11. how could i be?

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i woke up in the hospital with pains shooting all over my body. i tried my best not to show it, but steve must've seen because he told everyone i was awake and called the doctors in to give me some more morphine.

"miss y/l/n, how are you feeling?" the doctor asked me. "pretty shitty if i do say so myself." i mumbled just loud enough for everyone to hear. everyone stifled laughs except for darry and the doctor. "language y/n. you're talking to the man who saved your life a couple days ago." darry said sternly. "a couple days ago?" i asked. what does he mean by that?

"you've been out for a couple days y/n." the doctor said, finally breaking eye contact.
"oh." i said. "hey it's not your fault man," dally reassured me, "those damn socs..." i sighed. "yeah we'll have it out with them sooner or later." two bit said. "no! no you guys can't. it can't keep being because of me, and that's how i ended up here in the first place!" i almost yelled, my hands shaky.

ponyboy must've realized this, because he walked closer to my bed and held my hand.

i wasn't mad at him anymore. how could i be?"

the doctor left me and the gang in the room for a bit to go get the discharge papers.

"y/n," soda said, "if you're ready, we can go ahead and check you out. the doctors said you're doing fine since you've rested and all. only if you're ready."

"yea. i'm ready. let's get get outta this shit hole." i said getting up with the help of pony.
"do you wanna change here or at your house?" dallas asked me grabbing a bag of clothes that my mom must've brought.

just when i thought of that, my mom and sister bursted through the door like kids on christmas morning. "oh my god y/n! oh my- i've missed you so much. how are you? are you feeling better? we've been visiting you but you've been asleep. these boys are so nice for helping you. are you ready to go home do yo-"
i paused my mom before she could keep bombarding me with questions.

"yes, mom, i'm ready to go home. but first, come here and give me a damn hug." i said while grinning.

my sister and my mom came and gave me long hugs. while my sister was hugging me, she whispered into my ear with a shaky tone, "oh y/n, don't you ever do that to me again. i couldn't handle the thought of losing anyone else." i just nodded in response. i had totally forgotten that if i hadn't made it, they would've lost a dad, husband, daughter and sister, all within a year.

i wanted to cry but kept it in because whenever i cry, my sister, shannon, cried ten times harder.

my mom helped me out of bed and i said my goodbyes to the gang and gave them hugs, ponyboy last. mid hug, i whispered into his ear, "i'm so sorry ponyboy." i felt really bad. "shh shh, it's fine. it wasn't your fault." he whispered back. i know it's been a while, but i really do think i love him.

i mean, i know we told each other that we loved each other, but it was at night time and i think we may have just slurred it out.

quick a/n, i'm sorry i can't remember if they've said it multiple times it's been so long. oops. but if they have, pretend that they've only said it once. like how i just explained.

"i love you y/n. and i mean it." he said to me in a normal tone, even though no one could hear it. "i love you too. so much ponyboy." i replied as he kissed the top of my forehead.

"alright let's get outta here. i hate hospitals." i said pulling away from mine and pony its hug.

we said our goodbyes and i hopped in the car with my mom and caroline. i sat in the backseat with the windows down and music blasting. my whole family always knew that music could always help me. no matter how loud.

we arrived at my house and i carefully got out of the car. since it was nighttime, i told my mom i would take some medicine and head up onto bed. she asked if i needed help, just holler.

i took some medicine the doctor prescribed for the next few weeks and crept up the stairs. i got into my bed and immediately fell asleep, forgetting to turn off my lamp.

how could somebody be so tired after they had slept for three whole days... i thought to myself. oh well, doesn't matter now. i thought, again, while drifting off into my dream.

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