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Trigger Warning: Self Harm 

Also, there's gonna be a lot more wolfstar in this book, I'm sorry I'm getting to some of the main stuff with Y/n I PROMISE but just as a filler (also they hella cute) there's some wolfstar. 


         I walked over to the desk in my moonlit room, checking everywhere cautiously for traps, prints clues anything from this intruder.  I came across only a single folded piece of paper. laying neatly on the desk. I picked it up carefully and unfolded it. 

          hello Y/n, 

          please don't be alarmed, we've met before, many times. I know you better than you know yourself, I know your favourite colour your favourite weather and food, I know the feel of your hair and the taste of your lips. Although you do not remember mine. I love you, I visit often, though you do not see. Or maybe you do, but refuse to acknowledge me. Whatever it might be my darling I know you'll see me very soon.   

          OKAY WHAT THE FUCK. 

          you need not be scared of me, I don't mean any harm. we'll meet again one day, we always do.  

          okay. uh. what the actual fuck. I was starting to get scared, not only was someone in my house, but they're a fucking stalker and they're obsessed with me, I mean I can't blame them but still! I ripped up the note and threw it in the bin. no way was I gonna encourage this bastard. 


          Weeks had passed with no sign of anyone, no Sirius and no strange intruders thank Salazar. Although I was dreadfully bored. no one to talk to and nothing to do I began to slip. I relapsed within my first week but no matter what I couldn't bring myself to drink, the dizzying feeling from the first night overwhelming me again just looking at it. So I took solace in pain once again, drowning out my feelings of despair.  

          It was like a drug, the feeling of pain as I sat on my bed, bleeding crimson liquid all over the blanket and floor, the world beginning to spin. I mumbled incoherent slurred words as my eyes fluttered shut and I slid off the mattress to the floor. My world going dark and ringing in my ears. And I prayed for the poor soul that would have to find me.

~~~~ Sirius POV ~~~~

          I felt bad okay. I did. I didn't want to leave her there, especially not like this. And considering the state she's in, she might already be dead, oh god, it'd be all my fault. Please Merlin save her. I had to do it, for her own good. I saw the look on her face when she saw harry. She was absolutely heartbroken and so was I, but she was the only family I had left now. She came before me and I needed to keep her safe, no matter what. Of course this way, she's also alone... in that massive house... doing god knows what. fuck sakes Sirius don't think like that. shell be fine. (OH HONEY-) 

          Oh oh right, where am I, well I'm in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere, in the freezing fucking cold. No food no water nothing at all. I'm following a fucking scent trail of who knows what, I'm just praying it's right. 

          The only thing I did know, the only thing I had known for sure for twelve years was that I sure as fuck missed my boyfriend. I stopped walking and sat down looking around the forest sadly. I wish he were here, I wish things were normal, I wish none of this had happened so we could've had a life, gotten married, maybe even had a kid. But now he hates me. Hates my guts, he'll never want to see me again. I laid down, curling up. I just wished he were here, there were tears in my eyes, I might be a dog but I could still cry alright? I wanted to lay my head on his lap and have him pet me, teasing me, looking up to see his smile and light blush. The way his curly hair would fall in his face and his eyebrows would furrow in concentration when he worked. He was the only thing I ever remembered, the only thing I ever cared to. He was all I ever wanted. 

          He had probably found someone else though, a better-looking bloke, someone who was actually intelligent, someone he could relate to. He might even have a family. I had tears flowing down my face at this point. And so there I laid, pretending he loved me instead, pretending he was hugging me, kissing me, that he was mine, as I cried into a slumber. 

~~~~ Remus POV ~~~~

          I couldn't sleep. I was laying in my small bead, in my small barely affordable and definitely overpriced London flat. The place was practically falling apart but it was all I could make do with, no one wanted to hire a werewolf much less be around one even. Although there was something else keeping me awake today, the Daily Prophet. my boy- ex. boyfriend. had escaped out of Azkaban along with my ex-best friend. So much for family huh? I had loved him so much and he betrayed me. Course for years I never believed it, but the evidence was there, what else was I to do. 

          So every night I told myself I hated him, hated the both of them until I did. But tonight was different, tonight I could finally feel him again. And the pain hit me like a hurricane. I curled up in my bed crying, hugging my pillow for dear life, wearing one of his old slightly small hoodies, which I had selfishly kept buried in my drawers. My whole body shook with sobs as I cried for him, wishing he were back in my arms. No matter how hard I tried I could never hate him. I loved him, no matter what. I always would and that was one thing I could never stop. And for once in my life, I let go. I didn't care. I didn't care what happened, what the consequences were or about the what-ifs. all I cared about was my boyfriend. and how I would get back to him. 

𝕱𝖆𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖘 𝕷𝖆𝖘𝖙 𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘 ~ Sequel to 'I don't love you' Regulus x readerWhere stories live. Discover now