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look I'm only gonna say it once. Remus and Y/n are not dating. I mean like she's basically his child. I won't put up with that shit in the comments okay. You'll get blocked no cap.

~~~~ Y/n POV~~~~

          I woke up, sore and aching, in my bed, sheets now clean and washed. I was drowning under my duvet. I was leaning towards one side of my bed and I could hear someone breathing. A dip in the bed told me someone was sitting next to me. watching me. 

          I sprang up and opened my eyes looking around frantically. Who the hell had gotten in here? My eyes landed on a face. sandy hair that fell in loose curls in his freckled face, His green (I think?) eye a dull matte from what they used to be. He had many more adorning scars than when I last saw him, each one stung in my heart. While our time in Azkaban Sirius had gotten a tattoo. one across his arm. It moved with the phases of the moon, so no matter how dark and concealed it was he always. Always. knew. and every time, he stayed up each night crying. Crying for his lover. 

         As I looked at the tall boy now, he looked so much more grown-up, he was always the one to act mature but secretly he was the worst of all of us. I wouldn't say he looked more grown-up just almost more... lost? confused? Given up? Although I'm sure mine reflected the same emotions to him. 

          "R-Remus?" I choked out with a raspy voice, my throat swollen. 

          "hey Y/n/n" he smiled softly and I returned it openly, for the first time in twelve years, I was happy again. I scrambled over to hug him, curling up on his lap, hugging his waist tight like a child. 

         "Remmy!" he chuckled and hugged back 

         "shhhh mummy's here" I smiled and nuzzles into his chest. I felt his smile fall and I looked up to him. 

          "did you do it? you didn't do it right?" I looked appalled and slightly hurt, it did sting a little. 

          "no Rem of course not! he was my brother and one of my best friends- I no! why would I ever." I sighed, "look. I know I act super tough and 'fuck you.' all the time but I'm really not" I quieted down, mumbling just over a whisper "b-but I'm kinda a softie". He just blinked at me. 

          "Yeah duh, I fucking know that" he rolled his eyes smirking. I slapped his arm and winced. fuck. He frowned again. 

          "I had to stitch them, some were really deep" I went into panic mode.

          "That's what she said!" he gave me a deadpan look.

          "Not to you, that's for sure"

         "Well of course not, I don't have a dick" I rolled my eyes. and that folks is how you distract a Moony. He raised an eyebrow at me

          "Don't you dare think you're getting out of this" Oh f u c k. I shook my head. 

          "I'd rather not have another mental breakdown thanks" (firstly mood-) he hesitantly nods.

          "Alright, for now, but later we do need to talk about it okay?" I looked away and nodded. "now when was the last time you ate?" I had to think for a second, 

          "yesterday morning I think?" he raised an eyebrow, 

         "Cmon well go get you some food then you can sleep" I shook my head quickly 

         "I'm good, I'm not really hungry moons" I plastered a smile on my face and he gave me a look that he was unconvinced but brushed it off, 

         "Then sleepy time" he laid me back down in my bed 

         "But Remmy! I was just sleeping!" he ignored me and tucked me in as I was already nodding off. 

          "Goodnight mid" I mumbled something along the lines of 'night moon boy' back as closed my eyes. 

~~~~Rem POV~~~~ 

        As soon as she closed her eyes I stood, beelining for the room down the hall. Trying desperately to control myself and not run with anticipation. I burst the door open to Sirius's room 

         "Siri!" I was smiling wide but it slowly faded as I saw the empty dust-covered room, no Sirius in the bed like I was expecting. I stood there the anticipation and last lingering hope I had left, fading. where was he? 

          I walked around the room, picking up the odd item and dusting it off, each bringing back more and more memories of the man I loved. His 'too cool for this' style when it came to basically everything. the cute little sassy offended face he did ( ( ̄、 ̄) ) the way he always smelled so fucking good. SO fucking good, like leather and cigarettes, mixed with a cologne that just screamed 'bottom bitch boy.' his hair was the best, it was so silky smooth and smelled like coconuts and lavender just heaven. I could play with it all day.  

          I couldn't help but tear up once again, looking at the moving photo of us as I kissed him while holding him bridal style. I watched eighteen-year-old him slide his arms around my neck and I remembered every second of it in a vivid sensation. I grabbed one of his hoodies and slid it on a pillow, crying still nonetheless. I laid down and hugged it tightly, pretending for just a second, it could be him. 

~~~~??? POV~~~~ 

          I walked through the forest alone. I had left the group a few nights ago and travelled on my own now, just searing for somewhere to stay. Even just for one night. I was freezing cold right to the bone. My small frame, smaller than the average males, shaking in my many layers. and so I saw it, my opportunity. it was a risky move of course, but at this point, that was the only move I had. after a long while of trying I was able to pry a basement window open. Even though she was all the way across the house I could smell her from miles. Y/n, my Y/n, my darling, my gorgeous precious love. She was the only thing I could ever think of, it drove me crazy, absolutely insane. I wasn't able to see her or touch her, kiss her. But I guess to her she isn't mine anymore is she? 

          I'll change that. I will. no matter what it takes. 


@potterhead2523 THIS IS FOR YOU! 

𝕱𝖆𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖘 𝕷𝖆𝖘𝖙 𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘 ~ Sequel to 'I don't love you' Regulus x readerWhere stories live. Discover now