Gentle Touch

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You had yet to tell anyone about Namjoon. It had been a week since you discovered him on your back porch. Your friends kept asking you to hang out and you kept coming up with excuses to avoid them. They were constantly asking if you were ok, or if you had anything going on. You assured them that everything was fine. But you were getting anxious. You couldn't keep him a secret forever. And Namjoon was getting stir crazy. He was like a dog, always standing by the back door begging to go out, but you were nervous and didn't want anyone to see him. He couldn't stay inside forever. Eventually you'd have to at least take him to the store with you or maybe just a walk around the block. He also needed more clothes. He had went through all the spare ones you had, and it's not like you couldn't wash them. But they weren't his size and he was getting uncomfortable. You knew you had to go out and get him some basics at least; t-shirts, sweatpants, jeans, socks, underwear. Shit. He needed underwear. The thought made you blush. It was just underwear. And what lay underneath them. Something you hadn't seen or felt in a long time. Suddenly you felt like a horny teenage girl again. Who the hell gets flustered thinking about mens underwear? You shook your head and snapped out of it. You had been standing in the middle of the kitchen, lost in your thoughts. Namjoon seemed to sense your anxiety, because he padded into the kitchen looking for you. "Noona? Whats wrong?" He had started calling you that at some point during the week, and it was cute. Also worked when you weren't in that new headspace that he seemed to bring out in you. God, when your friends found out that you had a mommy kink they would never let you live it down. "Oh, I was just thinking that we may need to go out to the store. You need some clothes of your own. And I know you have been dying to get out of the house." Namjoon instantly perked up, ears standing up and fluffy tail wagging excitedly. "Really?? We get to go out?" He was practically jumping with excitement, you were afraid he was going to bump his head on the ceiling. You loved seeing him so excited, the smile really lit up his face and showed his dimples. But then you got worried again. Namjoon was so tall and hard to miss. He would draw a lot of attention. His ears would be was enough to hide, just put a hat over his fluffy head. The tail though? Not sure how you were going to manage that. Once again sensing your worry, Namjoon stopped his movements and stood in front of you. Worry was now etched on his face when a moment ago he was excited. Slowly he ran his hands up your arms to your shoulders. You shivered at his touch. The two of you had started sleeping in your bed together, but had yet to actually touch each other in any real way. A few kisses here and there. You had hinted at it, but it had been so long you felt like you didn't know what the hell you were doing. Namjoon then put his arms around you and brought your head to his chest, and almost on instinct you put your hands around his waist. You breathed in his scent, and calmed yourself down. He was rubbing your back and breathing steady, solid chest rising and falling beneath you. It was just a hug. It shouldn't have excited you that much. Your hands started touching up his broad back and Namjoon stiffened a bit under your touch. "I-is this ok, Joonie?" you asked quietly. Why the hell were you acting so shy? Where was the mommy kink?? He relaxed again and said into your ear, "Yes, noona. It's ok. I-I like feeling your hands on me." He sounded a little breathless. You guys were literally just hugging, like it was a middle school dance. You felt slightly ridiculous, but clearly you both enjoyed this simple touch. "I like to touch you, you feel so warm and solid under my hands." You pulled away from him a bit now and brought your hands to his chest, your favorite place on him to touch. God, what a perfect chest he had. The way they sloped under the too small t-shirt was absolutely fantastic. You slowly ran your hands over the planes of his chest. Namjoon was watching you intently, head slightly tilted. His tongue was peeking out a bit to wet his lips. You saw the movement in your peripheral vision and looked up at him. You wanted a taste of those lips again. Hybrid senes struck again. Namjoon brought one of his hands up to cup your cheek and turn your head slightly. You leaned into his touch and let him lead you. Your lips touched, gently at first. Then Namjoon took a breathe and pushed his tongue into your mouth. You let out a little "mmff"and let him dominate. He always tasted so sweet. How? Science or something. It didn't matter. He was delicious. His hands went down to your waist to pull you closer to him, and you felt it. When did he put a banana in his pocket? Oh. Oh shit. He was hard. Just from kissing you. Suddenly you felt dizzy. You pulled away, hands still on his chest to steady yourself. Namjoon looked slightly dazed, his lips red and wet from kissing. "Are you ok?" he asked quietly. "Y-yes. Yes I am ok, Joonie. You just, Wow. You make me feel things I haven't felt in a long time. I was a bit overwhelmed that's all." Stupid, you felt shy again. Taking a page out of your book, Namjoon put a finger under your chin to make him look at you. You were met with puppy eyes and a soft smile. "I understand, noona. I feel the same. It's been a long time since I, uhh" he trailed off and you both looked down at the tent he was pitching in his pants. You couldn't help it. You let out a laugh. For a moment, Namjoon was confused. But, seeing you laughing eased him. He let out a laugh of his own. Still wrapped in each others arms, you said, "Ok, lets get our shit together and go out. We have some shopping to do."

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