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~~~~Y/n POV~~~~ 

          When I woke up I had to take ten minutes to calm myself down, how was any of this possible? He was alive? He's out there somewhere right now? I grieved for him, I cried for him, I lost everything. And he just up and left without a word? How fucking dare he. Was he fucking ignorant!? He said he loved me and really just left everything behind that fast. and NOW he shows up, just walking in and out when he pleases. 

          Whatever the fuck he's expecting from me he'd better lower his standards that man isn't getting jack shit from me. 

          I was more than angry I was boiling over with rage. The next time he came here would be the last. He wasn't leaving here alive. 

~~~~Rem POV~~~~ 

          It had been a month since I left Y/n and come to Hogwarts. As soon as I got on the train I didn't have to think, of course, I went to our compartment. I quickly fell asleep, crying once again. When I woke up, James was there, no? Lily? no no.

          Harry. The child that I loved as my own, the one that I could've raised. He would've called me Uncle Moony, all of us could have dinners together on Sundays, family day. We could've been together, we should've been together. 

          It was so difficult, so much more bloody difficult than anything I could ever imagine. More painful than any full moon. 

          Or so I thought, until Halloween, I of course wasn't attending the feast. I wandered aimlessly around the castle, enjoying the silence. That was until I heard shouting. The fat lady? And someone else? a man. I ran over 

          "Hello? Is everyone alright?" I came to a stop, my whole body tensing when I saw him. He had slashed big marks with his claws in the portrait. He looked so awful, his hair was long, but not the mid-shoulder length so hot, so adorable, thick, pristineness it was before. Now it was greying and matted, a tangled nest. I just wanted to run over and sit him down, gently brush it out for him. Nonononono stop that. Bad brain. But he looks so sad, go hug him! NO! I can't do that! I'm supposed to be angry at him! 

          He looked absolutely broken as he croaked out, 

          "I'm sorry" his voice breaking in the middle. I went to speak but before I could blink he was gone and the fat friar was screaming bloody murder. 

          The was worse, that was a billion times worse. Seeing the love of my life like that, so broken, so lifeless. That hurt me more than the rest of my life combined. All I wanted was for everything to stop. I wanted him back I wanted to hold him close and be able to tell him everything is gonna be okay. But I can't do that. This is a problem for once in my life, I just can't fix. 

~~~~Sirius POV~~~~           

          He was there he was right there. He looked just as gorgeous as he did when I had left. I wish I never left. I froze up right away, I just didn't know what to do. I was so pathetic. How desperate could I possibly get? I wanted to simply run back, run into his arms. 

          But I couldn't, he hated me, no no despised me. Why did I have to mess up so badly? I got so angry and I ran after him. I had messed up, I lost it all. I lost Harry, Y/n, Remus. Remus. the light of my life, my tall sandy-haired nerdy boy. The boy who swore like a sailor and smiled with his eyes. He gave the warmest sweetest hugs. 

         I wanted him more than anything else. He was my whole world, he was the only reason I was even still alive. 

          no. He hated me, I can't have him anymore. All because I messed. It was all for nothing. 

~~~~ Y/n POV ~~~~

          Burning. I liked burning things. But you know what feels even better than burning just anything?  Burning all of your ex's shit. All I could smell was burning gasoline and the toxic fumes of burning cotton. Damn this felt good. 

          Now anyone who walked up would most likely think I was a satanist and was holding some sort of ritual. In a way, I could've been. 

          I was getting rid of him. That backstabbing bitch. Man, I could've had a new hotter boyfriend! or a girlfriend for that matter! Someone who didn't fucking pretend to be dead and leave creepy stalker notes in my fucking house. 

          This was it. If he came back he wasn't going to leave. at least he wouldn't be leaving with his head. 


HI UH HERE YA GO I know its very short but I've been struggling to write this chapter 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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𝕱𝖆𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖘 𝕷𝖆𝖘𝖙 𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘 ~ Sequel to 'I don't love you' Regulus x readerWhere stories live. Discover now