I lay awake staring at the ceiling in disappointment. Something felt off. I felt like I was missing something in my life but I don't know what. I have a perfect job working at a record store with Ack-ill-knees (prev rawen) I make decent pay, and they don't even know I'm a stalker with so much dirt on my name it could probably kill me.
I rolled back over on my side in frustration.
"Why am I like this"
I went over every possible thing in my head that could be bothering me but nothing and I mean nothing was working, not even Dirt was the problem.
"How is it already 6:30?" I thought to myself. I must have fallen back asleep
I pulled myself up and to my horror, I've realized that I've stepped on my favourite record.
The morning was already off to a horrid start and my mind was racing. I realized that I didn't have time to vent and needed to get ready for work but I didn't have the strength. That's odd for me, usually, Ack-ill-knees is enough to get me to go to work or the fact that I might see Dirt die because his kidneys actually explode.
After a long amount of crying from pure frustration, I managed to walk to work. I couldn't eat breakfast, I was too mad.