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3/20/2021~ A quick note: This chapter is now officially updated and hopefully I can update the others soon! I am going to take a break today, and hopefully come back to update chapter 2 soon. I am going to try and keep some of what I originally wrote in the chapters as I do really like what I wrote. Just need to flesh them out a bit more. Thank you so much for reading!


It had been a long day. You were driving home from work in an almost zombie like state, having to remind yourself to focus. You shook your head a bit and turned up your music. Going home after a long day was always bittersweet because the only thing waiting for you was an empty two bedroom house and a few succulents that you were barely managing to keep alive. Some days you just felt hopelessly lost, and wondered if you could have done something different. But if wasn't all bad. You had managed to save enough money to get this house after all, and decorate it with all of your posters and books, and you had so much space to yourself now. It was nice being on your own. Your closest friends came over once or twice a week, and you would eat, talk and play games together for hours, just laughing and talking. But after they left and you were alone again, the sadness set in, and you were left alone with your thoughts. Those times were hard, but you still managed to get through your days mostly on your own. You told yourself you didn't need a man to feel complete, but damn it would have been nice to have a solid chest to rest your head on at night. Or a lap to sit on while you read a book. For now though it couldn't be helped.

You sighed and gripped the steering wheel a little tighter. Thankfully you worked in town so you had a very short drive. Once you got home and stepped inside you took a deep calming breathe of the eucalyptus that was currently wafting through the house. Shuffling into the kitchen you thought out loud, "Hmm, frozen pizza for dinner tonight? I think yes." You took the box out the freezer and set the oven to preheat. While you were waiting on the oven you went to your room to change out of your work clothes into pajamas. Living alone did have its advantages. You didn't have to worry about anyone accidentally walking in on you, or hearing you make any noises.

Reading was your biggest escape. Of course you liked to watch Disney movies and cartoons, your favorite artists YouTube channels, but sometimes it was hard to focus enough to watch. Your mind tended to wander to other things. After changing your clothes, you grabbed your phone and settled into bed to read one of your favorite stories. You had read the whole thing and it was completed a while ago, but you liked to go back revisit the really good chapters. Reading these stories was also your only outlet, and the only way for you to relax and get some relief after a long and stressful work day. You had one toy that you used frequently (and bought in secret because your friends would never let you hear the end of it) to help you on your lonely nights. After reading the story for a bit you sighed and set your phone down, imagining a man on top of you. You hadn't been with anyone in a while, and your thoughts raced with fantasies. A man pinning you down and kissing you all over. Or maybe you sitting on top of him and taking control, making him follow your every command. The people you had been with did the bare minimum to get themselves off and you were just left there after. You hadn't really had the chance to explore with anyone, and wondered if you had another persona buried deep down. For now, you just closed your eyes, and imagined.

Big, strong hands were stroking your soft skin. You were arching into the touch and letting out pleased little sounds. The man above you was large, with a strong chest and broad shoulders.Your legs were tangled together, and you could feel the bulge of his hard cock on your clothed core. He was slowly grinding on top of you while peppering your neck with kisses and little bites, leaving a trail of hickies in his wake. "More, more" you pleaded. The man above you paused his movements to look at you. He was all sharp angles; high cheek bones and a sharp jawline, with the hint of a dimple peeking out his cheek. His full lips were red and kiss swollen and his eyes held so much promise. "Anything you want, noona" he said huskily and went back to kissing your neck. You writhed underneath him, holding onto his back and pulling him closer. He continued to kiss your neck, then moved to place gentle kisses along your collarbones, moving farther down your chest. He stopped his movements again to place a heated kiss on your lips, tongue pressing into your mouth to get a taste. You both moaned and he pushed his cock into your core again, seeking your permission. "Please, please give it to me," you said gasping. He just smiled as his hand went to ghost over your underwear.


The sound of the oven broke you out of your reverie. With a huff you stood and and could feel the slight wetness in your underwear. With another huff you went to the bathroom to clean up before going to the kitchen. Walking into the kitchen, you took the pizza out and put it in the oven and set the timer. Grabbing a bottle of pomegranate soju out the fridge and a small glass from the cabinet, you went to the living room to find something to watch while you ate. Suddenly, you heard noises coming from outside. You lived across from a cornfield and a small forest and you occasionally heard animal noises as they tended to carry across the open field. You lived in an established neighborhood with houses all along the street, its not like you were in the middle of nowhere and weren't used to hearing animals at night. But these sounded different. Almost as if they were crying out for help. You walked to the front window, and looked out, listening. It was pitch dark, but you swore you could see some lighter shadows moving along the tree line. Your eyes were starting to hurt with strain from watching for so long. The shadows continued to move just at the edge of the forest, almost like they were afraid to come out of the trees. Suddenly the oven beeped again and you nearly jumped out of your skin. You hadn't realized you were looking out the window for so long. Rubbing your eyes and shaking off your nerves. You looked out the window again. The shadows were gone, and everything was quiet again. You closed the curtains and went to get your pizza. What a long day. It was time to sit down and really relax.


Running, running, running. That is all that was going through their minds. They had to keep going. Hands hanging onto each other and pulling each other through the darkness of the forest. They could feel the others behind them, almost at their heels it seemed. Running. Gasping for air, lungs straining. Two boys, closer to men, holding onto each other for dear life. One tall and broad, the other small and lithe. 'Keep going, just keep going' the taller one said. The smaller boy could only whimper in reply as he kept running along side the other. They kept running, tripping over roots, faces getting scratched on love hanging branches. The smaller boy continued to whimper, his tiny hand wrapped up in the taller boys, gripping it for dear life. Suddenly they both tripped and fell into a small river. The water was cold as ice and took their breathe away. They sat there for a tense moment trying to get back up, but exhaustion and cold were creeping in. The taller boy let out a loud cry of help. It echoed into the night, unanswered. The taller boy continued to howl, while the smaller boy shakily stood up and let out a cry of his own.Their cries were filled with desperation. They both collapsed from the strain, wasting precious seconds. The taller boy shakily got to his feet, and tried to pull the smaller with him, but the boy went limp in his arms. "Come on, we have to keep going" the tall boy said, voice raw. The other boy whimpered again and said "I-I c-can't. I'm so tired. Leave me. I'll hide. They won't catch both of us." The taller boy nearly fell over at what the other said. "No, NO. We've been through too much. I won't leave you now." He tried to pull the smaller boy up again, but he wouldn't budge. "GO, NOW. I promise I'll find you again. Now keep running, please." The smaller boy was crying now, and the other boys heart was breaking. He cupped the smaller boys face, and put their foreheads together. "I will find you again. Hide." With tears in his eyes, he kissed the smaller boys lips. He whimpered, and they stood up together, savoring their last few seconds. Both crying now, they separated. The sounds of running and voices were once again closing in on the two. With one last look at each other, they ran in separate directions. The taller boy could barely see with the tears streaming down his face. Up ahead, he could see the lights of a neighborhood, and hopefully someone that could help. Behind him, the smaller boy seemed to find new strength in his sorrow. He was running at full tilt now, almost seeming to shift. He let out another cry, but this one was filled with anger and sadness. He was mourning the loss of the other boy, but he was going to do whatever he could to lead the others away from him. Now, he had to run, hide, and wait.

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