Chapter 4

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   Monday morning, I walked into school with Jason, holding my hand. As we entered the building, people stopped what they were doing, and stared at us. I flushed a deep red, and covered it with my black hair.

"It's okay, Amy. I'm here with you. No one's gonna hurt you," he whispered.

"I know," I whispered back.

   As we walked through the halls, I heard people making fun of me, and saying he was going to leave me because I'm a freak, and I would be a terrible girlfriend. My palms started sweating, and I felt like I was going to have a panic attack. Either that, or I was going to seriously hurt somebody.

"Jason, I can't do this," my voice was shaking.

"Amy, you have to get over your fears sometime."

"No. I have a feeling I'm gonna have a panic attack."

"Take a deep breath," I did so.

"Well, well, well. My baby sister finally has a boyfriend," Andrea appeared out of the crowd. "It only took seventeen years. I'm surprised at you, Jason. You could do some much better than this freak of nature."

   I felt my heart beat increase. Nobody ever believed we were twins, let alone sisters, because we didn't look or act like twins. Mainly because she's a prep, and I'm an abused emo.

   She was wearing a pink and white plaid skirt, a white tank top and pink high tops. I was wearing black khakis, black high tops, a black hoodie and chains. I had my black lip rings in. The only piercings Andrea has are earrings and a nose ring. I have a nose ring, too, but it's a ring instead of a stud, and I never really wear it.

"You don't know Jason, Andrea. And I'm more his type than you are."

"Oh, my god! The freak actually speaks! I never knew that!" I heard one of her friends say.

"Yeah, I do speak. I've always been able to speak. I just didn't want to 'til now."

"Yeah. Because of your secret, Amy. Are you gonna tell everybody or should I? After all, it was your fault it happened."

"No, it wasn't. It never was. I realize that now. I didn't ask for it to happen. It just did."

"If it wasn't your fault, then why did you just realize it now? Weren't you suppose to realize it after it happened?"

"Ya know, Andrea, you and Alex were there the night it happened, and neither of you said anything this whole time. You keep telling me you're gonna tell everybody about it, but you never did. So, how about you tell everybody my dirty little secret that I've been hiding for so many years?"

"Amy, what are you doing?" Jason asked me.

   It was time I came clean about my secret. I figured there really is no point in hiding it anymore. Everybody has been asking me why I never spoke my whole life. It's time everybody knew the truth.

"Alright. Everyday, somebody asks why Amy Adams never speaks. I stopped speaking because something happened to me at a young age that nobody ever thinks can happen to them. This one thing led to years of depression, cutting, being abused, both verbally and physically, and being neglected by my parents, my older brother, and my twin sister. For years, I only spoke to one person."

"There's no way you cut yourself!" one of the other preps yelled.

"You only cut for attention!" one of the football players yelled.

"If I only cut for attention, how come no one ever knew 'til now?" everybody went silent. "That's what I thought. I cut because I've been through hell and back because my parents hit me, they verbally abuse me, and they neglect me as do my brother an sister, and I've got a stupid secret that I've hid from everybody!"

   I used to turn red whenever I spoke. Now, I turn red when I yell, and I usually yell at my parents and my sister. I felt my blood rush to my head as I yelled down the hallway.

   At the start of second period, Jason and a couple other kids had to pull me off of Andrea. I tackled her to the ground because she got smart with me. After I got pulled off her, I was dragged into the principal's office. I ended up suspended for two weeks.

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