Chapter 1

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It was nice to be able to wake with no alarm and it wasn't like she had a job at the moment, but that was something that was being worked on with her best friend. She rubbed her eyes with a small smile playing on her lips, as she climbed out of bed. First thing in the morning was to take care of her sippy cup or bottle, whichever one was used before falling asleep. There was a purple and white plastic case that fits in the drawer; it holds her pacifier.

Not many people would come over, but the ones that do have no idea that she has a secret life. One that helps her stay calm and happy, there wasn't any trauma in her life other then the normal arguments with her mom. It was something that she stumbled upon when researching if it was normal, as it wasn't like there was anyone that she could ask. Being able to search the internet and not have to answer to anyone, yeah that worked out a lot better.

She has been happier the last three years and actually has a room started for her littlespace room. Of course, the whole house was hers and she could do whatever to it, but right now since a few friends did come over, it was easier to have a separate room that was locked with the only key being on her person at all times.

Toni pulled the key from inside her shirt that was on a necklace, unlocked the door and went into the room to find something to wear. There were a few pieces that she could get away with and no one would bat an eye; pink, white, and purple shirt that was in a box pattern with a pair of white shorts. When all the errands were over and she got home, she would change into a pair of bib overall shorts. That would have to be later because first step was to take a shower and start the day. Jason was supposed to call and let her know when he was coming over to talk about their business adventure.

When Jason called she was telling him to stop and get her some breakfast. As soon as she flipped the light switch on in the bathroom her cell phone rang out from the other room. It wasn't going to be important, but just in case that her mom needed her for whatever reason she wouldn't miss it. They didn't have to always get along, but she was going to make sure that woman was never alone. 

"I am so glad that you called because I need you stop and pick up some breakfast on your way over here." She started to giggle until he was serious and asked her to just meet him downtown at the building he was looking into buying.

Toni skipped the shower and got dressed, she was excited to see what he could want to talk about and he must have bought the building. That was great news, he should have called her as soon as the papers were signed so that she could see it. She laughed to herself as she headed out to her car.

It was a beautiful day with the traffic bumper to bumper, as she tried to make her way across town to meet with Jason. The crazy drivers that were in a hurry to get to work or wherever they were going, but it didn't bother her this morning. Her head was swirling with ideas, but wanted to see what it looked like inside first. Would they have their own office? It was finally going to happen, he promised they were going to build something that they both could be proud of.

Forty minutes later, she pulled into the back of the building and sent a text message to let Jason know she was outside. He needed to come down and let her in because no one worked there yet, it was going to be the site of their new shop was the only thing she could think of. Now it made more since that he wanted her to meet him downtown. She stood outside the large glass door with a smile on her face, as she waited for him with so many thoughts going through her head.

"Thanks for coming down here so quickly. We can chat out in the parking lot." He slid out the door and let it close behind him.

That was weird, but followed him towards the back where she parked. Jason wasn't speaking or acting like his normal hyper self. He walked with his hands clasped behind his back with his eyes roaming all over the place. He started to make her nervous.

"What's going on? You don't seem like yourself today and I have never seen act nervous around me."

A slight breeze ruffled her hair, she slid her fingers through it and pushed it back as she eyed him. There was something going on, but what was it?

"I have something to tell you and I know that you aren't going to like it. I just think this is a better route for me to go at this time."

"Wait. What are you talking about?" She knew she was already being fired.

He wiped his brow like there was sweat there, she took a deep breath and glared at him with her arms crossed over her chest. It felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest at the same time it was being pinched. What in the hell did she do? She wanted an answer because she worked right along side of him and gave him plenty of ideas of women's lingerie.


"I thought it would be a better idea to partner with an old college friend that can put more capital then I can. He has some great ideas and he doesn't think we need to have more than the two of us working and shelving out money."

Toni couldn't believe her ears as her mouth dropped open with her eyes as large as they could go. She didn't know what to say that wouldn't be rude and hurt his feelings worse then she was feeling at the moment. She snapped her mouth shut and turned and walked the foot or so to her care without a word she climbed inside. That's when Jason tried to call her name and talk to her, she ignored him with his window up and sped out of the parking  lot. She was so upset she didn't bother to make sure the road was clear before pulling out onto the main road. The tears started immediately, the time they spent together working late hours and the lies he told to her face.

On the ride home she decided it was time to stop thinking or worrying about helping others. It was time to get her life together and do what was going to make her happy. After the work that was put in for his business told her that it was possible for her to have her own as well. When she got home she was going to start up a plan.

I have edited this first chapter before I went on because I am not that far into it yet. I am hoping this sounds a lot better then the first version, which I didn't like how it was going.

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