Chapter 14

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Awww. Demitri is so much like his mom. like mother, like son. <3's chapter 14. Enjoy. :)


   When Jason got home, the twins were on both ends of the couch, Demitria sat between them, and Demitrious sat in the corner of the room with his knees pulled up to his chest.

"Do I wanna know?" he asked.

"Jenelle burned Demitrious with her flat iron, and blame him for the way her and your son act. She also said if he hadn't been born, we'd have more time for the other three. It's my childhood all over again," Jenelle dropped her head.

"Why can't you two just leave him alone? He never did anything to you."

"She is also not allowed to have a flat iron while she lives under our roof."

"Which is totally unfair by the way."

"Not to your brother. Honestly, Jenelle, I'm not the person to go to for advice. The only one that can really ask me for anything is Demitirious. Demi can sometimes come to me, otherwise go to your father."

"Why do you favor him out of all four of us? He's a freak," I heard Jason say.

"I know how he feels. I understand where he's coming from. Your aunt and uncle and grandparents neglected me for being like him, but I had a reason for it. Did I not, Jason?"

"Yes. Kids, something happened to your mom when she was little, and she went mute up until I asked her to be my girlfriend. That's ten, eleven years without speaking to anyone except Cara."

"So, she didn't speak to you?" Demi asked.

"Only through notes and text messages. It annoyed me, but I put up with it because I love her. I always have. I never liked not hearing her speak. I missed hearing her voice."

   All four kids looked at me. Demitrious looked at me with tear filled eyes. Demi looked at me in sympathy. Jenelle ad Jason looked at me like I was bluffing. Honestly, the only one who I really cared about was my youngest. The others don't really matter to me.

"There's  no way you were like that, Mom," Jenelle said.

"Yeah, I did I still have notes that I wrote when I wouldn't speak. Every note that wasn't to your father, had a lot of yelling and screaming."

"Why didn't you speak?" Demi asked.

"I had a secret, and I was afraid to tell anyone. Andrea used to tell my parents I had a bad day, and I didn't wanna speak to anyone. Alex just pretended I never existed. When my parents got so pissed off because I wouldn't speak, they started abusing me, both physically and verbally."

"What was the secret, Mama?" Demitri whispered.

"I was raped. I was afraid to tell anyone because I always thought it was my fault. It wasn't, but your aunt thought it was. Whenever something happened, she blamed me. She almost got raped, but it ended up being me. My parents never knew about it 'til my junior year of high school when I got suspended for attacking Andrea. That little secret resulted to years of depression and cutting," Jason's head shot up.

"Like mother, like son," he muttered.

"Jason Andrew Todd! Watch your mouth!"

"Son, got to your room. Stay there until I say otherwise, and you are grounded for two months. No phone, no t.v., no more football, no ipod, nothing for two months."

"Dad, it's true. He's just like Mom. Same hair, same eyes, same attitude. It's a joke," he went upstairs.

   Sometimes it's really hard to believe Jenelle and Jason are mine. I think they're more like Andrea and Alex were. I thought Jenelle would have turned out to be like me, and my youngest turns out to be that kid.


Looks like Jenelle and Jason Jr. are jealous of their baby brother. Demitri wasn't raped. Everybody at school who has parents that knew Amy and Jason think he's gonna turn out to be like his mom, so they pick on him for it. That's why he's so mute and afraid to talk to anybody. Just thought I's clear that up. Anyway... keep reading. Like, comment, whatever.

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