all because someone had told you you couldn't" I looked down and shrugged. I felt him pat my head 

          "I've cooked you a week's worth of food and all your clothes are washed. I have to go or I'll miss the train" I looked up quickly and shook my head, jumping up to wrap myself around him koala style. 

          "No! dad you can't leave me here alone!" he picked me up and put me down on my bed. 

          "I'm sorry but I have to go, dumbledor hired me and I need the money Y/n. I'll write you all the time and I'll be back for Christmas." I wiped at my face and hesitantly nodded. I heard him walk away and pick up a trunk. I peeked out my window watching the small dot disappear across the premises. I sniffled and decided to walk around the house to distract myself. A lot of it had been cleaned thanks to Remus, and it looked brand new again. I smiled slightly, recalling memories of running around with Sirius, James and Remus. Peter can fuck himself straight to fucking hell. 

          I hesitated to enter the ballroom, I hadn't been in here since the day I found out he was dead. Everything went downhill from there. I lost James and then Peter then well yknow jail. I'm just glad I got Remmy back even though he's at Hogwarts now.

          I walked around observing the pristine clean-cut crystal chandelier and gorgeous gold embroidered walls, the whole room just screamed 'LOOK AT HOW MUCH BETTER I AM THAN YOU!'. It made my stomach curdle in disgust, remembering the horrible parties where so many men would constantly court me, I had to talk to dreadful annoying adults and be the perfect girl. James on the other hand had it easy, he and Sirius would run around wreaking havoc all over the place, leaving me to present to good front. Any move out of line and my mother would lose it, all hell would break loose. 

          I sighed and sat at my little table near the front. I looked over and jumped at a black spot on the table. It was a hoodie, just a hoodie, oh and a note. I gulped and hesitantly looked at it. It was much too big to be mine but yet too small so be Remus's, not that he would wear something like this anyways. it might be Sirius's but it didn't smell like him, although might I add whoever it did smell like smells very very good. I smiled subconsciously hugging it into me tight. I rested my head on his- NO! no no no no no I quickly pulled away from it. I know that smell. That's him. This is his. What the fuck. How the fuck. He's DEAD. But the scent wasn't faded, was like he just wore it yesterday but how the hell could he? I was so confused, where had this even come from? I grabbed the piece of paper off the table. 

          Hello again, remember me? 

          I told you I would be back. I'm sorry I had to leave again so soon my love but I promise soon one day you'll be mine. It was so hard to try and stay down in that basement all night knowing you were just upstairs, sleeping all alone. 

          My eyes widened in panic. 

          I leave you this as a gift, I will return soon once it's safe darling dearest. 

          Much love, 


          The note fell from my hands as everything spun, by the time the note had hit the floor I was going down with it. 


......so....... y e a h...... that happened? 

𝕱𝖆𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖘 𝕷𝖆𝖘𝖙 𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘 ~ Sequel to 'I don't love you' Regulus x readerWhere stories live. Discover now