Chapter 10

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   For three straight hours, my mother has been trying to talk me into getting stuff that's, like, fifteen grand for the wedding, and it's driving me insane. I said I don't want the wedding to be more than ten grand. She thought I meant just the wedding, and not everything else.

"Mom, when I said I don't want you paying more than ten grand, I meant I want that to be the max. I want everything to add up to ten grand. Everything you're to force on me is gonna add up to at least twenty grand."

"I just want the best for my little girl, Amy. You're the baby of the family. I guess I just want to spend as much as I can, even if you don't like what I want to buy you."

"I know that. I get that I'm the runt of the family, and you don't want me to go. This is my wedding. I want small and simple. Not a wedding fit for a princess. Sorry I'm not you. Sorry I'm not Andrea. I told you what I want. This is not what I want."

"Okay, Amy. Whatever you want. What kind of flowers?"

"Red roses."

"I thought you would want white water lilies. You used to love those."

"I like roses. They smell better."

"Do you want ice?"

"Ice?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Ice, Amy. An ice sculpture."

"Oh. I thought you meant, like, ice to put drinks in," I moved my bangs. "Small one."

"What do you want it to look like, and please do not tell me you want it to look like a car."

"I wasn't going to," I laughed. "Um, a small thing of us, like you'd put I a wedding cake."

"Do you have a date in mind?"

"A week after school ends," Jason told her.

    She looked up at us. She pulled her glasses down in curiosity. School ends next month, so she only has a couple weeks to put the wedding together. She's a wedding planner, so she knows how to work fast if she has to.

"You're lucky I can throw this all together, Jason," she pushed her glasses back up. "Amy, are you going to put your nose ring in?"

"Should I? I mean I was thinking about it, bit I'm not so sure."

"Put it in, leave it out. I don't care as long as you both take you take those things out of your lips. I don't want people thinking I'm raising a gang banger."

"These things are staying in my lip. If you don't like it then don't plan a wedding. We'll just elope," I sat back, and crossed my arms.

"No daughter of mine is going to elope, Amy Michelle. Everybody will think that I let you do whatever you please."

"As my mother, you can tell me I can't get what I want, but as my wedding planner, you only get an opinion. You have no say in what I wear. Not anymore. You had your chance. You didn't take it. Now that I'm eighteen, you don't get one."

"Okay, Amy. You're right. You're eighteen now. You should be able to do whatever you want, and wear whatever you want. You don't care about what I have to say."

"Mom it's not that I don't respect your opinion, but you're being a control freak. You're not letting me wear what I wanna wear on my wedding day. You can express your opinion, but you have n say in whether or not I wear my lip rings."

"What is going on in here?" Dad asked.

"Amy wants to wear those things in her lip to her wedding."

"And Mom's being hypocritical about it. There's nothing wrong with my lip rings. All she cares about is her business, and what everybody else will think if they see me with my lip rigs in during the wedding."

   I knew he was going to agree with my mom that I have to take my lip rings out for the wedding. All they ever cared about was Alex and Andrea, the publicity for their businesses and what everybody else thinks. I never cared about what people said about me. I'm not them or Alex or Andrea. I don't listen to what everybody has to say.

"Krystal, maybe this wedding could really help your business. If everybody sees what kind of weddings you can do for Amy and Jason then people like them will come to you," Dad said.

"You wanna use our wedding to promote her business? No offense, Dad, but we're not the poster gang bangers for wedding planning."

"That's not what I meant, Amy," his eyes widened. "You're a gang banger?!"

"According to Mom, I am."

"Forget about that. You were saying, dear?"

"Amy, since you are the kind of person for small, unique weddings, you can join your mother with her business. She can plan the big, classy weddings, and you can plan people with similar ideas like yours."

"So, basically, you wanna turn this into a family business?"

"Just for you and your mother."

"I think it's a great idea," Mom said.

"Honestly, Mr. Adams, I agree with Amy. It sounds like you're using us to help her business."

"Hey, Amy, maybe they'll make a deal with you if you help them," Alex said as he opened the fridge.

"Great idea, son. Amy, if you do this, your mother and I will buy you and Jason a condo, and pay our rent until you have enough money to buy a house. What do you say, Princess? Will you do it?"

"Can I wear my lip rings?"

"Is that a yes?" she asked.

"Only if you don't judge my lip rings anymore."

"I won't. I promise."


   I'm pretty sure I just sold my soul to my parents for a condo and my mother to stop judging my piercings. I have a feeling I'm going to regret this. The only good thing is we get a free condo, and we don't have to pay rent.

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